


March 2025

Archive for the 'Data collection and analysis (sensors)' Category

2022 Virtual UBC Physics Olympics

Monday, March 7th, 2022

On Saturday, March 5, 2022, UBC Departments of Physics and Astronomy and Curriculum and Pedagogy organized our second ever virtual UBC Physics Olympics. UBC Physics Olympics has a history of more than four decades! This time, we decided to have a virtual event once again, to increase student participation and decrease the risk of spreading […]

A Physics Lab in Your Pocket: Physics Olympics Go Online

Thursday, June 10th, 2021

Today Valery  and I had an opportunity to present together at the International LUMAT Research Symposium in Helsinki Finland.  It was a very special presentation for me for many reasons. First of all, I am very excited about using smartphones to do science. I think this is something positive that came out of this year […]

New STEM Videos on our STEM Videos for All Channel

Monday, December 14th, 2020

This year my Physics Methods course, as most of other courses on UBC campus moved online. I have to say that with all its challenges, it was a positive experience for me. I think I was able to interact with my students as much as we did during our Face-2-Face courses. We also discussed interesting […]

The Half Glass Full of the Current Situation

Monday, December 7th, 2020

While it is clear to everybody that a current situation with the COVID-19 is troublesome, we cannot ignore the positive outcomes that came with the necessity of learning how to teach online. For example, in recent months, I took part in many amazing online seminars and workshops that were only possible because now we all […]

New Year, New Challenges, New Beginnings

Monday, August 19th, 2019

As we are enjoying the last weeks of summer, many of us start thinking about the new academic year. This is always an exciting time for teachers, students, university professors, and families. This is also a perfect time to ask ourselves about our personal goals for the next year. What would we like to achieve […]

Teaching Online Graduate Courses for Teachers

Thursday, January 10th, 2019

This semester I am teaching an online course in our fully online MEd in Science Education Cohort: This is very exciting as my colleagues and I have been working for a long time to make our dream of having a graduate online science education cohort become a reality. I also have heard from my […]

Adding computer coding to K-7 without teacher support

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

The news that BC government decided to add computer coding to BC elementary curriculum was a welcome development to many of us who are worried about Canada’s over reliance on natural resources. The last thing I want my country to do is to sell our natural resources and to neglect the development of the industries that […]

Getting ready for Beijing

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

I am honoured to be invited to teach a special two-week professional development course for mathematics and science educators in China (Chaoyang School District in Beijing). I am looking forward to it as I am sure I will learn a lot from our Chinese colleagues. It is going to be my second visit to Beijing […]

5th North American GeoGebra Conference

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

I am very excited and honoured to be a plenary speaker at the 5th North American Geogebra Conference that is taking place on November 20-21 in Toronto, ON:  Preparing my presentation made me think once again about how we use technology in STEM Education and how we prepare teachers to use technology effectively. I am looking […]

Flight of the Butterflies: An amazing story

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Yesterday I had an opportunity to view an amazing movie at an amazing place. The movie is called “Flight of the Butterflies” and the place is the IMax theatre at the Telus World of Science. I was invited to the preview as a member of the Scientists and Innovators in the Schools community – a […]

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