


July 2024

Archive for the 'Personal' Category

High Price of Forgetting our Past

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

Yesterday we celebrated the 151st birthday of Canada. OK, maybe not everybody, but I certainly did. In my personal or professional life, I do not feel as an immigrant to Canada, because I have been a part of Canada and Canada has been a part of me since the first moment I stepped onto the […]

Another Year of Teacher Education Program

Tuesday, June 19th, 2018

A few days ago my husband and I happen to visit a very interesting place – an old school room at a museum in a small town of Salmon Arm in British Columbia –  R. J. Haney Heritage Village and Museum in Salmon Arm, BC  ( When walking around this classroom I tried to imagine how […]

Math & Science Teachers as Learners

Friday, June 8th, 2018

This summer I was asked to teach an Inquiry course in our STEM Teacher Education Program. The course is the last inquiry course that teacher-candidates take after they have completed their school practicum. As a result, they come to this course with much richer and more interesting experiences as compared to their previous, pre-practicum courses. […]

Inquiry III course at UBC Teacher Education

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

I am teaching a summer Inquiry course for future mathematics and science teachers. As I was planning this course I decided to make it as exciting and relevant for the teacher-candidates and for myself as I could. So every meeting I try to share some interesting teaching ideas with them and to learn from them […]

40th UBC Physics Olympics

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

  We held our 40th UBC Physics Olympics today: . It was an extraordinary event. We had 6 very successful heats that the students were very excited about. We also had a record number of teams and students: 73 teams and 721 students. We had teams from all over BC and we had teams […]

Presenting at BCAPT Professional Development Day

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

This winter I helped to organize a professional development day for BC physics educators. We gathered at Capilano University and spent a day discussing how we teach physics, how students learn physics, and how we can use technology to engage students with physics in a meaningful way. To learn more about the event visit BC […]

Presenting at Conferences: Death by PowerPoint

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

I always thought that effective communication is crucial for promoting science education. And even though I have been an educator for almost quarter of a century now. I always feel that I can be a better communicator of science. This is the reason why for the last eight years I have been actively involved in […]

AAPT-2019 Invited Talk

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

On January 8, 2018 I will be giving an invited talk at the Winter-2018 National Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers in San-Diego, California. I am very excited about it as my talk will focus on something, I have been very interested for a while: the opportunities that we overlook while teaching in […]

UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

  Since coming to UBC in 2004, I was very fortunate to participate in many projects aimed at improving educational experiences of our students. These projects would not have been possible if not for the UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund – TLEF. This fund’s goal is to support innovation in teaching and learning at […]

Making STEM Outreach a Tradition at UBC

Sunday, November 5th, 2017

I  will always remember how hands-on science activities inspired me to engage with science at a deeper level. I didn’t want to become a scientist because I got a 100% on a test, but because I wanted to figure things out and I wanted to play with things. Hands-on science has always fascinated me. I […]

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