Event Info | Invitation to a talk by Dr. Faisal Devji



We hope you are doing well and wish you a wonderful start to the Winter semester.


To start the term off, we invite you to join to a talk by Dr. Faisal Devji from Oxford on “Gandhi’s Silence” on September 8th, 2023, 2:00-4:00 PM at Asian Centre Auditorium. 


RSVP Here: https://forms.gle/phb3AQ9YJMg273Ee6


Dr. Devji is interested in the intellectual history and political thought of modern South Asia as well as in the emergence of Islam as a global category. He focuses on the cultural and philosophical meanings of violence and the emergence of non-violence as a political project.

The talk is part of the UBC South Asia Colloquium 2023-2024, sponsored by the Department of Asian Studies.


We hope to see you there!

Best Regards,


Malavika Kannan (She/Her/Hers)

Program Assistant

UBC Centre for India and South Asia Research (CISAR)

Institute of Asian Research | C.K. Choi Building, Room 251

1855 West Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z2 Canada

Tel 604 822 4688 | Fax 604 822 5207

cisar.iar@ubc.ca | cisar.iar.ubc.ca

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

New Episode of Nutrition Conversations! Artificial Intelligence in Nutrition Research? Between Promises and Reality with Dr. Benoît Lamarche (French)


Nouvel épisode de Conversations en Nutrition!

L’intelligence artificielle dans la recherche en nutrition? Entre promesses et réalité avec Dr Benoît Lamarche

La SCN a le plaisir d’annoncer la sortie de l’épisode 7 du podcast Conversations en Nutrition, avec le Dr Benoît Lamarche, conférencier invité, et le Dre Shirin Panahi, modératrice!

L’intelligence artificielle (IA) est un domaine en pleine évolution qui offre des possibilités inégalées de progrès et d’applications dans de nombreux domaines de la santé, y compris la nutrition. Le Dr Benoît Lamarche est professeur titulaire à l’École de nutrition de l’Université Laval et directeur scientifique du Centre de recherche sur la nutrition, la santé et la société (NUTRISS), financé par le FRQS. Il a publié plus de 425 articles évalués par des pairs sur des questions physiologiques, cliniques, épidémiologiques et de santé publique liées à l’alimentation et à la santé. Dans cet épisode, Dr Lamarche présentera de nouvelles perspectives sur le rôle de l’intelligence artificielle dans la recherche en nutrition.

*Veuillez noter que ce podcast est enregistré en français; cependant, vous pouvez voir le script en anglais.*

Épisode 7

L’intelligence artificielle dans la recherche en nutrition? Entre promesses et réalité avec Dr Benoît Lamarche

Dans cet épisode, le Dr. Lamarche discutera de nouvelles perspectives sur le rôle de l’intelligence artificielle dans la nutrition.

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New Episode of Nutrition Conversations!

Artificial Intelligence in Nutrition Research? Between Promises and Reality with Dr. Benoît Lamarche

CNS is pleased to announce the release of Episode 7 of the Nutrition Conversations Podcast featuring guest speaker Dr. Benoît Lamarche and moderator, Dr. Shirin Panahi!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that offers unparalleled opportunities for progress and applications in many areas of health, including nutrition. Dr. Benoît Lamarche is a Professor at the School of Nutrition at Université Laval and Scientific Director of the FRQS-funded Centre de recherche sur la nutrition, la santé et la société (NUTRISS). He has published over 425 peer-reviewed articles on physiological, clinical, epidemiological and public health issues related to diet and health. In this episode, Dr. Lamarche will provide some new perspectives on the role of artificial intelligence in nutrition research.

*Please note that this podcast has been recorded in French; however, you may view the script in English.*

Episode 7: 

Artificial Intelligence in Nutrition Research? Between Promises and Reality with Dr. Benoît Lamarche

In this episode, Dr. Lamarche will discuss new perspectives on the role of artificial intelligence in nutrition.

Listen on Google Podcasts

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English Transcript


We Want to Hear From You!

Thank you for being a valued listener of the CNS Nutrition Conversations podcast. We would appreciate your feedback to help us improve our podcast. We value your opinion and want to better understand our listeners.

Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey.

