Author Archives: Michelle Lamberson

IEEE Instructional Design Reference Guide

Via EduResources Weblog–Higher Education Resources Online – (who cited Stephen Downes’ Edu_RSS feeds.)… Comes a link to an IEEE Reference Guide for Instructional Design and Development – You can access via the web and/or download a PDF of the … Continue reading

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The Google Opportunity

Trying to remember where I first saw this… but its a good reflective piece that encourages librarians to think about Google… The Google Opportunity – By Stephen Abram — 2/1/2005, in the Library Journal A pretty succinct call to action … Continue reading

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Peer Review Tools Bibliography

Working my way through a number of “draft” items in my weblog. I found an article (about a year ago) that outlines the charactersitics of peer review software. This report is included in the University of Michigan’s University Library Scholarly … Continue reading

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Security Book Review (educause Quarterly)

Educause Quarterly reviews a book, Information Security: A Legal, Business, and Technical Handbook by Kimberly Keifer, Stephen Wu, Ben Wilson, and Randy Sabett, ABA Publishing, 2003. The reviewer, Nancy Tribbensee, gives me hope that I’ll be able to work my … Continue reading

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Games Book Review

A number of people that I know are very immersed in game threory/application of games to learning, etc…. So I though I would point to a weblog entry from e-Literate comes a review of Ralph Koster’s book, A Theory of … Continue reading

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TLT Series – Laura Sederberg & Rubric for Online Instruction

We had our first Teaching and Learning with Technology Seminar for 2005 yesterday. Laura Sederberg, the Manager of the Technology and Learning Program at Cal State Chico talked with us about the subject, “Evaluating Online Instruction”, where she outlined the … Continue reading

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Sun motions…

I was checking my bloglines account today.. one f the feeds I subscribe to is EPOD – Earth Science Picture of the Day….. The one for Jan 22 blew my socks off… If you ever want to demonstrate to someone … Continue reading

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Universal Design Resource

Reported in the eLearnng Gialogue newsletter I receive from Campus Technoology Magazine is Facultyware: An Online Resource on Universal Design for Instruction, a short article that describes a Universal Design for Instruction resource site that has been collaboratively built by … Continue reading

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Image Analysis on the Fly – Searching..

Interesting article off of Wired News: Search Looks at the Big Picture,1282,66185,00.html If I am interpreting this correctly – this is what we used to call image analysis – but on the fly.. that is really interesting… “The image-processing … Continue reading

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One more Copyright reference..

One more copyright related site — this time From Simon Fraser’s Centre for Online and Distance Learning… Good resources, nice layout… I find the release forms on the page interesting as well – helping to address some of the … Continue reading

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