Study tips: Feel free to add your own!

Better ways to study:

After this first bout of midterms I realized that my study habits might not cut it for university courses. I do study a lot, but here are some tips for those of you who still have midterms, err learn from my mistakes!:

-pay attention to when your midterms are coming up (possibly write them out somewhere visible so that you do not have that… oh… I have three midterms next week conendrum)

– stay on top of all the assignments that are due (do them during the weekend if the are due during the week e.t.c.)

– use cue cards (I never used them in high school, but now they are a life saver)

– find practice midterms/ exams online and do as many practice problems as you can (especially for computer science where everything we have been doing is in a programming environment, making the switch to writing things out is not all that easy, doing the practice midterms on paper was definitely useful)

– go get help if you need it… I am one of those people who likes to do things all by myself which can lead to a lot of precious time being wasted when I am stuck on a problem that I just don’t want to let go of =P

Note: Most departments have resource or learning centres where you can get help for free!!! This is amazing!!!

– talk about the material with a friend, chances are it will stick better

– do some simple practice problems right before the test, nothing too hard as that might get you freaked out, but just get your brain into math mode e.t.c.

– take short breaks if you start making small mistakes, go for a quick walk, run, stretch to destress

– do NOT open facebook!!!

– Also a really good one from a friend: She reviews all of her notes that she has taken during the day at night and condenses them… I will start doing this as of tomorrow (today I didn’t have class!)

Midterm Review; Three down six to go…

Midterm Review; Three down 6 more to go…

I know, nine midterms total…how? Let me explain, I have two midterms for four of my courses and one midterm for Psychology. Three midterms to begin this week (not to mention two quizzes)… how fun…

First I started off with the Physics 107 midterm. = ( That midterm made me want to cry, not necessarily because it was too hard, it should have been a gift… but I am entirely certain that I failed it.

I love my physics class, I love it, love it, love it. The teacher Ian Affleck is amazing, he is incredibly knowledgable, an amazing teacher, answers questions in class, encourages class discussion, clicker questions, tutorials are great, makes us actually think about things, broadens our horizons, knows some of us by our first names, and even if sometimes I have no idea about what he is talking about… I could go on and on about how much I like the class !!! If you like that sort of thing, and feel comfortable taking on a lot of homework, take Physics 107…

Anyways about the midterm…the first thing that I saw when I got my paper was a pulley question on the back… a pulley question worth about 33% of the entire test (15 points in the entire test, 5/6 multiple choice, 2 written). A simple pulley question. A pulley question that you learn in grade eleven. No torque, no friction just f=ma…had we done pulley questions in the month of school? No. I hate pulley questions. For some reason I never intrinsically understood how to do them. Freaking out I did the five multiple choice questions which were not difficult, but my brain was not working and I know I got at least half of them wrong. Did the first written question and then stared at the pulley question some more… Knowing that I was doing the question wrong, I just went about it my usual way. I knew the answer was off and was supposed to be at least half the amount… but had no solid reason as to why I should divide it by some obscure number. It makes me sick. 33% and I don’t think I can even get part marks. I studied like crazy for the midterm, went over all the new material, did lots of practice problems e.t.c. None of the “new” stuff like spring constants, derivations of oscillating motion, 3D vectors, relativistic momentum appeared on the test. Yikes. I can’t even explain how disappointed I am in myself… ok enough rambling about that.

That night after the midterm I went home and crammed for my computer science course which I had been neglecting due to the Physics exam. I was awake until two in the morning trying to get a cow to bounce across my screen happily (have to love CPSC 110). Lab quiz on Tuesday was good, and I spent the rest of Tuesday practicing for Math.

On Wednesday I had a Math midterm, Chemistry quiz and a Computer Science midterm. At the start of the day I felt very strange, feeling confident about Math but certain that I would fail both Chemistry and Computer Science. I felt incredibly stupid and unprepared. How did I not realize that I had all those midterms coming up? Why didn’t I start studying for them way, way earlier? UBC First Year Science courses are notorious for being weeder courses… I do not want to get weeded. Wait a second, I am not even in science…. why am I taking these courses? Because they are interesting.

Fortunately my Computer Science midterm left me on a high. I don’t think I failed it which made me extremely happy. When I got back to residence I found out that I got 100% on the crystal structures problem set too, which made the night even better. To make the evening even, ever better, my RA had set up a movie night for our floor, so I spent the rest of the evening watching Despicable Me, feeling incredibly happy, and relieved that my hell week was over.

