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Versions of lessons in the probability module have been archived into portable document format (PDF) files, and are provided in the table below.

Content Date Uploaded
All Probability Module Content (PDF) Does not include additional exercises Sunday, March 04, 2012
Additional exercises Sunday, March 04, 2012

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  1. Log into the ubc wiki using your CWL
  2. Navigate to the category for the probability module on the UBC Wiki
  3. Click on "Create a Book" (located on the left side bar)
  4. Click on "Start book creator" (the big green button)
  5. Click "Add this category to your book" only once
  6. Click "Show book"
  7. Click "Download as PDF"
  8. Wait for the document to be created.
  9. Click "Download the file"

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For more information on how to create a book, you may want to view the UBC Books help page.

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