


July 2024

Archive for the 'Interactivity in the classroom' Category

Research Presentation: An International Comparisons on Technology Use in STEM

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

I am very excited to have an opportunity to share my research with my colleagues at the UBC Faculty of Education and the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy. This work has been done in collaboration with my colleague, Dr. Christine (Jungsook) Oh from Daegu University in South Korea. We also have presented this paper in Beijing […]

Hands-On Science: A video resource for STEM students, teachers & parents

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

What if we engaged new mathematics and science teachers into designing new science and math hands on activities? What if we used technology to document these activities and share them with other teachers, students and parents? This is an idea behind a UBC-funded project that focuses on creating hands-on science and math resources for all. […]

An Interactive Periodic Table and more…

Friday, November 11th, 2016

Last week I returned from attending a very inspring STEM conference in Beijing, China. The conference focused on STEM, but a big part of it was dedicated to the use of technology. As I stayed in BJ for a few more days, I was invited to visit a very interesting museum: China Science and Technology […]

Happy New Academic Year

Monday, August 29th, 2016

As the new academic year is quickly approaching, we are happy to announce the 6th Faculty of Education Family Math and Science Day. Celebrating science and mathematics through leading a series of interactive activities at UBC Faculty of Education has become an amazing tradition in our Faculty. We will be celebrating mathematics and science once […]

New School Year: Happy Endings and New Beginnings

Monday, August 29th, 2016

As the summer is coming to an end, I would like to pause to reflect on some of my summer experiences. This was a very beautiful, busy and breathtaking summer for me. Just before the beginning of this summer I was notified that I was granted tenure and promotion – which obviously was wonderful news […]

EuroScienceFun 2016 Conference in Reykjavik

Saturday, April 9th, 2016

I have had an incredible opportunity to meet with the European Colleagues who are engaged in science outreach. This was a European – EuroScienceFun 2016 conference and it took place in Reykjavik Iceland. I didn’t know much about Iceland before coming and I knew very little about how Europeans are engaged in science outreach. I […]

ETEC533-2016: Educational Technology Tutorials

Saturday, March 26th, 2016

Every year I feel excited to explore educational technology tutorials created by the students in my ETEC 533 online course that focuses on creative use of technology in mathematics and science education. I hope these tutorials be used not only by my students (who are mostly secondary mathematics and science educators), but by other educators as well. […]

Adding computer coding to K-7 without teacher support

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

The news that BC government decided to add computer coding to BC elementary curriculum was a welcome development to many of us who are worried about Canada’s over reliance on natural resources. The last thing I want my country to do is to sell our natural resources and to neglect the development of the industries that […]

Derek Muller’s challenge: How to learn from presentations?

Monday, January 11th, 2016

Today I had an opportunity to attend Derek Muller’s talk at the Winter 2016 American Association of Physics Teachers meeting in New Orleans. Derek Muller (who was born in Vancouver) is a creator of a very famous YouTube channel: Veritasium –  I have heard Derek’s presentations before, but in my view this one was the […]

Reflection on an online ETEC 533 course: Math and Science teaching with technology

Monday, November 30th, 2015

Yesterday I received an unexpected email from one of my former students in an on-line graduate course – ETEC533 – Technology in Mathematics and Science Classroom. Stefanie was finishing the program and she decided to do a reflection on the courses she took and on their impact. This is what she wrote about my course. […]

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