Call for Nominations: Schmidt Science Fellowships


April 16, 2021 –  internal application deadline.

Please notify me about your intention of applying by April 9, 2021.

Schmidt Science Fellowships

The Schmidt Science Fellows program provides the world’s best emerging scientists with new skills and perspectives to develop novel solutions to society’s challenges, become scientific and societal thought leaders, and accelerate ground-breaking discoveries.  The program is looking for the brightest minds in the natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, and computing who are interested in broadening their horizons.  Fellows receive a stipend of $100,000 USD per year and are supported to pursue a one to two year postdoctoral placement at a world-leading laboratory anywhere in the world in a disciplinary pivot from their PhD.  Fellows also benefit from a Global Meeting Series and personalized mentoring program.

UBC is one of select group of the world’s leading science and engineering institutions that are invited to nominate students to the international competition.  In 2020, 22 Schmidt Science Fellows were selected to be recipients globally.

Each UBC graduate program is invited to submit one nomination to a university-wide competition. Given the highly competitive nature of this opportunity, graduate programs should nominate only an exceptional individual who will stand out amongst top applicants from around the world.

Value: $100,000 USD per year, for up to two years
Application deadline: Set by graduate program.  Applicants must submit their application to their UBC graduate program.
Graduate program nomination deadline: 7 May 2021 at 4:00 pm PST


In order to be eligible for nomination and potential selection as a Schmidt Science Fellow, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Must have completed, or expect to complete, all the requirements for the conferral of their UBC PhD, including a successful defense, between 1 June 2021 and 30 July 2022.  Please note that prospective UBC students are not eligible for nomination.
  • Have conducted their graduate degree in the natural sciences (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences), Engineering, Mathematics, or Computing – and all sub-disciplines therein
  • Be available for the entire period of the 2022 program, from July 2022 to September 2023 including attendance of the Global Meeting Series (whether virtual or in person, as conditions allow).

For further information about the opportunity, such as eligibility requirements, evaluation criteria and application procedures, please visit our webpage:

The contact for this funding opportunity is Natalie Thorson (

Kind regards,

Lia Maria

Lia Maria DRAGAN (She, Her, Hers)

Admissions & Administrative Coordinator
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
University of British Columbia / Vancouver Campus /Musqueam Traditional Territory
#291 – 2357 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4
Tel.: (604) 822-8373

News post: Wildlife and Agriculture


The MFRE has just published a new post regarding one of our faculty members, Professor Sumeet Gulati and his sabbatical. He spent last year abroad in order to better understand the realities faced by his research subjects, specifically farm managers in India who experience conflict with wildlife. Click bellow to read the full interview.

Please share as you see appropriate!

Faculty Spotlight: Sumeet Gulati – The Cost Of Human-Wildlife Conflict In Agriculture

The MFRE Faculty Spotlight series highlights the work of faculty members that teach at the UBC MFRE master’s degree. This is a group of accomplished professors specializing in topics in the Food and Resource Economics sector such as food security, environmental economics, sustainable development, public policy, agricultural commodities, and natural resources management. This time we shine the spotlight on Dr. Sumeet Gulati and his recent sabbatical, during which he gained an intimate perspective concerning the landscapes and communities at the heart of his research.

Thank you!


Paulina Gonzalez Miranda  MFRE
Educational Researcher
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus| Musqueam Traditional Territory

African Women’s Leadership Series: Women Shifting the Health Landscape in Africa


African Women’s Leadership Series: Women Shifting the Health Landscape in Africa

Hello Gender+ Community,

The Liu Institute Network for Africa is leading this event in collaboration with the Collective for Gender+ in Research called “Women Shifting the Health Landscape in Africa” as part of a series on African Women’s Leadership.

This event will serve as a platform to celebrate two speakers’ achievements and contributions as African women in the health sector. Professor Agnes Binagwaho and Professor Sheila Tlou will share their journeys and current work on gender equality and women’s role in Africa’s development agenda. There will also be a Q&A segment called “Ask me anything,” where speakers will engage with mentorship questions from emerging young female leaders and global change agents in the audience. The moderator for this event is Dr. Neo Tapela, Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University.

We will be gathering on Zoom using a link emailed to those who register prior to the teach-in. The Zoom link will be emailed closer to the event date.

Date: Wednesday, March 31st 2021
Time: 10:00am–11:30am PST | 6:00-7.30pm GMT | 7:00-8:30pm Rwanda / Botswana
Location: Zoom Meeting (link to follow RSVP)

We look forward to welcoming you! To join us, please RSVP here.


Dr. Neo Tapela, Senior Research Fellow Oxford UniversityNeo is a Senior Research Fellow in NDPH’s Translational Epidemiology Unit. Her research interests focus on reducing premature mortality in resource-limited sub-Saharan Africa through enhancing understanding of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases (particularly cardiovascular disease and cancer), and developing scalable innovative healthcare service delivery interventions that address outcome disparities for these conditions. She has served as PI for multiple NIH-funded projects, including a district-wide cancer early diagnosis initiative in rural Botswana, and a research collaborative to assess needs and build NCD research capacity in Southern Africa.

