


July 2024

Archive for the 'Physics Education' Category

Taking My Students to a Physics Teaching Conference

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

On Saturday, October 13th, five of my students and I drove to Bellingham, Washington to attend a Washington Section AAPT Conference. I have posted my feedback about the conference here. It was a very special event and I felt that in some way I am repaying a “debt” of more than 12 years ago. Then […]

Why Do I Like Physics Teaching?

Friday, October 12th, 2012

Publish or Perish: The State of Academic Publishing in Science Education

Friday, October 12th, 2012

As I am going through my tenure and promotion process, I have a chance to think of the value of my own publications and my own contributions to the field of science education. What is the impact of my own studies? Do they truly matter? Do they have any impact on science education or on […]

Family Math and Science Fair 2012

Friday, October 5th, 2012

Once again my colleagues, students and I are thinking of our Family Math and Science Day at the Faculty of Education. This year it will take place on October 27th. I am happy to know it is becoming a tradition… I hope we have lots of guests and enough volunteers!

Rethinking Conceptual Change Theories

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

This term I am very fortunate to be able to teach a graduate course on the Research in Science Education (EDCP 559 at UBC). This course makes me think and rethink many of the concepts I thought I have understood before. It made me think how we build our understanding and how new ideas fit […]

Science Education Review

Monday, September 10th, 2012

As a science education researcher and a science teacher who teaches future teachers and often visits schools,  I often feel that there is a large gap between what we know about how students learn science and how we teach it. Part of it is due to the gap between the innovations in science education described […]

Interview on Global News Network: Science Education Matters

Friday, September 7th, 2012

Richard Feynman – Special Website

Monday, August 27th, 2012

I am delighted to hear about this very special web site about Richard Feynman –

Mars Landing – A Great Succeess of Science and Engineering

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

This summer has been filled with amazing scientific discoveries: Higgs Boson, Mars Landing, only to name a few – How exciting is that? I especially find it amazing that modern technology helps us understand and appreciate these discoveries at a very different level. For example, this web site above allows us to see what Curiosity […]

Video Analysis in Science Teaching: How technology can help us to get students excitied about science

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

When I am asked how technology can affect student science learning and why it has a potential of making a difference, I often think of the questions one can ask and answer today that could have have been asked or answered even 50 years ago. If I were to ask you how a water droplet […]

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