Call-out for Graduate Student/PDF Representatives: LFS Strategic Plan


Call-out for Graduate Student/PDF Representatives: LFS Strategic Plan

The UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems (LFS) renewed its strategic plan in March 2021. As we begin rolling out this five-year plan, we invite graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) to participate to ensure their constituency is involved in decisions at the Faculty level.

We invite graduate students and PDFs who want to join the strategic plan implementation committee to email us (by June 23) stating your interest in serving as a Graduate Student/PDF Representative. Specifically, we are looking to fill two positions in the areas of Transformative Learning and Research Excellence.

Role and time commitment

As a Graduate Student/PDF Representative, you would be a champion, bringing the voice of graduate students and PDFs to the attention of senior administration, and helping shape the course of our strategic plan activities.

You will work alongside faculty and staff as a lead for either Transformative Learning or Research Excellence. You would bring insight to establishing success metrics, support mobilizing actions for the first two years as we move to successfully meet metrics and goals, identify challenges and suggest course corrections, and identify for the Program Manager metrics and success stories related to graduate students and PDFs.

Expected length of term is for a minimum of one year, with two years preferable. Strategic plan meetings will be quarterly and there may be time commitment between these meetings with your area leads, or to mobilize activities on a project-by-project basis.

About the Strategic plan

The Strategic plan, called the LFS Action Plan 2021-2026 has four pillars aligned with the university’s Strategic plan, Shaping UBC’s Next Century: People and Places, Transformative Learning, Research Excellence, Local and Global Engagement.

Our Vision is Balancing our food system and planetary health to create a better world. The Faculty has identified five priority areas based on areas of strengths among our researchers, and based on UN Sustainable Development Goals. To read the full document, we invite you to view the Action Plan online:

Contact us!


If you are interested in joining the Strategic plan implementation committee as a Graduate Student/PDF Representative send an email by Wednesday, June 23, 2021 to Karen Lee: or call 604-312-6343. Thanks for your consideration.




Karen Lee  (She, Her, Hers)
Director of Marketing and Communications
Faculty of Land and Food Systems | Room 235
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
H.R. MacMillan, 2357 Main Mall | Vancouver British Columbia | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Phone 604 827 5297 | Cell 604 312 6343 | @ubcLFS


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