RES 500C: Advanced Topics in Conservation Biology


*** Course Announcement- Term 2 – 2022***

We are very pleased to announce that RES 500C is open to graduate students in all departments, please feel free to sign up if you are interested:

RES 500C:  Advanced Topics in Conservation Biology

Mondays, 1 – 4 PM; AERL Rm 107

Course Description

This course is a graduate level seminar with lecture and discussion covering advanced topics in conservation of biological diversity.   We will read a mixture of foundational as well as recent papers covering a range of current topics within Conservation Science.  One of the most exciting aspects of the course is that students will have the opportunity to work in interdisciplinary teams on an active conservation project, commissioned by international and local NGOs.   Students will prepare deliverables that will help these organizations in their current on-the-ground work, under the guidance of the instructor and the project lead(s) from respective NGOs.    A list of this year’s projects is noted below.  Group projects represent an exciting and unique opportunity to learn while contributing to conservation, and can lead to future projects or co-authored publications, resumé-building and networking.  Students will also gain experience leading discussions and developing interactive class exercises.

All graduate students with some background in ecology and a strong interest in conservation are welcome.  4th year undergraduates may request enrollment with consent of instructor. Students with any prior experience in GIS, remote-sensing, OR other quantitative modeling skills, OR social sciences/qualitative coding, OR indigenous knowledge systems,  project management, conservation finance, wildlife or plant ecology, science communications, or literature review are particularly encouraged to enroll.  All departments welcome also.

2022 projects (partial list):

 Nature Conservancy Canada

  1. An analysis of two-eyed seeing approaches to conservation prioritization frameworks to help inform conservation planning work at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)
  2. Exploring the intersection of conservation financing and Indigenous conservation at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)

Canadian Wildlife Federation

  1. Assessing the availability of and temporal changes to Monarch butterfly nectaring habitat in south-eastern Ontario

UBC Botanical Garden/CGIAR/USDA

  1. Berries of the Pacific Northwest: Conservation in a Changing Climate

The Nature Conservancy (US)/UBC Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions (IBioS) program

  1. Using connectivity to prioritize area-based conservation for community conservancies in Kenya

Canadian Parks Collective for Innovation and Leadership (CPCIL)


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