A couple minutes after midnight I was back, on the computer doing my Physics assignment when I realized that the last day to withdraw from my courses with a W standing was over. Too bad I thought, life would be so much easier with only four courses. I couldn’t imagine dropping any of my courses though… so it seems to me like I am in it for the long run! <3


… Finals are going to be sooooo stressful!


**** update****

So, I didn’t fail any of my midterms or quizzes (although after the Chemistry midterm today I might have…). Actually aced Math and Computer Science, which I was happy about (math midterm’s average was around 60%?!?). Physics I didn’t do so nicely on, but hey, I passed.





Amalgam of Posts

Alright, soooo I haven’t updated my blog properly for a while. There is just so much to do! I want to go to all sorts of meetings, do all my homework and yes, have a social life.

I really want to go talk to my professors… about what I don’t know, but I have classes during most of their office hours. I have no idea what sort of thing I really want to study (the courses that I thought I’d love are actually ones that I dislike and the courses that I love… well I don’t know if I am particularly good at them). I have started skipping math classes so that I can study it by myself… terrible right? I have never skipped class before, but I just find it easier coming out of a text book. Question is, how to I transfer all the stuff that I am learning into something useful? Something tangible.

Somehow with all of the things on my mind I end up walking around with my head in the clouds. Yesterday I actually forgot to go to my floor meeting in residence because I was so concentrated on finishing my Physics assignment… I also managed to forget to do a pre-lab for CPSC and I also managed to spend a couple hours trying to figure out how to construct a certain program before realizing that we were given the skeleton for the program in the beginning…=P Fun. Here are just a couple of snapshots of things recently. I have been too dazed and confused to develop a full picture of anything.

 Liebe Macht Blind

Staring at my Physics book I had the uncanny feeling that I knew how to solve the problem in front of me, but my synapses just weren’t firing well enough. Work, brain, work, somehow it was not quite happening. My eyes kept losing focus and darkening as the blinks got longer and longer. Even after I had gone to get tea from the cafeteria, even after I had taken a couple of breaks to talk to people outside my room, my attention simply was not there.

Frustrated I decided to go for a run. As I was getting changed I knew that I was doing the right thing. It was a beautiful day and I had barely been outside. Finally as my feet pounded the pavement and I breathed in the sweet, wet air so native to the West Coast I could clear my mind. Running along in the quiet gave me some time to think. Life here just seems too perfect. Luck has been on my side completely, how is it possible for people to live like this? This isn’t the real world. While I was running I just kept reminding myself that I should just enjoy it while it lasts. Hold onto it while you can. When I got back I felt much more awake and was able to concentrate once again.

*Note to self, go running more often! <3


Significant Figures

I don’t get it! We go through all of high school learning how to do significant figures. Multiplication and division: Use the lowest amount of significant figures for you answer. Addition and subtraction: Use the least amount after the decimal point for your answer. It gets drilled into your head. Be as exact as you can, always punch in the numbers at the last minute e.t.c…. Then we get to university. AND NONE OF THE TEXTBOOKS EVEN FOLLOW THEIR OWN RULES.?!?!?!?! What is that supposed to mean?!?!?!?!?!? They round off part way through the answer, or use whatever decimal point they feel like using. Yes there is a section of almost every science textbook that talks about Significant figures… but do they actually follow the rules that they set out? No. On many of the practice quizzes as long as you get near the correct answer you get a correct mark. But some of the examples in the books are almost impossible to follow…

I understand that there are probably many ways of doing significant figures, but, but, but!!! <3


Pursuit of Knowledge?

Theories, theories, theories. Sometimes they make me fed up with their hypothetical situations. In part sometimes I feel like their existence just simplifies and complicates matters. I really wonder why people “pursue” knowledge.  What on earth is this knowledge thing all about? Commodification of thoughts, of words, of time? I have been thinking about a newspaper article that I read some time ago, talking about how people are getting better at figuring out where to get knowledge (the internet), but getting worse at actually retaining the knowledge “Just google it”. (This is my interpretation, honestly I cannot actually remember exactly what I read… I am sure you can find it online (prime example of the internet laziness effect haha)). Anyways with that in mind, I thought about education. There is sooo much information to take in about anything. There is soooo much information available online. So do you think that if people grow accustomed to having the internet available 24/7  people will still continue to pursue their own personal knowledge? I often feel comfortable just with the idea that if I really wanted to know something I could look it up. That I am as entitled to that knowledge as anyone else. Do you think that in 50 years people will feel so automatically integrated with the online networks that they never really have to study or learn?

