Upcoming CNS Webinar! Journal Publishing Workshop: Improve your chances of getting published


Journal Publishing Workshop: Improve your chances of getting published

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 | 13:00 – 14:00 ET

Click Here to Register for this Free Webinar!

Are you an author looking to enhance your scientific publishing skills?

Don’t miss our exclusive Author Workshop designed to empower researchers like you! Join us on Tuesday, September 26th to gain valuable insights into the publishing process, learn how to craft compelling manuscripts, and navigate the peer-review journey with confidence. This workshop is designed to help both seasoned researchers and those just starting their scientific careers.

  • Gain insights into what editors are looking for in manuscripts
  • Learn how to craft compelling titles and abstracts
  • Address reviewer comments effectively
  • Get practical tips for manuscript preparation
  • Explore effective strategies for journal selection
  • Promote your article on social media like a pro
  • And MORE!

Featured Speakers: 

Josephine E. Sciortino, MA, MPS, Editorial Director at Canadian Science Publishing
Tracy Fegan, BA, Journal Development Specialist, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism

Webinar moderated by Jo-Anna Baxter, PhD, Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto

After this webinar, attendees should be able to:

  1. Understand what APNM Editors are looking for in a successful journal article
  2. Comprehend the aspects of peer review
  3. Know what to do and what to avoid in preparing a submission
  4. Highlight the benefits of publishing and engaging with APNM, CNS’s official journal

Click to download the flyer and spread the word!

Click Here to Register!


EIW 2023: The Agenda Is Here!


The Agenda Is Live!
Register Now | Join us September 26-28, 2023 | In person and Online

Get tickets

Our Entrepreneurship Immersion Week Agenda is now live! Across three days, we will be focused on Climate and the Public Health Crisis, featuring a range of topics and formats to explore how we can collectively take action.

From fireside chats to panels and socials every night of EIW (!) – this is the season’s must-attend event. Stroll through the Innovation Showcase to meet entrepreneurs and researchers creating change across our community and meet the teams pitching at our first-ever Regional Ecosystem Showcase! Meet our growing speaker roster here.

View Full Agenda



Meet the top 10 ventures from around BC joining us at our first-ever Regional Ecosystem Showcase (RES)!

RES ventures are tackling problems ranging from intelligent water rescue and safe and accessible menstrual care to clean energy and healthcare efficiency, showing the range and scope of solutions being addressed across BC’s next most transformational startups.

These teams will be presenting at the Showcase on September 27 at UBC Robson Square.

Learn more

Have a venture or project that demonstrates solutions across climate, human health and impact?
Take part in our Innovation Showcase, our boothing corridor to showcase your amazing solutions and connect with attendees. Apply now

Entrepreneurship Immersion Week is brought to life by the support of dedicated sponsors and collaborators.


LCOY Panelist Outreach


Hello LFS Graduate Department,


We hope this email finds you well!

My name is Jastina and I am part of the organizing team for LCOY Canada 2023 and a fellow LFS member (undergraduate student)!


LCOY Canada 2023 is a youth-led climate change conference, operating under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Our conference provides a platform for Canadian youth (ages 15 – 35) and youth entities to share experiences, collaborate on climate action, strengthen networks, and advocate for youth policy demands. This national event will take place on Saturday, September 16th from 8:30AM – 4:30PM PT/11:30AM – 7:30PM ET in a hybrid event format combining in-person and virtual event elements, hosted by the Human and Nature Youth Club and the UBC Faculty of Forestry.

LCOY Canada

LCOY Canada 2023 16 September 2023 Hybrid



Asia Forest Research Centre | UBC Faculty of Forestry

Asia Forest Research Centre discover the magic of Forest who we are The Asia Forest Research Centre (AFRC) works as a cross-departmental entity within the UBC Faculty of Forestry, with the ability to manage numerous complex relations with a wide range of different institutions across Asia. programs and services Consulting and Tech Support AFRC […]


The organizing team has been following your impactful work in your community and would like to extend an invitation for you to join us as a panel session speaker at LCOY Canada.

The panel session is a dynamic and interactive discussion-based session, where youth from across the country engage with panelists on topics that are critical to our collective future. Each session lasts for approximately one hour and features 3-4 speakers.

