TA position for FNH 415


TA Announcement

Position: Teaching Assistant (2 positions available)

Course: FNH 415: Business Concepts in Food, Nutrition & Health

Term: 2021/2022 W1 (September-December 2021)

Total hours for position: 135 for the whole semester (split between 2 people; exact split to be determined based on strengths/availability of successful applicants)

Job Description: The Teaching Assistant will be responsible for grading written assignments, clarifying course concepts and assignment requirements with students, and setting up Quizzes or similar tasks in Canvas. A general understanding of business concepts, and/or previous completion of FNH 415, is needed.

PLEASE NOTE: FNH 415 will be taught online this semester – on-campus attendance is NOT required.

If you are interested, please email Jessica.oman@sauder.ubc.ca with a resume and a brief description of your interest in, and qualifications for, this position.

Application deadline: June 1, 2021

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