Join us for “The Nutrition Infodemic” Mini Virtual Conference


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The Nutrition Infodemic: 
Providing Evidence-based Nutrition Information to the Masses

Join us on November 15th, 2023 for our Mini Virtual Conference! #CNSVIRTUALCONF23

Discover evidence-based solutions from experts in the field. Social media offers a platform to share complex nutrition research with the public, yet navigating misinformation poses challenges for experts and the public. This mini conference will address conflicting nutrition information and proposes strategies to clarify credible sources. A concluding panel discusses combatting misinformation and advocating for accurate nutrition education.

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with leading experts and thought-provoking discussions. Register now to secure your spot!


Melissa Fernandez, RD, PhD – University of Ottawa

Andrea Josse, PhD – York University

Session Highlights:

  • Explore the state of misinformation research on social media with Anne Oeldorf-Hirch, PhD from the University of Connecticut.
  • Gain insights into food myths and media perceptions with Joe Schwarcz, PhD from McGill University, as he separates sense from nonsense in his presentation, “Yikes! There are cockroaches in my chocolate ice cream!”
  • Learn to shine as a “Nutrition Lighthouse” in the world of social media with Nishta Saxena, MSc, RDN – Nutritionist and Owner of Vibrant Nutrition.

Engage in a thought-provoking panel discussion on the topic of “Combatting Nutrition Misinformation and Moving Forward”.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this mini conference, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the scope of conflicting information, misinformation, and disinformation in nutrition and its potential impacts on public health.
  2. Outline strategies and potential solutions to address nutrition mis/disinformation.

Review knowledge translation plans to minimize public confusion.

For More Information and to Register Click Here


L’infodémie en nutrition :
Fournir aux masses des informations nutritionnelles fondées sur des données probantes

Rejoignez-nous le 15 novembre 2023 pour notre Mini Conférence Virtuelle ! #CNSVIRTUALCONF23

Découvrez des solutions fondées sur des preuves par des experts du domaine. Les médias sociaux offrent une plateforme pour partager des recherches nutritionnelles complexes avec le public, mais naviguer dans la désinformation pose des défis tant pour les experts que pour le public. Cette mini-conférence abordera les informations nutritionnelles contradictoires et proposera des stratégies pour clarifier les sources crédibles. Une table ronde concluante abordera la lutte contre la désinformation et la promotion d’une éducation nutritionnelle précise.

Ne manquez pas cette opportunité d’échanger avec des experts de premier plan et des discussions stimulantes. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour réserver votre place!


Melissa Fernandez, RD, PhD – University of Ottawa

Andrea Josse, PhD – York University

Points forts de la session :

  • Explorez l’état de la recherche sur la désinformation sur les médias sociaux avec Anne Oeldorf-Hirch, PhD de l’Université du Connecticut.
  • Obtenez des aperçus sur les mythes alimentaires et les perceptions médiatiques avec Joe Schwarcz, PhD de l’Université McGill, alors qu’il en séparant le sens de l’absurde dans sa présentation, “Oh non! Il y a des cafards dans ma glace au chocolat!”.
  • Apprenez à briller en tant que “phare de la nutrition” dans le monde des médias sociaux avec Nishta Saxena, MSc, RDN – nutritionniste et propriétaire de Vibrant Nutrition.

Participez à une discussion en groupe stimulante sur le thème “Lutter contre la désinformation en matière de nutrition et aller de l’avant”.

Objectifs d’apprentissage :

À l’issue de cette mini-conférence, les participants seront capables de :

  1. Reconnaître la portée des informations contradictoires, de la désinformation et de la mésinformation dans le domaine de la nutrition et leurs impacts potentiels sur la santé publique.
  2. Définir des stratégies et des solutions potentielles pour lutter contre la désinformation dans le domaine de la nutrition.

Examiner les plans d’application des connaissances afin de minimiser la confusion du public.

Pour plus d’informations et pour vous inscrire, cliquez ici.

Innovation Onboard


Dear Representatives of Food and Land Systems Department,


My name is Mariia and I am running an entrepreneurship program called Innovation Onboard. It is a UBC student-led startup program with a mission to empower students with entrepreneurial knowledge and facilitate connections between STEM and business students. We run workshops on entrepreneurship and also run a competition where students can pitch their ideas and get a chance to win up to 5K CAD in prizes. More information is on our website:


Would it be possible for you to share this information with your graduate students?

