Join us at Ignite Series: Agriculture – Igniting Your Passion for Agriculture and Unleashing Your Potential


Dear UBC Land and Food Systems faculty, staff and associates,

I hope this email finds you well. I am Prama from the Knowledge Mobilization Team at Research Impact Canada. We are a partner of Future Skills Center, and we strive to support organizations active within the workforce development sector across Canada.

I wanted to reach out and inform you about an upcoming online event: Ignite Series: Agriculture that may be of interest to you. We are hosting a webinar on June 15th that will explore programs, strategies and innovations in Agriculture. Participants will hear from top organisations including the Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council, Young Agrarians, and Agritech North. This is a great opportunity to gain insights, ask questions, and connect with Agriculture-specific peers from across Canada.

To learn more and to register:

If you have any questions or need further information about the event, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Warm regards,



Prama Rahman

Knowledge Mobilization Specialist | Spécialiste de la mobilisation des connaissances

Research Impact Canada | Réseau Impact Recherche Canada

York University – Kaneff Tower 625A • 4700 Keele Street


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