Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) on September 23, 24 & Oct 1, 2023.


The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) will be offering a Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) on September 23, 24 & Oct 1, 2023.

The Grad ISW is a 24-hour, fully participatory, and peer-based professional development workshop for graduate students that is beneficial to both new and experienced instructors.

Please note: You must attend all face-to-face sessions and complete all independent work for the complete duration of the workshop, (i.e. the entire 24-hour workshop).

To apply for the waitlist for September 23, 24 & Oct 1, 2023 ISW click here:

Application opens on August 11 at 9 am and closes on September 20, 2023 at 4:30 pm. By clicking this link, you are applying for the WAITLIST only and this DOES NOT register you for the workshop. Graduate ISWs at UBC are in high demand. To create an equitable registration process all graduate students who apply for an ISW will first be enrolled on a waitlist, from which participants are randomly selected. If a participant has applied for more than one ISW waitlist, their name will appear more frequently when generating the participant list, giving them a higher chance of being selected for an ISW. If you are accepted into the workshop, you will be contacted by our office to confirm your registration. For more information and a list of all upcoming sessions visit:

Workshop Eligibility:

Please read the application process and workshop eligibility prior to applying.

A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is eligible if they are:

  • a full-time or part-time registered graduate student at UBC during the academic term when the ISW is offered
  • a graduate student at UBC who has completed degree requirements but has not yet convocated
  • a joint degree graduate student who is enrolled at UBC and another institution
  • a graduate student at UBC pursuing non-degree studies
  • a visiting graduate student that is eligible to take courses

A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is not eligible if they are:

  • not a graduate student at UBC
  • a graduate student at UBC who has on-leave status
  • a visiting graduate student that is not eligible to take courses

Elisa Herman
Event Coordinator
Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
The University of British Columbia

Competition Announcement: Tri-Agency CGS (CGSD) / Affiliated Fellowships-Doctoral Competitions


Attention: PhD students

Please let me know about your intention of applying by Sep 1, 2023

Tri-Agency Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS-D)

Applicants applying through UBC will either be:

  • currently registered in, or are on an approved leave of absence from, a degree program at UBC
  • not currently registered anywhere but was registered at any other time during the year of application (2023) in a degree program at UBC

If a student is not sure where to submit their application, they can consult the CGSD chart “Where should I submit my application?


Complete eligibility criteria are available on the CGS D program page.

Important Note: Some eligibility requirements for CGS D differ from those of the agency-specific doctoral awards. Refer to the appropriate literature for CIHRNSERC and SSHRC for further details.

Applications will be submitted via each of the agency platforms. The application portals are now open and applicants may begin preparing their applications.

For detailed application instructions, nomination, and adjudication procedures that are specific to UBC, please visit:

Important note regarding UBC Transcript requirements for 2023

UBC requires the provision of official transcripts as part of each application package. Please refer closely to the Application Procedures section of the CGSD webpage for detailed information. Applications that do not provide official or allowable transcripts may be deemed ineligible.

UBC Affiliated Fellowships – Doctoral competition

The UBC Affiliated Fellowships doctoral competition runs in concert with the university-adjudicated Tri-Agency Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS-D) competition.

Students who submit an NSERC, SSHRC, or CIHR doctoral award application are automatically considered for “unrestricted” Affiliated Fellowship awards and do not need to submit a separate Affiliated Fellowships application. To be considered for “criteria-based” affiliated fellowship(s), students must submit the criteria-based checklist to their graduate program by the application deadline.

Those applying only for the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship must submit a separate and complete Affiliated Fellowships application in order to be considered for the Affiliated Fellowships.

Affiliated Fellowship competition information and application/reference forms are available at:

UBC Deadlines for the Tri-Agency CGSD / Affiliated Fellowships Doctoral Competitions

  • Applicant deadline: 12 September 2023 at 12:00 noon PT
  • Graduate program nomination deadline:  10 October 2023 at 4:00 pm PT

Resources for graduate programs: Resources for graduate programs (such as the Transcript Checklist – Doctoral – now available) are posted here:

Additional resources, such as the Doctoral competition application checklists and nomination materials, will be posted at a later date.

CCARM “Food for Thought” Seminar Series: Dr. Kashmira J. Gohil – August 24, 2023, from 11:00 am-12:00pm (Central Standard Time) -Online


On behalf of Dr. Thomas Netticadan, CCARM Team Leader, please post the attached poster and forward to everyone in your departments and anyone else you think may be interested,

Dr. Kashmira J. Gohil, (M.Pharm, PhD), Dean, Anand College of Pharmacy Sharda Group of Institutions (SGI), Sharda University Agra, India

will be giving an in-person seminar on Thursday, August 24, 2023, from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (Central Standard Time).

