Announcement re: Call for abstracts for Crossroads Interdisciplinary Health Research Conference 2023


Good afternoon,

Abstract submissions for Crossroads 2023 are now open! Submissions will close on January 6, 2023. We are asking for your assistance to spread the word. Could you please forward the following information to student researchers (undergraduate, graduate, or post-doctoral) in your department?

The 19th Annual Crossroads Interdisciplinary Health Research Conference is happening on March 10-11th, 2023 at the Halifax Central Library and Dalhousie University’s Collaborative Health Education Building (CHEB) in Halifax, NS. Crossroads is a student-led health research conference hosted by the School of Health and Human Performance Graduate Student Society. Over the course of the conference, two panel discussions will be held, covering the digitalization of health and breaking down systemic barriers for marginalized populations. There will also be the opportunity to participate in one of two interactive workshops on photovoice/photo-elicitation research methods and trauma awareness. On the second day of the conference, students will have the opportunity to present their research in either an oral or poster format.

We will be accepting abstracts for poster and oral presentations from students working on any health-related project, at any stage (e.g., proposal, preliminary analysis, completed),and affiliated with any department (e.g., health professions, business, engineering, social sciences, etc.). For more information, or to submit an abstract, please visit our website:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Crossroads 2023 Co-chairs, Joshua Yusuf and Michaela Title,at



Michelle Lincoln (She/Her), Promotions and Communications, Lead

Crossroads Planning Committee
Dalhousie University
Stairs House, 6230 South Street
PO Box 15000 Halifax NS, B3H 4R2

Dalhousie University is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. We are all Treaty people.
We acknowledge the histories, contributions, and legacies of the African Nova Scotian people and communities who have been here for over 400 years.

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