Perhaps it is already that way in a different sense. The other day  in our Chemistry crystal structures lab we had to analyze three dimensional models of crystals. As students we are so used to pen, paper and screens, that doing an analysis in real life was extremely difficult for most of us. Maybe it was because it was early in the morning, but we spent forever squinting at little beads on rods, failing to visualize more little beads on rods. It was a perfect example of an extreme spatial awareness fail. I wonder if people who have never learnt to read would have had the same or less troubles then us in visualizing the situation in three dimensions. <3


P.S. Where did my brain go?

Errr… If anyone has seen it please tell me. Not that it is particularly useful, or easy to spot (at the moment I think it is quite about the size of a grape), but please just let me know, it would be nice. I desperately need it before midterms. Thank you! <3

How Time Flies

How time flies when you have a schedule. I cannot believe that it has been 20 days since I first moved in here. These weeks just go by in an instant…zap. My first midterms start in 10 days, ahh!

Anyways short post for now, am exhausted from the busy week! <3

Does Infinity Exist?

“I love you to the moon”

“I love you to the moon and back”

“I love you to the end of the universe”

“Well then, I love you to the end of the universe and back again”

(approximately taken from Guess How Much I Love You, Sam McBratney)

Does infinity exist? “1/0=∞”, “You can trace the number 8 or 0 as many times as you like and you will never come to an end”, “take the limit as x→∞”, “you can keep adding 1 to the previous whole number and you will keep getting a new number”, “computer programs can iterate indefinitly” … “infinity exists”.

But does it? Do we have any physical proof of an infinite thing? Yes we can see that an exponential function should keep increasing exponentially, but if we made it a physical object, say we drew it on paper, one day we would run out of paper, we would run out of trees, we would run out of space, and if we did indeed run out into space would we be able to keep drawing? And if we cannot exactly prove that an infinite physical thing exists, then should we believe in infinity at all?

Another example a computer program. We are told that it could run forever but, run it for a while and your computer might go to sleep, it might break down, it might get a bug. I do not exactly know how computers work, but I do not believe that they are indestructible machines. Daily wear and tear happens to everything. Even if the computer did work perfectly, it would use energy, and at some point all the available energy would be used up.  All the energy in the world, our solar system, what we know of the universe could be considered finite. We can draw a circle around it. If you take a triangle and fill it with ever smaller circles the area of all the circles combined will almost be the same as the area of the triangle. Sum it up, that is what we see. All of the complicated things specific to the world could be summed up by saying that they exist in the world. Say: this is what we know, right here, right now. If we can name things, if we do name things. Then where does this concept of infinity come from? Why do we believe in it if we see no physical evidence? If infinity is just that,  just something in the mind. Then why have we never found, the edge of the universe? <3





Death by Programming

Today I had my first day of labs. Dear any first year student: Get acquainted with programming before you come to university… Six hours straight of learning how to program is NOT fun!!! This post might have a lot of typos…my brain is fried…. sorry.

9:30-12:30 Computer Science 110

12:30-1:30 Physics Tutorial

2:00-5:00 Physics lab

The day started off wonderfully but by the end of it my enthusiastic attitude had disappeared into thin air. The Computer Science lab went well. I knew what I was doing, finished my lab early and decided to make use of the extra time that I had left over to do what? Experiment! I thought: “Programming seems like so much fun!” “I understand this!” ” I love this course!”

Straight after that I rushed to my Physics tutorial, which I loved as well. We got to discuss a whole bunch of conceptual questions and draw diagrams on blackboards e.t.c.

