


January 2012

New Year Thoughts on Science Teaching, Learning and Research

My blog has been dormant for a while. However, the lack of my activity has nothing to do with the lack of exciting developments in science education in Vancouver, in Canada and int he world. Vice versa, there have been so many interesting science education things in my life, that I could barely keep up. I would like to name just a few. Last week I attended a presentation of a Olivia Fermi at the Italian Cultural Centre. Olivia spoke about the nuclear legacy and what can we do about it today. I would recommend you to follow Olivia’s blog: Neutron Trail project . Then we have started active preparation for the 34th UBC Physics Olympics: It is the first time that I participate in it not just as a volunteer, but as one of the organizers. I am looking forward to this event! Then I started participating in a very interesting graduate seminar taught by one of the colleagues here at the Faculty of Education, Prof. Andre Mazawi. The seminar focused on Research Methods in Educational Research. However, as most of the participants are from non-science fields, I was asked to preapare a talk on the research methods in science education. I decided to focus on the exploration of Thomas S. Kuhn’s work “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”. I am rereading it now and thinking more and more about what it means to do research in science education.I will be happy to share my notes on what I prepare on this blog. It is interesting how the same book or paper might mean different thigns to you at different stages of your life. I think that is what happens to me now when I re-read this book…

I am also looking forward to the upcoming AAPT conference in Ontario, California and to the AAAS and AERA Conferences that will take place in Vancouver. In other words, the science education scene in Vancouver is busy and exciting. In addition, on February 11th we will host a special Professional Development event for BC physics teachers… So I am very busy, but it is “busy in a good and exicitng way”…

I wish everybody a great year and I will be back with my blog…

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