Research at Work: Science Policy 101 Workshop Series


Have you ever wondered how your research and experience can be put to work to encourage change? Are you curious about where you may fit into the science-policy interface? The Toronto Science Policy Network (TSPN), a student-run science policy group at the University of Toronto, is happy to announce our new event, “Research at Work: Science Policy 101 Workshop Series” being held virtually this month.

You can register for free at

The immense challenges we face in society can only be solved with the evidence provided by science. It is critical that research trainees and experts like you engage with the issues and get involved! While moving between the academic and policy worlds can seem daunting, our Research At Work series will introduce you to relevant topics and give you the tools to start on this exciting and worthwhile journey! This interactive series will teach you about both sides of the science policy interface – Science for Policy & Policy for Science.

 Research At Work 1: Science for Policy: Evidence to Drive Decision Making led by Dr. Jeff Kinder (30 years’ experience in government STI policy).
Date: Thursday, July 13, 2023 – 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

 Research At Work 2: Policy for Science: Embedding the Principles of EDI into the Research Ecosystem led by Dr. Imogen R. Coe (professor and founding dean of the Faculty of Science at Toronto Metropolitan University & affiliate scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto).
Date: Thursday, July 20, 2023 – 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

​Each workshop will consist of (1) an introduction to the topic; (2) a talk by our expert speaker where they will share insights; and (3) an interactive group case study or discussion where we will seek to implement what we’ve learned to solve science policy challenges inspired by our experts’ real-life experiences. Check out the event link for more details on each of the individual events, to read about our amazing speakers, and to register for free. Those who attend both workshops will be entered for a chance to win one of four $25 Tim Hortons gift cards!

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