After the tutorial I had half an hour to eat lunch and then a Physics lab. However in this lab we a)had a diagnostic test b) learnt to program for another 2.5 hours. Somewhere in those three hours my brain gave up on me.  “Learning how to program” in a new, confusing languagewas not fun….  (DrRacket vs. vPython; DrRacket wins in friendliness, vPython wins in what you can do, but vPython makes you want to rip your computer apart). We made a ball bouncing off walls program which was a neat, but a harrowing experience. After finally emerging from the lab in a completely zombified state I couldn’t decide if spending all those hours on virtuality were meaningful or meaningless. I mean technically a virtual world is not real, right? But if we are expected to spend time in them, do they become more real? What actually makes something real? Is a story in a book real? Technically it is printed on paper, it carries someone’s thoughts. Is it the sum of the connotations that makes things more real? Does a real thing have to have mass or does it just have to have enough connections with other things to be defined as real? Why do we spend so much time learning about things that are solitary? Why do we spend so much time learning about things that might not even exist?… Yes, brain is fried.

Adjusting to First Year

The first few official days at UBC have are already over and although I was feeling a little overwhelmed at the beginning of the weekend. I managed to get most things done! My course load is quite heavy, so balancing everything (life/school) is going to be a big challenge! Anyways a quick review of my course schedule and courses so far:

Mon, Wed, Fri:

Psychology 101: Nice class to have first thing in the morning, but up until now, just basic introductions… having trouble staying awake while completing the readings from the textbook though.

Physics 107: Love this class even though the workload is heavy. We have to read a   dense chapter a week, we have two pre-reading tests, one assignment due and clicker questions in class… not the mention exams.

Math 100: I like math, but at the moment we are just reviewing high school calculus

*lunch break 1 hour*

Chemistry 121: After taking two years off I started out completely lost in this class… not a good sign, fortunately the prof seems really organized and although I am having to do a lot of review hopefully I will be ok.

Computer Science 110: I love this course!!! It is a lot of fun and I feel like I have a lot to learn in it!

Tues, Thursday:

Labs and tutorials for Computer Science, Chem and Physics… These start this week which is kind of terrifying!

Anyways as a first year I am not entirely sure about how much homework I should be doing for each course, how fast paced they will end up being, how much material will be covered in class, and in how much detail I have to study everything. I suppose it depends on the course and I will find out once I get my first assignments/ quizzes back.

One last thing before I sign off… If you can bring a bike to UBC, I have no idea how I would get to my back to back classes in under 10 minutes without it! <3

First Days in Residence!!!

Day One: Luck

I cannot get over how lucky I am at the moment. Right now I am sitting in my brand new room in my brand new building in Totem Park. Today was whirlwind of a day, running around trying to buy all of those last extra things, hauling everything out into the car and driving out to UBC with my sister eager to find my new home. Finding it, and bringing three large suitcases, five boxes, three bags and a bike up into my room. Unpacking all of the carefully folded clothes and trying to devise a way of fitting them into the drawers provided. Meeting suitemates, floormates, housemates, and other undergraduates all at once. Walking around with new friends. Going to the cafeteria and waiting in the line for dinner. Floor meeting. And finally going out to a toga frat party wearing pillowcases… First official undergraduate must that has been checked off of my list! I am lucky for so many reasons and although I am often unlucky too, right now I can only think of the lucky things. The whole year seems to be stretching out in front of me, so much to do and so many possibilities.

Day Two: Not quite so lucky!

Second day of Totem: This morning I woke up after four hours sleep and pulled myself out of bed. Wearily I dragged myself into the bathroom only to find out 15 minutes later that our shower does not work. Another thing to add to my small list of “room issues”.  Topping the list right now is the lack of internet in my room… You just do not realize how dependent you are on internet until it is gone!!! With the the IT department in my room for what felt like close to an hour, it still is not fixed. So I am having to hijack other people’s ports while waiting until Tuesday before anyone is working again. Also unlike our other floor mates our room upon arrival was missing a variety of essential things such as garbage cans and toilet paper. Fortunately my roommate and I figured things out!

Anyways other than that I had a fabulous day, breakfast in the cafeteria is delicious (they have excellent oatmeal), and walking/ riding around campus with new friends to get the rest of the essentials (large mirror, lab coats & goggles, e.t.c.) was fun. Everyone here is really nice, friendly and very, very international!  Tomorrow morning I am going to walk around campus and find out exactly where my classes will be held before going to Wreck Beach!