Here is the link for our first event:

Our LinkedIn page where we will post more information regarding future events:

Thank you,

Mariia Radaeva

PhD Candidate in Bioinformatics

President of Innovation Onboard

Reminder: The Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT): current trends and challenges


IOF SEMINAR – September 15, 2023
Welcome to our first FISH 500 Seminar of this academic year!

The Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT): current trends and challenges

Join us as world-renowned fisheries scientist, Dr Daniel Pauly discusses Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT).

GOLT provides mechanisms for key aspects of the biology (food conversion efficiency, growth and its response to temperature, the timing of maturation, and others) of water-breathing ectotherms (WBEs). The GOLT’s basic tenet is that the surface area of the gills or other respiratory surfaces of WBE cannot, as two-dimensional structures, supply them with sufficient oxygen to keep up with the growth of their three-dimensional bodies. Thus, a lower relative oxygen supply induces sexual maturation, and later a slowing and cessation of growth, along with an increase of physiological processes relying on glycolytic enzymes and a declining role of oxidative enzymes. Because the “dimensional tension” underlying this argument is widely misunderstood, emphasis is given to a detailed refutation of objections to the GOLT. This theory still needs to be put on a solid quantitative basis, which will occur after the misconceptions surrounding it are put to rest.

Source: Pauly D (2021) The gill-oxygen limitation theory (GOLT) and its critics. Science Advances 7(2): eabc6050 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc6050

Dr. Daniel Pauly is currently the Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us initiative, a large research project devoted to identifying and quantifying global fisheries trends. He is also a Killam professor at the University of British Columbia’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries.

The concepts, methods and software which Daniel Pauly led and co-developed are documented in over 1000 scientific and general-interest publications, and are used throughout the world. This applies to the Ecopath modelling approach and software and FishBase, the online encyclopedia of more than 30,000 fish species, which was recently complemented by SeaLifeBase. He is a recipient of numerous awards, including the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, the International Cosmos Prize, the Volvo Environment Prize, the Nierenberg Prize and the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology and Conservation Biology. He was named France’s Chevalier de la Legion D’Honneur in 2017.

Dr. Daniel Pauly
University Killam Professor, UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
Principal Investigator, Sea Around Us

Friday, September 15, 2023 – 11:00am  – 12 noon
Hybrid: In-person (AERL Theatre, UBC Vancouver) &
Online: over Zoom

IOF community members (students, faculty and staff) do not need to RSVP for this seminar series.

UBC members, alumni, and all others, please RSVP at:


Get Ready for Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week 2023!


Graphic image of CMAW "Stronger Together" theme and logo

Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week
October 2-6, 2023

The Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF) is proud to present
Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week™ (CMAW), that is taking place from October 2-6, 2023!

The 2023 CMAW theme this is “Stronger Together” focuses on addressing specific team-based strategies across various healthcare settings. We hope you plan to participate in the daily webinars, access our resources, and help us to spread the word and raise awareness about this important week.

Webinars | Infographics | Partners | Resources Buzz Kit

Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week™ is an educational and promotional campaign presented by the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF), a standing committee of the Canadian Nutrition Society, and the national voice for the prevention, detection, and treatment of malnutrition across Canada.

The aim of CMAW is to enhance understanding, awareness and the opportunity for action among clinicians, healthcare providers and consumers around malnutrition by providing knowledge on the latest research and best practices for nutrition care.


Graphic image of Plus forts ensemble logo

Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition
du 2 au 6 octobre 2023

Le Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition (GTCM) est fier de vous présenter la Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition 2023, du 2 au 6 octobre ! Le thème de la Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition 2023 est ” Plus forts ensemble“, et met l’accent sur des stratégies spécifiques dans divers environnements de soins de santé.

Webinaires | Infographies Les partenaires | Ressources Trousse publicitaire

La Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition est une campagne de sensibilisation et de promotion présentée par le Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition (GTCM), est le porte-parole national de la prévention, de la détection et du traitement de la malnutrition au Canada.

La Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition a pour objectif d’accroître les connaissances des cliniciens, des professionnels de la santé et des consommateurs au sujet de la malnutrition en offrant de l’information sur les toutes dernières recherches et les meilleures pratiques dans les soins nutritionnels.


