If UBC Vancouver students are affected by B.C.’s recent flooding and need urgent financial support – if they are stranded or have lost personal goods, for instance – Student Services has provided an update on who students can contact. They can get in touch with their Enrolment Services Advisor to ask about emergency relief funds. This applies to undergraduate students, graduate and postgraduate students. This link provides further information:
Please share this with students and we’ll post this on LFS social media.
Ronaldo – including you in case students living in Agassiz have been impacted.
Karen Lee (She, Her, Hers)
Director of Marketing and Communications
Faculty of Land and Food Systems | Room 235
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
H.R. MacMillan, 2357 Main Mall | Vancouver British Columbia | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Phone 604 827 5297 | Cell 604 312 6343
karen.lee98@ubc.ca | @ubcLFS