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Archive for the 'Mathematics education' Category

5th North American GeoGebra Conference

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

I am very excited and honoured to be a plenary speaker at the 5th North American Geogebra Conference that is taking place on November 20-21 in Toronto, ON:  Preparing my presentation made me think once again about how we use technology in STEM Education and how we prepare teachers to use technology effectively. I am looking […]

4th Math & Science Family Day a Huge Success

Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

Five years ago when I came to UBC to become an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education, I had a dream of engaging our Teacher-Candidates in Mathematics and Science Education in an informal way – I wanted them to experience the excitement of math and science through outreach. I also wanted future elementary teachers […]

4th Mathematics and Science Family Day – November 1st, 2014

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Once again we are getting ready for the Mathematics and Science Family Day. This event has become a tradition in the faculty. It is our fourth time organizing it. This time it became even more important as the dispute between the teachers and the government that presented half a million BC students from starting schools this […]

STEM 2014 Conference at UBC: The Countdown

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

  In a few days May will be over and summer will begin! I know, the summer is not going to be officially here till June 21st, but for me, the summer starts on June 1st and ends on August 31st. This year we are planning a very exciting summer filled with STEM (Science, Technology, […]

UBC Summer Grad Course in Technology-enhanced STEM Education

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

Dear friends: I would appreciate if you could help me distribute this information among your colleagues (K-12 and university teachers and students) and friends who might be interested in taking part in my summer graduate course exploring technology use in mathematics and science education (K-12 and college): EDCP 585B_2014 Milner-Bolotin_Final.  I will teach it at […]

STEM 2014 at UBC: STEM Education and Our Planet: Making Connections Across Contexts

Friday, October 18th, 2013

I am very proud to say that I am a member of the Organizing Committee of the STEM 2014 Conference that will be hosted by our Department this Summer. While you can read the information about the conference from its web site, I want to share that we, as organizers, are working very hard to […]

The Results of OECD Adult Skills Surveys

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

These are very interesting and important results. I especially like the interactivity of the charts. I would recommend you to start with listening to their 3 min YouTube and then go and see their results of play with the data. I especially liked how they analyzed country’s performance by age… What does it mean that […]

Educational Tutorials from ETEC533 Course

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

This summer I had an amazing opportunity to teach an online graduate course in the Master of Educational Technology Program at UBC. I was a little bit apprehensive of it at first – a new graduate course (I taught four new courses this year, three of them I designed), teaching all summer long, teaching online… […]

Reflections on Teaching an Online Course about Educational Technologies in STEM

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

This summer I have been very busy. I have been teaching two graduate courses. Both focused on the implementation of educational technologies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fields. One of these courses was an intensive three week course where we met daily with students for 2.5 hours on campus. This was a great course […]

An Online Course about Technology-Enabled Math and Science Learning

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

I am currently teaching a graduate online course that explores how students learn mathematics and science with technology and how we can design more effective learning environments to support students. I do not want to tell much about this course, but here are a few projects designed by the students. I found them very powerful. […]

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