CLICK HERE to access the survey or scan the QR code!


Did you miss our last episode? Check it out here!

Episode 6:
Unpacking Canada’s Move Against Unhealthy Food Marketing to Children

In this episode, Dr. Ahmed discusses the restriction of marketing unhealthy foods to children.

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Listen on Spotify


Mark your calendar for upcoming episodes! #CNSPODCAST

We have multiple exciting episodes of Nutrition Conversations currently in the works, featuring esteemed experts in the field of nutrition and health. Our podcast, CNS Nutrition Conversations, releases a new episode at the end of each month. Make sure to stay tuned and subscribe to our podcast on Spotify or visit the CNS website to stay informed about our latest episodes.


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CCARM “Food for Thought” Seminar Series: Dr. Kashmira J. Gohil – TODAY at 11:00 am-12:00pm (Central Standard Time) -Online


Dr. Kashmira J. Gohil, (M.Pharm, PhD), Dean, Anand College of Pharmacy Sharda Group of Institutions (SGI), Sharda University Agra, India 

will be giving an in-person seminar on Thursday, August 24, 2023, from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (Central Standard Time).

Her seminar is entitled, Research on Bacopa monniera and Centella asiatica: Potential herbs in promoting health and wellness


Everyone is invited to attend.

Use the link below to join the Zoom Meeting


 If link above does not work, go into Zoom website, click Join:

Meeting ID: 829 2022 5189

Passcode: 214765


Julie Schoffner

Administrative Assistant
Canadian Centre for Agri-Food Research in Health and Medicine (CCARM)
St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre
& University of Manitoba
Room R2019 – 351 Taché  Avenue
Winnipeg, MB  R2H 2A6  CANADA

Email:  jschoffner2@sbrc.ca
Tel: 204.235.3455     Fax: 204.237.4018

Free Statistics Advice and Data Analysis Opportunity for Students


***Sent on behalf of Carolyn Taylor, Applied Statistics and Data Science Group (ASDa)***

Dear Graduate Program Staff,

Please feel free to share with your graduate students as appropriate:


Winter Term 1 (Sep-Dec 2023): under the supervision of a Statistics professor, graduate Statistics students will provide free project-specific consultations, including a report of recommendations, as part of their STAT 551 practicum consulting course. Submissions are accepted now until Oct 31. To apply, send a 1-page project description (see sample) to asda@stat.ubc.ca.

Winter Term 2 (Jan-Apr 2024): free data analysis can be requested from students taking STAT 450/550/540. Apply by Dec 14 and get your data ready by Jan 2024.

For more details, please visit the Dept. of Statistics website.


Carolyn Taylor (She, Her, Hers)
Managing Consultant
Applied Statistics and Data Science Group (ASDa) | Department of Statistics

The University of British Columbia | xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Traditional Territory

asda@stat.ubc.ca | https://asda.stat.ubc.ca | Phone 604 822 2924 | @AsdaUbc

Kelli Kiyomi Kadokawa (She, Her, Hers)
Graduate Program Support Manager
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies | Office of the Dean
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
170-6371 Crescent Road | Vancouver British Columbia | V6T 1Z2 Canada
Phone 604 822 6475
kelli.kadokawa@ubc.ca | www.grad.ubc.ca

The UBC Vancouver campus is situated within the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm Musqueam

Call for Applications – Sustainability Scholars Program (paid internships)



Please see below opportunity for UBC graduate students in your networks. You can also engage with posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Are you a UBC graduate student interested in the impacts of climate change on homeless and marginalised populations in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside?

Apply to be a UBC Sustainability Scholar and contribute to informing policy and identifying opportunities to advance climate action and justice in Vancouver.

Applications are due September 17, 2023 at midnight.

For information on available projects and to apply, visit the Scholars Program website.


Natalie Hawryshkewich (She, Her, Hers)

Communication and Engagement Specialist
Sustainability Hub
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability 2260 West Mall, 2nd Floor | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4
https://sustain.ubc.ca/hub | http://climateemergency.ubc.ca/

The UBC Vancouver campus is situated within the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam).

Learn more about our vision for a just and sustainable world, and our 5-year plan to bring it to life. sustain.ubc.ca/hub