ASPEN Malnutrition Awareness Week 2023

The American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) annual educational campaign, Malnutrition Awareness Week (MAW), Nutrition Care is Patient Right, is Sept 18-22. Check out ASPEN’s webinar schedule and other MAW events here. ASPEN is the official society partner for CMAW 2023 and we are delighted to announce that our joint CMTF-ASPEN webinar, “How to Spread & Sustain Awareness of Malnutrition”, will be held on September 28 2023.

Webinar Line-up / Calendrier des webinaires

Thursday, September 28 | 12:00pm – 1:15pm ET
Jeudi 28 septembre | 12h00 – 13h15 HNE
Joint webinar with ASPEN – How to Spread & Sustain Awareness of Malnutrition

Click here to register / Inscrivez-vous ici


Monday, October 2 | 1:00pm – 2:15pm ET
Lundi 2 octobre | 13h00 – 14h15 HNE
Transdisciplinary Approaches for Hospital Malnutrition Care

Click here to register / Inscrivez-vous ici


Tuesday, October 3 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm ET
Mardi 3 octobre | 12h00 – 13h00 HNE
Screening and treatment for malnutrition in children: the Dutch approach

Click here to register / Inscrivez-vous ici


Wednesday, October 4 | 12:00pm – 1:15 pm ET
Mercredi 4 octobre | 12h00 – 13h15 HNE
Experiences with nutrition risk screening in the community: a multidisciplinary panel

Click here to register / Inscrivez-vous ici


Thursday, October 5 | 12:00pm – 1:15pm ET
Jeudi 5 octobre | 12h00 – 13h15 HNE
Resident Centred Care for Food-It takes a team!

Click here to register / Inscrivez-vous ici


Thursday, October 5 | 3:00pm – 4:00pm ET
Jeudi 5 octobre | 15h00 – 16h00 HNE
Approches multidisciplinaires de lutte contre la malnutrition chez les patients hospitalisés
Ce webinaire est donné en français / This webinar is presented in French

Click here to register / Inscrivez-vous ici


Friday, October 6 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm ET
Vendredi 6 octobre | 12h00 – 13h00 HNE
Specialized Nutrition Care- Addressing malnutrition through nutrition support

Click here to register / Inscrivez-vous ici

Learn more and register for these webinars here


CMAW 2023 Buzz Kit

Check out our new Buzz Kit that has many resource to help you spread the word about CMAW and increase the awareness of malnutrition. Here is a sneak peek at some of these resources:

CMAW “Stronger Together” button/sticker template

Sample presentation slide deck

Sample presentation slide deck graphic showing first slide

Social media cards and sample social media content

Trousse publicitaire 2023

Le Groupe de travail canadien sur la malnutrition (GTCM) et la Société canadienne de nutrition (SCN) sont heureux de vous offrir gratuitement toute une gamme de ressources et d’outils, dont cette trousse publicitaire, afin de vous aider à passer le mot.

To see this year’s BUZZ KIT – Click here!


CMAW 2023 Infographics

The content for this year’s infographics was developed  by
CMTF’s Primary & Community Care and the Long Term Care & Food
Working Groups to support the theme :Stronger Together, in these settings.

These infographics can be downloaded and promoted with your colleagues, patients, and their families.

Available both in English and French 
Community Nurses Infographic imageResident Centred Infographic image

Les Infographies 2023

Nous sommes heureux de fournir cette ressource gratuite et téléchargeable qui a été développée pour soutenir notre thème de la Semaine canadienne de sensibilisation à la malnutrition 2023 : Plus Forts Ensemble.  Téléchargez les ressources infographies et diffusez‑les dans votre établissement.
Disponible en français et en anglais  

CMAW Partners

CMTF would like to thank our partners for their support of Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week 2023 – Stronger Together

Proud Visionary Sponsor

Society Partner

Other Partners

Merci à notre partenaires

Thesis Defense – Applied Animal Biology – MSc – Joseph Krahn



The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Master of Science
(Applied Animal Biology)

Joseph Krahn

“Agonistic interactions in dairy cattle”

Friday, September 15, 2023 – 10:00 AM

MacMillan 350



Chair: Dr. A. Frommel

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. M. von Keyserlingk – Supervisor
Dr. D. Weary – Committee member

Dr. S. Benson-Amram – Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. M. von Keyserlingk – Supervisor
Dr. S. Benson-Amram – Committee member

Dr. A. Protopopova – External