Her seminar is entitled, “Research on Bacopa monniera and Centella asiatica: Potential herbs in promoting health and wellness”

Everyone is invited to attend.

Use the link below to join the Zoom Meeting

If link above does not work, go into Zoom website, click Join:

Meeting ID: 829 2022 5189

Passcode: 214765

FoodForThought – Gohil – Online_11082023

Julie Schoffner

Administrative Assistant

Canadian Centre for Agri-Food Research in Health and Medicine (CCARM) St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre & University of Manitoba Room R2019 – 351 Taché  Avenue Winnipeg, MB  R2H 2A6  CANADA


Tel: 204.235.3455     Fax: 204.237.4018

Planned Vacation this Summer: July 21, 24 and August 8-18, 2023 [X]

Review of the graduate student space


Dear graduate students,

Hello! We hope everyone are enjoying the summer. The new graduate student space desk assignment proposal has been adopted for almost a year and it is time to perform a quick review of how this arrangement has worked for you.

Just a quick recap, last fall a new graduate student desk proposal was adopted. The proposal basically assigns desks to each PI proportionally to their student enrollment, in hope to offer flexibility of desk use while encouraging sharing of limited resources.

We would love to hear your feedback so we will greatly appreciate if you could spend some time to fill out the below survey. You can either click on the link below or scan the QR code to partake. We’ve also sent out a separate survey to your PIs to collect their valuable feedback as well.

We also continue to offer ways for PIs and students to provide feedback in these graduate student shared spaces. We have included them below for your reference.

  • LFS Open Feedback Channel (Anonymous) continues to be available:

  • Any concerns/feedback can also be sent to:

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we navigate a better and more efficient use of limited graduate student space.


Imelda Cheung


Imelda Cheung
Education and Research Support Technician
Food, Nutrition and Health Program

Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
230D – 2357 Main Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Phone 604 827 0344

Sessional Positions in Water and Soils


I am reaching out on behalf of the Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences department at UBC Okanagan.  Please see the following announcements for sessional positions at the UBC Okanagan Campus for September 2023.  We are searching for instructors for 3 courses.


EESC 301 (3) Limnology

Integrated approaches to freshwater science and its place in environmental science. Ecosystem ecology of inland waters relating to aquatic organisms with their physical and chemical environment. Participation in a one-day weekend field trip in September or early October is required. Credit will be granted for only one of EESC 301 or BIOL 307. [3-3-0]

Prerequisite: All of BIOL 116, BIOL 125. Third-year standing in Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, or Freshwater Science. One of BIOL 201 or BIOL 375 is recommended.

Equivalency: BIOL 307.


FWSC 375 (3) Flora and Fauna of Inland Waters

Introduction to major groups of organisms in inland waters. Cyanobacteria, algae, plants, and animals; their ecology, evolution; conservation and their use in biomonitoring. Credit will be granted for only one of BIOL 375 or FWSC 375. [3-3-0]

Prerequisite: Either (a) BIOL 125 or (b) all of BIOL 117, BIOL 122. Third-year standing in Biology, Freshwater Science, or Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Equivalency: BIOL 375.


EESC 456 (3) Soil Science

Physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils, soil formation and classification. Soil physics and water movement. Soil productivity, conservation, and sustainability. The application of soil science to land use, environmental quality, global change, and sustainable development. Credit will be granted for only one of EESC 456 or GEOG 466. [3-3-0]

Prerequisite: One of EESC 111, EESC 200, GEOG 109, CHEM 111, CHEM 121, PHYS 111, PHYS 112. Third-year standing.

Equivalency: GEOG 466.


Full details of these positions and of other sessional positions can be found at:

Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching ability (course evaluations if available), and contact details for three referees to the EEGS Department as soon as possible.    Please send application documents in electronic format using WORD or PDF files


Please direct enquires about the positions to Dr. Kyle Larson, Head at as soon as possible.

All the best




Craig Nichol, Ph.D., P.Geo.

Associate Head

Earth, Environmental and Geographic Sciences

Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science

University of British Columbia Okanagan

Science 306, 1177 Research Road

Kelowna, B.C. V1V 1V7

Tel:  250-807-8087
