Climate Hub Graduate Student Opportunities


Two paid opportunities for UBC graduate students:

1. The Climate Justice Research Collaborative is hiring 4 Graduate Academic Assistants (GAAs) for the 2022-2023 academic year!

GAAs play a key role in the CJRC program, providing support, mentorship, facilitation, and coordination for undergraduate students’ research projects and learning. Incumbents will join an interdisciplinary team of 5 GAAs with diverse academic experience. Ideal candidates will have previous experience with interdisciplinary research, data collection and analysis, and mentorship, as well as an understanding of climate justice.

Please find the full job description here: Resumes and cover letters will be accepted through UBC Careers Online until 11:59pm on August 2nd.

  1. The Climate Teaching Connector is looking for lecturers!

    The Climate Teaching Connector (CTC), a collaboration between the UBC Climate Hub and the UBC Sustainability Hub, is recruiting UBC graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with teaching experience and expertise in climate change-related topics. Incumbents will join a cohort of Climate Experts delivering paid guest lectures in undergraduate classes throughout the academic year. This is an open call, with a particular focus on Indigenous UBC grad students/postdocs from any program and grad students/postdocs in Engineering programs.

    Applications are due at 11:59pm PST on Thursday, July 28th:




Please let me know if you have any questions.

With thanks and best wishes,



Kaylie D. Higgs (she/they)
MPhil, BSc, AA
UBC Climate Hub Projects Administrator


This email was sent from the unceded homelands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam people), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh Nation) where I currently live as a settler and life-long un/learner.

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