


July 2024

Archive for the 'Interactivity in the classroom' Category

Educational Tutorials: MET ETC 533 2015 Course

Friday, March 13th, 2015

As graduate students participating in my online MET course “Mathematics and science teaching and learning with technology” finishing their projects, I would like to post the links to their projects, so other educators can benefit from them. I am always amazed and positively surprised by the outcomes of this international collaboration between inspiring and knowledgeable […]

Student Work in an Online MET STEM Course

Friday, March 13th, 2015

As I discussed earlier, this year I am teaching (for the second time,a s the previous time was in 2013) an online course on Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning with Technology. I say the second time, because the first time I taught the course I was teaching the old version, designed by another person. […]

Reflection on my first 5 weeks of ETEC533 online teaching

Monday, February 9th, 2015

As of now I have been teaching my on-line ETEC 533 course (Teaching mathematics and science through technology) for the last five weeks. As it is almost a half-course mark, it is time for me to ask myself what I have learned from this experience. Here I would like to make a very short list […]

The sun never sets on our ETEC 533 online course

Friday, January 9th, 2015

  If you were to ask me why I like to teach my online ETEC 533 course – “Exploring  Technology in Mathematics and Science classroom” so much, I will give you at least three reasons: a) The graduate students (we have 24 students in this class) who take this course are self-motivated, knowledgeable and very creative people […]

5th North American GeoGebra Conference

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

I am very excited and honoured to be a plenary speaker at the 5th North American Geogebra Conference that is taking place on November 20-21 in Toronto, ON:  Preparing my presentation made me think once again about how we use technology in STEM Education and how we prepare teachers to use technology effectively. I am looking […]

My research interview

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

This is a short interview about my research in science education and science teacher education and how I see the role of technology in this process.

5th International Women in Physics Conference

Monday, August 11th, 2014

I just came back from attending the 5th International Women in Physics Conference in Waterloo, ON.  The conference was sponsored by IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics). It welcomed 215 attendees from 52 countries all across the world to discuss the issues related to women in physics. We had science talks, presentations about […]

CAP Congress 2014

Monday, June 16th, 2014

I am very fortunate to participate in the Canadian Association of Physicists’ Congress 2014 that is taking part this June in Sudbury, ON. Sudbury is a very special place in Canadian and World science as it is  home of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory ( This year the Congress features a number of events dedicated to the […]

UBC Summer Grad Course in Technology-enhanced STEM Education

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

Dear friends: I would appreciate if you could help me distribute this information among your colleagues (K-12 and university teachers and students) and friends who might be interested in taking part in my summer graduate course exploring technology use in mathematics and science education (K-12 and college): EDCP 585B_2014 Milner-Bolotin_Final.  I will teach it at […]

Using Educational Technology to Promote Inquiry in Science Teacher Education

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

I am honoured to be invited to present an invited talk at Korean Association of Science Education National Conference that will take place at Daegu University in February of this year. As I am preparing and practicing my talk  Using Educational Technologies to Promote Inquiry Improved Feb 2014 (thanks to my friends from the Toastmasters Club […]

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