Professor Agnes Binagwaho, Co-founder and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Global Health Equity: Professor Agnes Binagwaho, MD, M(Ped), PHD is a Rwandan pediatrician who returned to Rwanda in July of 1996, two years after the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi. Since then, she has provided clinical care in the public sector, served the Rwandan Health Sector (2001-2016) in high-level government positions, first as the Executive Secretary of Rwanda’s National AIDS Control Commission, then as Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, and 5 years as Minister of Health. She co-founded the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE), an initiative of Partners In Health, which focuses on changing how health care is delivered around the world by training global health professionals who strive to deliver more equitable, quality health services for all.

Professor Sheila Tlou, Former UNAIDS Director of the Regional Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa, Former Member of Parliament and Minister of Health of BotswanaAs UNAIDS Regional Director, Prof. Tlou provided leadership and Political Advocacy for sustainable AIDS response in 21 African countries. As Co-Chair of the Nursing Now Campaign, she leads a global movement, run in collaboration with the WHO and ICN, which aims to maximise nurses’ contributions to achievement of Universal Health Coverage. The Global HIV Prevention Coalition addresses the rise in new infections despite success in treatment in all countries. As Minister of Health, Prof. Tlou led a comprehensive AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support program which is still a model in Africa. She represented Eastern and Southern Africa in the Board of the Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria. She has received over thirty awards, among them Botswana Presidential Order of Honor, Princess Srinagarindra Award from Thailand, Christianne Reimann Award from ICN, and Princess Muna Al Hussein Award. She is United Nations Eminent Person for Women, Girls, and HIV/AIDS.

Please RSVP here to receive the invitation link!

LIU Institute Network for Africa

About the Liu Institute Network for Africa (LINA):
The Liu Institute Network for Africa (LINA) at the University of British Columbia is a research-based network branching out of the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs. This network has emerged from the need for a platform bringing together stakeholders within research and policy institutions to address policy issues in Africa.

About the Collective:
The Collective for Gender+ in Research is hosted by UBC’s Office for Regional and International Community Engagement (UBC ORICE) and works to promote a community for rich dialogue in which gender and other intersections, including race, class, sexuality and ability, are considered when conducting community-based research. The Collective focuses on capacity building and providing the tools researchers need to utilize a gender+ lens.

The Collective for Gender+ in Research acknowledges that we organize, research, and learn on unceded traditional  xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) territory. We understand that both gender and research have been used as tools of colonization on these lands, and commit to working towards disentangling gender+ research from colonialism and Indigenous genocide.

BC Public Service career opportunity – Range Agrologist


I have attached a current career opportunity with the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development I am hoping you can distribute to alumni. Closes to applications on April 18-2021. Please let me know if you need any further information.

75447 Online Ad Copy – Range Agrologist

Thank you


Jenn Arkinstall, Marketing Coordinator

100-940 Blanshard St. Victoria BC V8W3E6
Marketing and Talent Strategies | BC Public Service Agency

Telephone : 778-698-1300

URGENT: Entrepreneurship Course For Graduate Students: Tech Entrepreneurship (APSC541/BAEN506)


Annually, we reach out with the goal of promoting a truly practical, experiential and real-world course focused on technology entrepreneurship.

Tech Entrepreneurship (APSC541/BAEN506) has been running for over 25 years and has facilitated many entrepreneurial ventures and realized numerous successful breakout companies such as DWaveZymeworks, Barrelwise and Recon Instruments – just to name a few.   This course pairs graduate business and APSC/STEM students to provide an experience-based introduction into the lean start-up process. It is a real-life simulation of the process that founders go through when starting a high-tech company. Students will be faced with the key issues involved in evaluating market opportunities, building a prototype, designing profitable business models, producing a solid business plan, raising capital, addressing legal considerations and developing a winning team. Students will gain the skills and tools to creatively commercialize high-tech research into profitable businesses. Teams will be expected to develop credible pitches that will be made to industry professionals.  Some of these student companies go on to participate in e@UBCthe Hatch and Creative Destruction Lab

While the course normally runs from November-April, this year due to COVID delays, the schedule is offset – which may benefit some students. The core of the course runs on Wednesday evenings from September to December; and there are 3 critical and mandatory preliminary classes that take place in May dedicated to team formation (May 12, 19 and 26 – 6pm).  The course is taught by a team of business and STEM/APSC instructors for a well-rounded business and technical perspective.

The course has an application process for admission as it is very competitive with an early admission application deadline of April 4th and a final application deadline of May 4th. Further details regarding the course are available at

We have had strong interest from your faculty in the past, and would greatly appreciate your support to promote the course amongst your graduate students.  Please let us know if you can email your graduate students, and/or include this information in your newsletter or weekly communications.

To further support this message, we would be pleased to arrange an info session at a time that is convenient for your faculty – to hear from course lecturers, former students and/or now successful entrepreneurs who participated in the course.

Please let us know how we can support your promotion of this course, and feel free to contact us should you require any further information.  We will follow-up by phone in the near future.

Warmest Regards

DJ (David) Miller
UBC-Sauder School of Business