We have identified several thematic areas where LCOY will look upon for discussion and we would be honoured if we could connect with some of your Graduate students or research assistants who would be willing to share their expertise on Food and Agriculture as a panelist.

If you know anyone who might be interested, it would be great if you could either forward our email to them or just give us their email and we will connect with them instead.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you for your time,

Jastina Maranjyan


Ivarson Agricultural Scholarships – Apply now!


Canadian Foundation for

2023 Ivarson Agricultural Scholarships Call for Applications

Please circulate to potential candidates

PhD Scholarship $17,000
Masters Scholarship $10,000

Guidelines and Forms at CFFAE.ca

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applications Deadline is October 15, 2023
  • Candidates must hold Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Resident status.
  • Candidates must be registered full-time in a masters or doctorate program in the area of agriculture or related discipline.
  • Candidates must be enrolled in their graduate program until at least one semester beyond the application deadline.
  • Previous recipients of this scholarship are not eligible for subsequent awards.

Candidates must be from the province of Alberta by meeting at least one of the following criteria. (“From the province of Alberta” is a qualifying criterion only and is not used as a scoring element in the selection of award recipients):

  • An applicant with a permanent residence in Alberta, Canada for a minimum of 12 months prior to the application deadline.
  • A student studying agriculture or a related discipline at an Alberta university.
  • A graduate of an Alberta high school or post-secondary institution but studying at a non-Alberta institution.
  • An applicant born in Alberta.
  • Significant knowledge of and attachment to Alberta, as demonstrated through a series of short-term residences including some primary or secondary schooling in Alberta.

Application Deadline is October 15, 2023

Visit CFFAE.ca for more info


Call for CNS 2024 Annual Conference Session Proposals


Call for CNS 2024 Annual Conference Session Proposals

Proposals are due Friday, October 20, 2023

The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) invites proposals for conference sessions that will ultimately help to form the program for our 2024 Annual Conference that is taking place in Edmonton, Alberta from May 2-4.
The success of the CNS conference year after year is due in part to the efforts of submissions by its members addressing timely and cutting-edge advances in nutritional sciences.

CNS encourages symposia that reflects the basic and clinical membership and the incorporation of these perspectives in our sessions. Four underlying themes are reflected in our conference program: biomedical, clinical, regulatory/policy, and community. Further, CNS is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the Society’s culture, operations and activities. As such we encourage submissions that include diversity in subject matter, as well as in speakers and moderators.

All conference session proposals are reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Proposed sessions will be objective and balanced.
  • Content will contribute to the field of nutritional sciences.
  • Sessions will meet the educational needs of conference attendees and complement the overall program.
  • Availability of credible speakers.
  • Fit within the overall conference program.
  • Applicability of knowledge translation. *

Knowledge Translation
CNS is enhancing its efforts to require the inclusion of a strong knowledge translation (i.e., guidance on how to apply to practice, key recommendations) component within each presentation. All session proposals request information about how knowledge translation guidance will be included within each presentation.

In selecting successful proposals, preference will be given to those submitted by CNS members in good standing.

Types of Conference Sessions

  • Concurrent sessions: these sessions are 75-minutes, which include a brief introduction, followed by two invited speakers and ideally one short abstract presentation selected by the session chairs from abstract/poster submissions. There are three concurrent sessions during each parallel time slot. *New for 2024 – CNS is exploring opportunities for Postdoctoral Scholars to express interest in presenting an abstract during sessions. More details will be forthcoming.
  • Plenary sessions: these sessions are usually 60-90 minutes. These sessions typically have no competing sessions.
  • Interactive sessions: These sessions may be in the form of panel discussions, “debate” or workshop-style sessions to allow for a focus on important topics of interest and ideally to support increased knowledge translation.
  • Sponsored Satellite Sessions: New for 2024, Sponsored Satellite Sessions provide opportunities for external groups, such as industry, commodity groups, or other relevant stakeholders, to host a session to showcase research findings and engage in dialogue with a dedicated nutrition science and practice community.
    For more information, please contact Andrea Grantham, CNS Executive Director. To view the CNS Sponsor Prospectus, CLICK HERE.

