Upcoming webinars for Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week 2023


Graphic image of CMAW "Stronger Together" theme and logo

Canadian Malnutrition Awareness WeekTM 

Webinar Line-up


Thursday, September 28 | 12:00pm – 1:15pm ET
How to Spread & Sustain Awareness of Malnutrition
Society Partner
ASPEN logo
This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​
Monday, October 2 | 1:00pm – 2:15pm ET
Transdisciplinary Approaches for Hospital Malnutrition Care
This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​
Tuesday, October 3 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm ET
Screening and treatment for malnutrition in children: the Dutch approach
This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​
Wednesday, October 4 | 12:00pm – 1:15 pm ET
Experiences with nutrition risk screening in the community: a multidisciplinary panel
Webinar sponsored by
Abbott logo
This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​
Thursday, October 5 | 12:00pm – 1:15pm ET
Resident Centred Care for Food-It takes a team!
Webinar sponsored by
apetito HFS logo
This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​
Jeudi 5 octobre | 15h00 – 16h00 HNE
Approches multidisciplinaires de lutte contre la malnutrition chez les patients hospitalisés
Ce webinaire est donné en français / This webinar is presented in French
Friday, October 6 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm ET
Specialized Nutrition Care- Addressing malnutrition through nutrition support
Webinar sponsored by
Nestle Health Science logo
This webinar is presented in English / Ce webinaire sera présenté en Anglais​

CMAW Partners

CMTF would like to thank our partners for their support of Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week 2023 – Stronger Together.

Proud Visionary Sponsor

Society Partner

Other Sponsors

Merci à notre partenaires

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