new_examination_Chair_Thesis Defense – FOOD – MSc – Marlen Petersen


UBC – Faculty of Land and Food Systems Announces  The Oral Examination for the Degree of
Master of Science (FOOD)

Marlen Petersen

“Rapid determination of viable but non-culturable Campylobacter jejuni in agri-food

products by loop-mediated isothermal amplification coupling propidium monoazide treatment”

9:00 AM on Wednesday, August 4th, 2021


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Chair: Dr. V. Measday

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. X. Lu – Supervisor
Dr. C. Scaman – Co-Supervisor
Dr. M. Chiao – Committee member
Dr. S. Hallam – Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. X. Lu – Supervisor
Dr. S. Hallam – Committee member
Dr. S. Castellarin – External

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