Preferred session option can be chosen from the list of format options within the submission tool. Note that CNS may also assign a session to a specific format (i.e., a session submitted as a concurrent may be offered as a plenary).

To submit a session

Proposals must be submitted using the CNS session submission portal.

Submit your proposal!


Appel à propositions pour le congrès annuel de 2024 !

Lepropositions doivent être soumises au plus tard vendredi
le 20 octobre, 2023

La Société canadienne de nutrition (SCN) sollicite des propositions de séances qui contribueront à former le programme de notre congrès annuel 2024 qui aura lieu à Edmonton, Alberta, du 2 au 4 mai.
Le succès du congrès de la SCN, année après année, est dû en partie aux efforts des soumissions de ses membres qui traitent des progrès opportuns et d’avant-garde dans les sciences de la nutrition.

La SCN encourage les symposiums qui reflètent les membres fondamentaux et cliniques et l’incorporation de ces perspectives dans nos séances. Quatre thèmes sous-jacents sont reflétés dans notre programme de congrès : biomédical, clinique, réglementaire/politique et communautaire. De plus, la SCN s’engage à respecter l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion dans tous les aspects de la culture, des opérations et des activités de la Société. C’est pourquoi nous encourageons les propositions qui intègrent la diversité dans les sujets traités, ainsi que dans les intervenants et les modérateurs.

Toutes les propositions de séances de congrès sont examinées sur la base des critères suivants :

  • Les séances proposées seront objectives et équilibrées.
  • Le contenu contribuera au domaine des sciences de la nutrition.
  • Les séances répondent aux besoins éducatifs des participants au congrès et complètent le programme global.
  • Disponibilité d’orateurs crédibles.
  • Intégration dans le programme global du congrès.
  • Applicabilité de la traduction des connaissances. *
* Traduction des connaissances
La SCN renforce ses efforts pour exiger l’inclusion d’une forte composante d’application des connaissances (c.-à-d. des conseils sur la façon d’appliquer à la pratique, des recommandations clés) dans chaque présentation. Toutes les propositions de séances demandent des informations sur la manière dont l’application des connaissances sera incluse dans chaque présentation.

Lors de la sélection des propositions retenues, la préférence sera donnée à celles soumises par des membres en règle de la SCN.

Types de sessions de la conférence

  • Séances simultanées : ces séances durent 75 minutes et comprennent une brève introduction, suivie de deux orateurs invités et, idéalement, d’une courte présentation de résumé sélectionnée par les présidents de session parmi les soumissions de résumés/affiches. Il y a trois sessions simultanées dans chaque tranche horaire parallèle. *Nouveauté pour 2024 – La SCN explore les possibilités pour les chercheurs postdoctoraux d’exprimer leur intérêt pour la présentation d’un résumé pendant les sessions. Plus de détails seront donnés prochainement.
  • Séances plénières : ces sessions durent généralement de 60 à 90 minutes. Ces sessions n’ont généralement pas de sessions concurrentes.
  • Séances interactives : Ces sessions peuvent prendre la forme de tables rondes, de “débats” ou de sessions de type atelier pour permettre de se concentrer sur des sujets d’intérêt importants et, idéalement, de favoriser l’application des connaissances.
  • Séances satellites parrainées : Nouveau pour 2024, les sessions satellites parrainées offrent des opportunités pour les groupes externes, tels que l’industrie, les groupes de produits ou d’autres parties prenantes pertinentes, d’organiser une session pour présenter les résultats de la recherche et engager un dialogue avec une communauté dédiée à la science et à la pratique de la nutrition. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter Andrea Grantham, directrice exécutive de la SCN. Pour consulter le prospectus des sponsors de la SCN, CLIQUEZ ICI. 

L’option de séances préférée peut être choisie à partir de la liste des options de format dans l’outil de soumission. Notez que la SCN peut également assigner une séance à un format spécifique (par exemple, une séance soumise en tant que séance simultanée peut être proposée en tant que séance plénière).

Comment soumettre une demande

Les propositions doivent être soumises en utilisant le portail de soumission des séances de la SCN.