BC Food Protection Association Fall Workshop – Nov 7, 2016

BC Food Protection Association Fall Workshop

BCFPA, aiming at “To provide a forum to exchange information on protecting the food” is organizing a fall workshop:

New Technologies and Traditional Methods: Piecing Together The Food Safety Puzzle

Time: November 7th, 2016

Location: Delta Conference Center, Burnaby BC


7:30 Registration/breakfast
8:15 Introduction/opening
8:30 Keynote Speaker – Assumptions that Prevent Solving Problems in Food Processing Environments by Jeffrey Kornacki
9:45 Nutrition Break
10:15 Environmental Monitoring and Sanitation
12:30 Lunch/poster evaluation/networking
14:00 Trends in Food Processing
16:30 Closing/poster award
16:45 Reception/wine and cheese

Tentative presentations:

Environmental Monitoring and Sanitation


– Natural vs synthetic cleaners

– Listeria monitoring

– What does interpretive summary mean?

– Sampling best practices



– Detection of food fraud and adulteration using novel spectroscopic techniques.

– Implementing FSMA requirements.

– Retailer’s perspective.

– Implementing Traceability.

Trends in Food Processing


– Beer brewing – Sanitation and production

– Fermentation

– Food preservation through microwave drying

– Public health implications of extending shelf life of table eggs




– The sequencing revolution

– Use of Microbial Genomics in Research of VTEC

– Applications of genome sequencing: WGS for foodborne pathogens OR metagenomics in water

– Genome sequencing


Early Bird (by Oct 17) Regular
Member $120 $150
Non-member $170 $200
Student/Retired $60 $75

Student volunteer:

Two student volunteers are needed. Volunteers will get a 50% discount to attend the workshop.

Please email at huyaxi2004@gmail.com is you are interested.

Details about the event can be found in: http://bcfoodprotection.ca/event-2331352


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LFS Co-Op Info Sessions – Sept 21 & 23, 2016

Interested in LFS Co-op? Come to one of the two info sessions being offered!

Date: Wednesday, September 21st
Time: 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Location: Room 5, Woodward Building (Instructional Resources Centre-IRC) (WOOD), 2194 Health Sciences Mall

Date: Friday, September 23rd
Time: 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Location: Room 1, Woodward Building (Instructional Resources Centre-IRC) (WOOD), 2194 Health Sciences Mall

Details about co-op eligibility and opportunities can be found on the Science Co-Op website.

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LFS Opportunities and Involvement Fair – September 27, 2016

Looking for opportunities to become involved or to gain experience related to your studies? Come visit our campus and community partners on Tuesday September 27th from 5-7:30pm in Agora Cafe, H.R. Macmillan to learn more! (Brought to you by the LFS ACE Team)


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Research Technician volunteer opportunity

Employer/Organization: Delta Farmland & Wildlife Trust / Faculty of Land and Food Systems

Position: Volunteer research technician

Location: UBC Vancouver and Delta, BC

The Delta Farmland & Wildlife Trust is a non-profit organization that promotes the preservation of farmland and wildlife habitat through co-operative land stewardship with local farmers. One of these programs, the Grassland Set-aside Stewardship Program, encourages farmers to plant fields with grasses and clover to benefit wildlife and restore agriculture soils.

The Delta Farmland & Wildlife Trust have partnered with Drs. Maja Krzic and Sean Smukler (Faculty of Land and Food Systems) on a five-years research project to evaluate the effects of grassland set-asides on soil quality and nutrient cycling. This will be our second season of soil monitoring and we are looking for keen volunteers to assist in field sampling from now until mid-October.

Job description:
• Field sampling will take place 1-2 days a week on either a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday until mid-October.
• Sampling days are approximately 8 hours, a full day availability is required on one or more of the days mentioned above.
• Volunteers will receive on-site training in field sampling for a range of soil physical and chemical properties.
• Transportation can be provided from Vancouver to the field sites in Delta.
• This volunteer position will provide valuable experience in soil field sampling for agriculture based soil science research.

You are:
• Eager to learn about soil science research in agriculture
• Able to work in a team-oriented environment
• Prepared to work in all conditions (field team)
• Able to work a full day on either Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Scheduling is flexible if you are only available one day a week, we encourage you to apply.
Interested applicants, please send your resume to Jason Lussier at jlussier@mail.ubc.ca. Please reference the “GLSA Volunteer” in the posting and indicate your potential availability.
*Space is limited and you may not be contacted if all positions have been filled.

