G+PS statement In support of inclusive education at UBC


In light of the events happening around Canada today, UBC Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies wishes to express unwavering support for and commitment to inclusive education, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). As an educational institution, we’ve seen firsthand the benefit and importance of embracing and celebrating the principles of SOGI both within our community and beyond in order to create a safe space for students, faculty and staff to thrive academically and socially.

We are very concerned to hear of any human-rights based discrimination, and encourage our students, faculty and staff to uphold and support our 2SLGBTQIA+ students and communities. UBC is committed to responding to, and addressing, any concerns of human rights-based discrimination. If you are experiencing hate or discrimination, or if you witness discrimination, support is available. Below is a list of available supports and resources at UBC:

Please feel free to share with your staff or students not on this list; this message will be posted shortly on our website and community forum.

Thank you,


Jessica Heikkila Woolman (hear it pronounced) MLIS (She/Hers)
Communications Manager

Office of the Dean and Vice-Provost | Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
174-6371 Crescent Rd | Vancouver BC | V6T1Z1 Canada
Phone 604 822 3747 | Cell 604 786 2284
jessica.woolman@ubc.ca | grad.ubc.ca | postdocs.ubc.ca

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