


July 2024

Archive for the 'General teaching' Category

Teaching a Grad Summer Course on Technology Use in Science & Mathematics

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

I have a very interesting opportunity to teach a summer graduate course on the use of educational technologies in science and mathematics teaching and learning. First of all it is a graduate course. It means that all of the students have been teaching science, mathematics or other disciplines in the past and they have knowledge […]

Visitng Dadaab Refugee Camp

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

During the past week, a group of us, from the Faculty of Education at UBC had an opportunity to visit one of the largest refugee camps in the world – Dadaab Refugee Camp in North-East Kenya. The goal of our visit was to help establish a teacher education program in the camp, such as the […]

The Summer Solstice is Here

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Many years ago I was teaching an introductory physics course using Paul Hewett’s Conceptual Physics textbook. There I read about the Eratosthenes’s experiment that allowed him to measure the radius of the Earth. This happened more than 2000 years ago (see Wikipedia: … Eratosthenes’s ingenuity drew my attention – to measure something so big […]

Science Education in the Largest in the World Refugee Camp

Monday, June 20th, 2011

In five days my colleagues from the Faculty of Education at UBC and I will travel to the largest in the world refugee camp in North East Kenya – Daadab Refugee Camp. This refugee camp is 20 years old and it is a “temporary” home for almost 300,000 people. On a Canadian scale, this is […]

A Physics Teacher’s View on St. John’s NL

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

One of the interesting things about being a physics teacher is an opportunity to discover many exciting physics-related things anywhere you go. I just came back from the meeting of the Canadian Association of Physicists in St.John’s, NL and I thought of posting a list of interesting attractions in the area that might be linked […]

Physics in Primary Schools

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

I just came back from the Canadian Association of Physicists Congress in St.John’s Newfoundland and Labrador. It was a very interesting conference. It was especially exciting to see that the Division of Physics Education had 4 sessions and each one was very well attended. We had more than 50 people attend one of the sessions […]

Opening Enrico Fermi’s Time Capsule: 62 years later

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

I feel very fortunate to get to know Olivia Fermi who is a very interesting person in her own right (Olivia is an artist), but in addition to that she is also a granddaughter of a famous physicist America-Italian physicist Enrico Fermi. Enrico Fermi took an active part in the Manhattan Project and has been […]

Mathematics and sustainability

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

My blog has been dormant for almost a month. There are a few reasons for it, but it certainly doesn’t mean I didn’t have anything interesting to write about. One of the most interesting things that happened last month was the presentation on sustainability by Prof. Albert Allen Bartlett. The presentation was excellent and you […]

Video-Based Motion Analysis Presentation

Friday, May 6th, 2011

As I am preparing to present at the BC AAPT Annual General Meeting in Kelowna, I decided to post my presentation online so I can share it with other physics teachers. I am a big fan of Video-Based Motion Analysis. I use Vernier Logger Pro to do video-based motion analysis. There are other options as […]

Pendulum Waves

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

This video was shared with me by a friend. Although I have seen this demo before, I still love it. I think you can just build it yourself – a fun project for a high school physics class. Notice, the pendula are uncoupled.

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