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PRSSS 2016 Fall Field Tour – Oct 1/2, 2016

PRSSS 2016 Fall Field Tour: Soils of the BC Southwest Interior

Start: October 1st, 2016
End: October 2nd, 2016
Registration: $70 regular, $50 student.
Please join us for our annual Pacific Regional Society of Soil Science (PRSSS) fall field trip on October 1st and 2nd. This year we will be exploring soils along a precipitation gradient, moving from coastal forest soils, through to the inter-mountain grassland soils of the Lillooet area. This diverse landscape will give us the opportunity to explore podzolic soils characteristic of our high-precipitation coastal forests, luvisolic soils in the Lodgepole-pine and Douglas-fir parkland, plus some dark brown and black chernozemic soils along an interior parkland transect. There will be plenty of stops along the way to observe the slides and glacial landforms, which helped shape the unique landscape of BC’s southwest interior. Camping will be available at Downing Provincial Park for the evening of Oct 1st, or participants can arrange their own accommodations in the Lillooet area. Ride sharing will be organized by the PRSSS and rental cars will be booked if necessary.

More information and registration can be found on PRSSS website: http://prsss.landfood.ubc.ca/events/event/2016-fall-field-tour/

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First Year Representatives and Committee Member positions – due Oct 7, 2016

The Land and Food Systems Undergraduate Society is hiring!

Positions for First Year Representatives and Committee Members are now open. Applications close Friday October 7th. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to join our student council!

Job descriptions and information on how to apply can be found at lfsusubc.wixsite.com/main/join-our-team.


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LFSUS Wednesday Night Dinner (WND) Assistant and Associate positions available – due Sept 16, 2016

The Land and Food Systems Undergraduate Society is hiring!

Positions for Wednesday Night Dinner (WND) Assistant and Associates are now open. Applications close this Friday September 16th. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to join our student council!

Job descriptions and information on how to apply can be found at lfsusubc.wixsite.com/main/join-our-team.

Not quite ready for a council position? Volunteer to cook on Wednesdays or to help out at future events by emailing our Volunteer Coordinator at jessfang@alumni.ubc.ca

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LFS Firsts “Castaway” Camp Retreat – registration open until Sept 26, 2016

Hey First Year LFS Students!

Registration is NOW OPEN for LFS FIRSTS CASTAWAY Camp Retreat. What better way to meet your classmates through a ONE NIGHT, TWO DAY trip packed with camp activities such as ARCHERY and CLIMBING, followed by a team building GLOW IN THE DARK mystery hunt, eating DELICIOUS food, and WINNING PRIZES from our generous sponsors .

The first month of university can definitely be HECTIC! Our team of executives and leaders wanted to bring out the best first year event to start off your first chapter here at UBC with a BANG. Check out our website for more information and how to register, tickets are limited!

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Research Experience Program (REX) – sign up by Sept 19, 2016

Interested in research, but don’t know where to start? Become a mentee with Undergraduate Research Opportunities (URO). URO runs the Research Experience Program (REX) during the UBC school year from September until March, with the aim of encouraging and facilitating undergraduate students into research. Mentees will be paired up with mentors who are experts in their field of study (PhDs, Masters, PostDocs, etc). You will then work closely with your group of mentees and mentor in order to tackle research problems and to gain valuable research experience. URO is currently looking for enthusiastic mentees who are interested in developing a theoretical research project which they will present as a poster at the Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC). For more information and to sign up, please visit http://www.uroubc.ca/rex/.

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Get Out There! Community placements for LFS students – due Sept 23, 2016

Get Out There! Community placements for Land and Food Systems students

Looking to get involved this year? A weekly Trek placement with a non-profit organization can enable you to learn more about community issues, apply your academics in the real world, build lasting connections, and make a difference. There’s a placement to match your interests, schedule, and career goals.

The UBC Learning Exchange facilitates computer drop in programs, ESL conversation talking circles, and other programs. They’re committed to sharing skills and building community.

Hastings Kids First is a referral-based after-school program focused on supporting children’s academic and social emotional needs. The program provides a safe, structured environment for students to receive help with their school work and the opportunity to experience a range of healthy activities provided by caring adults.

Learn about our other placements on our website or by attending an information session on September 12 (4:00-6:30pm, Henry Angus 098), September 15 (3:30-6:00pm, AERL 120) or September 21 (4:00-6:30pm, Henry Angus 098), where you’ll meet with community partners. Apply online by September 23, 2016.


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