Food Science Careers in Academia – Panel Discussion


Subject: Food Science Careers in Academia – Panel Discussion

IFT’s Education, Extension and Outreach Division will be hosting a panel discussion on January 24th from 2 – 3 pm CT that will discuss careers in academia including teaching, research, and extension-focused faculty positions. Come to learn more about these career paths in food science and bring questions for an open Q&A session following the panel discussion.

Learning Objectives:

  • To gain a better understanding academic career: including different balances of teaching, research, and extension, challenges, and tips for success
  • To provide practical insights for undergrad, graduate and post-graduates interested in these careers

Panelist Information:

In this session, you’ll hear from panelists Dr. Dawn Bohn (Teaching Associate Professor; University of Illinois), Dr. Abby Snyder (Associate Professor; Cornell University), and Dr. Darryl Holliday (Associate Professor; University of Holy Cross)

Register here!

Patricia Hingston, PhD
Assistant Professor of Teaching

Food Science | Food, Nutrition and Health Program | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | Musqueam Traditional Territory
Room 223 – MacMillan Building – 2357 Main Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Office: (604) 827-1604 | Cell: (604) 363-2110

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