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Tag Archives: Merchant

Here is one of the four assignment due for this summer’s Academic Writing course: my very first PowToon – possibly my last with all the trouble this website has caused with updating my last YouTube upload. Hope you can enjoy watching it on my blog.

Guy Merchant strikes again, and instead of posting my reflection on his virtual world research (Merchant, 2009), I made a brief video that captures some of the points he raises, but also connects one of my projects from my Master of Educational Technology program from 2010 to 2012.

YouTube URL:

And here is the venture pitch for the Virtual Globe 3.0 that I recorded a few years back, with a link to the UBC blog where it was posted. Now that I am inspired by Guy Merchant (again) I really want to start making this virtual project a reality.

UBC Blogs: ETEC 522: Virtual Globe 3.0

Since the dodgy website doesn’t always have the videos embedded, it looks like I will have to start over with a new model for performing Shakespeare in a virtual space. Look forward to more on this topic in the coming weeks.

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