PLNT 590A 001 – course promotion


Course Information

Plant systems are dynamic in space and time across multiple organizational levels. Modern image processing provides unprecedented insights into 2D and 3D aspects of plant anatomical features and their impact on plant hydraulic function. X-ray tomography scans collected for various organ types (leaf, stem, root) will serve as training datasets to obtain hands-on experience in digital image processing using open source software packages.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Apply fundamental image processing techniques
  • Identify software packages for image segmentation and 3-D visualization
  • Extract quantitative data from 2D and 3D digital images
  • Develop image processing workflows

Course Structure

The course will meet in person to stimulate in-class learning activities. The course will meet once a week (Thursdays from 13:00 to 16:00, ORCH 4072 ). Each weekly session will be divided into three parts: i) Theory and principles, ii) Problem-based learning activities, iii) Group discussions and applications. Personal computer access is required.

Thorsten Knipfer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Plant Physiology
The University of British Columbia
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
MacMillan Building (Room 321)
Tel: 604 822 1219

Research and Teaching Seminars: Michael Zulyniak


Dear LFS graduate students,

We will be interviewing Dr. Michael Zulyniak for the position of Assistant Professor in Human Nutrition on June 22-23. The seminars will be held in person and online (see information below).  We hope that you will be able to attend and to provide feedback to the selection committee. A copy of the advertisement can be found here.

Thank you,



Dr. Michael Zulyniak is currently an Assistant Professor of Obesity at the School of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Leeds. His research harnesses advanced epidemiological methods to untangle the dietary, environmental, metabolic, and genomic networks that underpin disease disparity in minority ethnic groups in order to inform personalised and improved prevention and treatment strategies. He holds a Ph.D. in Human Health and Nutritional Sciences from the University of Guelph.

Research Seminar:  Nutritional Management of Glucose Levels in Pregnancy – A key player for T2D disparity
June 22, 11:00am-12:20pm, FNH 60 (2205 East Mall)
Zoom link (registration required):

Teaching Seminar:  Nutrition during Late Pregnancy: A Focus on Glucose
June 23, 11:00am-12:00pm, FNH 60 (2205 East Mall)
Zoom link (registration required):


Melanie Train
Human Resources Manager-Faculty | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus
248-2357 Main Mall | Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4
Phone 604-822-3105 | Fax 604-822-6394
Office: M/W/F: Remote: T/Th

Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) August 5, 12 & 13, 2023 application opens June 23!


The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) will be offering a Graduate Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) on August 5, 12 & 13, 2023.

The Grad ISW is a 24-hour, fully participatory, and peer-based professional development workshop for graduate students that is beneficial to both new and experienced instructors.

Please note: You must attend all face-to-face sessions and complete all independent work for the complete duration of the workshop, (i.e. the entire 24-hour workshop).

To apply for the waitlist for August 5, 12 & 13, 2023 ISW click here:

Application opens on June 23 at 9 am and closes on August 2, 2023 at 4:30 pm. By clicking this link, you are applying for the WAITLIST only and this DOES NOT register you for the workshop. Graduate ISWs at UBC are in high demand. To create an equitable registration process all graduate students who apply for an ISW will first be enrolled on a waitlist, from which participants are randomly selected. If a participant has applied for more than one ISW waitlist, their name will appear more frequently when generating the participant list, giving them a higher chance of being selected for an ISW. If you are accepted into the workshop, you will be contacted by our office to confirm your registration. For more information and a list of all upcoming sessions visit:

Workshop Eligibility:

A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is eligible if they are:

  • a full-time or part-time registered graduate student at UBC during the academic term when the ISW is offered
  • a graduate student at UBC who has completed degree requirements but has not yet convocated
  • a joint degree graduate student who is enrolled at UBC and another institution
  • a graduate student at UBC pursuing non-degree studies
  • a visiting graduate student that is eligible to take courses

A participant who wishes to take the Grad ISW is not eligible if they are:

  • not a graduate student at UBC
  • a graduate student at UBC who has on-leave status
  • a visiting graduate student that is not eligible to take courses


Elisa Herman
Event Coordinator
Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
The University of British Columbia

Memo from the Provost re: Dean search


Re: Dean search

Please find attached a memo from the Provost about the announcement of the launch of the search for the next Dean.

announcing search_12June2023


Rebecca Lee
Dean’s Office Coordinator | Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
248-2357 Main Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Phone 604.822.1219 | Fax 604.822.6394 | @ubcLFS | to Faculty of LFS 

Job posting: Candidates for Term Position at CFIA


The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is currently looking for candidates to fill an 8-month term position starting in September 2023.  The position would be focused on data analysis (health sciences related, preferred), and would be ideal for someone coming out of a Master’s program.

Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their CV to:
Dr. Justin Falardeau ( and/or
Dr. Ashwani Tiwari ( before Friday, June 22nd.