Some things to bring to residence:
– Clothes, but not too many. space is very limited so try to keep it to one suitcase
*remember to bring a swimsuit, there is a beach and a couple of pool parties
– hangers
– over the door coat hook
– extra shelving if possible
– laundry basket and detergent
– plastic bags for garbage
– bathroom necessities including toilet paper and cleaning supplies
– chargers for computers, cameras and phones
– pictures of friends and family
– anything to personalize your room
– ethernet cable
– printer (not really necessary), can be purchased at Future Shop for as little as $30, but make sure that you bring paper and ink if it is not included
– umbrella and rain boots
– bike (if you can bring one)
– bath mat if you are in a shared residence
– possibly a mirror to keep in your room

There is also more detailed residence checklist available here:


Places to get things on campus (that I have found so far):
-The Dollar Store in the village has garbage cans, mirrors, plastic storage containers e.t.c. for reasonable prices
Shoppers Drugmart (close to the Dentistry building)
-There is also a Staples in the Village
-During move in day Home Hardware was selling items in the commonsblock
-The UBC Bookstore sells nearly everything you can imagine.
Save-On Foods is also nearby

Tomorrow is Imagine Day and classes fully start on Tuesday! <3

p.s. This is also my first official post as a member of the blogsquad! I am really excited to continue writing throughout the year and looking forward to meeting everyone else soon!


My two bags a three boxes have morphed into, 3 suitcases, 4 boxes and a bike. My boxes are elegantly held together with duct tape (which is useless on cardboard), and I am trying to figure out how to label my suitcases with my room number (paper and more duct tape?). Somehow I have managed to come down with a last minute cold, cannot stop sneezing for the life of me and although I am really excited to get going half of me is questioning things. I’ve already received emails from 3 of my professors with mini assignments… Well not really: reading 50 pages for PHYS (which I have done along with the exercises), setting up accounts for CPSC (total disaster), and reading the PSYC syllabus. Not actually bad at all, but I was surprised that we were being contacted before classes even started! The internet is a dangerous thing! Anyways along with being excited I am also nervous hence the newest ramble:

Tomorrow I move into residence, tomorrow I start with university life, tomorrow I meet the people that I will be living with for a year, and I am shaking. The last time I felt like this was before I jumped off a cliff.

Climbing up the cliff was fine, I had no concerns until I was about to jump. Looking down into the water 13m below me I analyzed how I was to hit the water….I could do this… Minimize the area of impact … stay perpendicular… g=9.8 m/s^2… My legs suddenly felt weak and I wasn’t entirely sure if I could jump out far enough not to hit the rocks. After a couple of false starts I went, and half way through the air I started to scramble. Suddenly my mind decided that the water did not look all that inviting. My legs flew up as if they were trying to escape but gravity persisted, I crashed into the surface. Under the icy water I realized that I had made a big mistake. I could not move my legs, they were completely numb and locked from the hit. As I floated upwards I could already feel the bruising… face hot from humiliation I was helped up onto the boat. I could barely sit down on a hard surface for a week…

I am suddenly apprehensive about going to university full-time. My bags are packed. Plans all laid out. Everything looks perfect, fully financed, fully organized. After my first university exam this summer my prof remarked that she did not think that I would have a problem in school. In pencil I read 95% and “I see a successful future for you”, but felt the exact opposite way. It can’t get much better than that, “downhill slope here I come”. After leaving the examination room I should have felt happy but I was shaky. Putting a bar up high and expecting to jump over it is just like climbing off a cliff and expecting to land well. The future is unpredictable. No matter how far high you climb, how well you plan, how strong your mindset, there is always random chance. And although random chance can be minimized it is always there. Chance is no stranger, yet it always seems to take me by surprise. I am sure this year there will be many ups and downs, but please, Chance, let me land on my feet. <3

ASTU 150 Course Review

*I wrote this post back in August after taking ASTU during the Summer, but had to postpone posting it because I was on holiday*

Finally my mark popped up on my SSC today and I am was really surprised to receive an A+.  Anyways for any other first years who are required to take the course but are not too sure about what it is like, here is some information for studying e.t.c. Please take it with a grain of salt:


What is ASTU?

ASTU stands for Arts Studies in Writing, from my interpretation it is basically an English course where you are taught the more practical aspects of “scholarly writing” by looking at research papers rather than novels e.t.c.


What was ASTU like?

My course was really nice (I know, ambiguous). Let me explain: It was tiny, we started off with about 14 people in the course and for some reason each week less and less people showed up, so the class size dwindled to 9. Normally I think the class size is 30 but this is still small for a University course…Most of my courses next year have about 300 people in them. We also only met once a week for three hours of which we did not really need the whole time. The course material was fairly simple and I often felt like we had more than enough time to cover everything. So even though I was a little sad that we only met once a week (everyone in the course was really interesting and friendly) I could not imagine meeting three times a week for the same course.

In the course we learnt how to write in a “scholarly” fashion. We learnt how to write a summary, lit. review, research proposal, and research paper. We also learnt how to analyze other academic writing and understand the functions of academic writing. One of the best things I though about the course was that we were encouraged to read research papers. As a high school student I literally never came across this type of thing…. and if I did I probably skimmed over it or scanned it for useful information. However, by being forced to read research papers I actually started understanding them a little better. I also think that this helped me a lot when I finally wrote my own.


What books did we use?

We read Academic Writing an Introduction by Janet Giltrow and the Broadview Pocketbook for Writers. Although the text book was easy to read and understand some of the terms such as “the Knowledge Making I” seemed like they were pulled from thin air as I could not find any more information on them anywhere. Also the idea of “making nonsense to make sense” really does not make any sense to me at all, c’est la vie, does anything make sense?


What did I learn?

I (and most of the others in the class) felt like our instructor was really good at marking our assignments. She often did this by asking questions about unclear things e.t.c. and stating the good and the bad. This helped me figure out where my academic writing was weak. I learnt that my writing is often quite vague and that I need to sandwich a lot more examples into my essays instead of expecting the reader to follow along. Other people found out that their writing was far to detailed e.t.c. so it was really nice to have all that individual attention in a Uni course. As I stated before I found the exposure to the research genre also quite eye opening. One day I went down into the journal section of Koerner library and just browsed through journal articles for a while. As a naive first year I been through all 12 years of mandatory schooling without actually reading a proper journal article before… I really wonder how some of the journals can survive as I cannot imagine that they attract a large audience.


Review Sheet

 This is not a substitute for going to class, actually it probably will not make sense if you have not attended class, but I made this while I was reviewing for my final (basically a compressed version of my notes). Please use it as you like… if any information is wrong just tell me and if you would like to add to it please do so below!


Genre Theory = Situation + Form

– different situations require different forms -> different genres


Primary research: your own research

Secondary research: the research of others


How to Write an Effective Summary:

Use gist, higher level abstractions, lower level details, reported speech, citations

Key Aspects of a Summary: RMFFSK (not necessarily in this order just a mnenomic for the key aspects)

Research site




State of Knowledge

Knowledge Gap


Differences between citation, reported speech and reporting expressions

Citation: blah, blah, blah, blah (Soandso 197)

Direct Reported Speech- uses a quote: Soandso said “blah, blah, blah” (197)

Indirect Reported Speech- Summarizes what someone has said on a topic while still indicating the speaker: Sonandso effectively said nothing (197)

Reporting Expressions -He said “blah, blah, blah” (Soandso 197)

Anything that indicates that someone has said something, underlined above

Use a tree diagram to figure out your argument! Go from higher to lower levels. *I hate tree diagrams! Highest and lowest levels seem ambiguous to me, in the end everything is usually intertwined somehow.. right, but for the purpose of this course*


The world


The people


Their thoughts

/           \

Yes          No

/                \

Mr. Yes           Mr. No


Remember to report reporting!


-Create or reinforce common knowledge

– Sometimes used to box in a complicated term (or one that has many meanings) “For the purpose of this study we define students as human beings that go to an elementary, secondary or post-secondary school for more than 5 hours per week)


Types of Definition:

Apposition: putting an equivalent expression beside the term being defined often using: i.e , – ; “” ( ) :


Formal definition: sounds like a dictionary… narrows view


Sustained definition: places term by locating it amongst other phenomena… expands view (adds context)


Nominal Style: lots of long noun phrases!

– can create ambiguity

– leaves the rest of the sentence free

– increases the “density” of the sentence

– creates failed then revised hypothesis sequences

-> purpose: stabilization



Past: I was

Present: I am

Present Perfect: has ___________ed

Present Progressive: is ________ing


I hope this helps, obviously it does not cover anything in detail and I think that different classes might have slightly different slants on everything. Good luck in ASTU 150!