PRSSS Upcoming Fall Events and Scholarship Deadline


Sent on behalf of Chantel Chizen, President – Pacific Regional Society of Soil Science:

PRSSS Fall Field Tour to the Nicola Valley

Registration is now open for the 2018 Fall Field Tour to the Nicola Valley from September 22-23, 2018. Space is limited so register at your earliest convenience to secure your spot. For students the event costs $50 and includes overnight camping, dinner, and gas for carpooling from Merritt to the different sites. For more information about the event and to register visit the event page on our website.

Newman Farm Tour, Vancouver Island

In collaboration with the Farmlands Trust (Greater Victoria) Society we will be visiting the historic Newman Farm in North Saanich for a tour and learning about the soils found in this area. We will also have the opportunity to look at data collected from soil analyses at the farm and discuss potential management recommendations based on what is found. Visit the event page for more information and to register for this FREE event.

Undergraduate and Graduate Research Scholarships

Applications are now open for two new student research awards. The Les Lavkulich Graduate Student Award in Soil Science (one award of $5000) and the Art Bomke Undergraduate Student Award (one award of $3000) will be awarded to students on the basis of academic achievement, research proposal, leadership/community service, financial need, and letters of recommendation. The application deadline is October 31, 2018. For the award guidelines and more information please see the student awards section of our website: