Envisioning a Just City – Event Promo


Envisioning a Just City: Climate and Racial Justice in Urban Planning

Thursday, February 25, 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Register for the Zoom link here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/envisioning-a-just-city-climate-and-racial-justice-in-urban-planning-tickets-141861309997?fbclid=IwAR3oLegvZpBDxP79-9IkYC8DBpOY5nbzgO_SllRmCbwQ0VA1_iwzE-aFJ7o

Join the Climate Hub, CAPACity, and the Planning Students Association for an evening envisioning a just city and exploring racial and climate justice in urban planning! We will be addressing the anti-Black and anti-Indigenous planning practices that have marked Vancouver and have been worsened by the disproportionate effects of the climate crisis.

Our discussion will unpack what it means to build and strengthen respectful relationships with Black and Indigenous communities, to reimagine inclusive urban spaces, to share valuable expertise and build more equitable cities in the face of climate change.

We will be joined by 3 amazing planning experts who will share their knowledge and experience surrounding this topic:
SCARP’s Dr. Maggie Low,
Black Mutual Aid BC’s Jahmira Lovemore White, and
Kwi Awt Stelmexw’s Salia Joseph, St’a????̱????́????????????????????.

Thank you,


Pablo Akira Beimler

MCRP Student (2021) | School of Community and Regional Planning
Academic Engagement Lead | UBC Climate Hub

Research Assistant | Resilient-C
University of British Columbia, Vancouver


On the unceded, traditional, ancestral territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and səl̓ílwətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.


pbeimler@gmail.com | pablo.akira@alumni.ubc.ca | pbeimler@mail.ubc.ca

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