


July 2024

Archive for the 'Physics Education' Category

Vernier Logger Pro Workshop in Beijing

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

We have had a very exciting day playing with Vernier equipment last Wednesday. We have done 7 experiments with motion detectors, force probes, CO2 sensors, temperature probes, pH sensors, etc. It was very exciting to see the level of engagement of the teachers. During the first hour I introduced them to data collection with Vernier […]

Teaching in BJ – Week 2

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

  I started teaching the second week of my course today. I have enjoyed the day very much as I had a very good interpretor, and I knew much better how to engage students. Today we discussed how to use clickers in the classroom and solved some interesting problems. It is amazing that Chinese teachers […]

How People Learn

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

As I have just started teaching and online summer course ETEC 533, I decided to re-read the book that has been serving as a key reading (one might say the backbone) to the entire course: How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. I love it as it is directed to educators who want to […]

Getting ready for Beijing

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

I am honoured to be invited to teach a special two-week professional development course for mathematics and science educators in China (Chaoyang School District in Beijing). I am looking forward to it as I am sure I will learn a lot from our Chinese colleagues. It is going to be my second visit to Beijing […]

Research Presentation at Aarhus University

Monday, March 30th, 2015

I had been very fortunate to present my work at Aarhus University in Denmark. I spoke about the use of technology in physics teacher education. However the most interesting and inspiring part of my visit was meeting local physics teacher-candidates and seeing how much we (physics teacher educators) have in common. For example, it was […]

Educational Tutorials: MET ETC 533 2015 Course

Friday, March 13th, 2015

As graduate students participating in my online MET course “Mathematics and science teaching and learning with technology” finishing their projects, I would like to post the links to their projects, so other educators can benefit from them. I am always amazed and positively surprised by the outcomes of this international collaboration between inspiring and knowledgeable […]

AAPT Winter Meeting San Diego, CA

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

I am attending AAPT Winter Meeting this week. I am presenting two talks. One is an invited talk: AAPT_W2015_ReimaginngBestPractices_Milner-Bolotin In my talk I will be discussing the idea of Technology-Enhance Deliberate Pedagogical Thinking in Physics Teacher education. My goal is to help physics teacher-candidates learn to use technology as a tool to achieve a bigger pedagogical purpose […]

Looking forward to teaching an ETEC 533 on-line course

Friday, November 28th, 2014

As our Winter I team is winding down, I have an opportunity to pause and reflect on what I have learned last term. It was a great term with interesting courses, research, publications and conferences. I am also getting ready for teaching my ETEC 533 course – Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom. It […]

5th North American GeoGebra Conference

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

I am very excited and honoured to be a plenary speaker at the 5th North American Geogebra Conference that is taking place on November 20-21 in Toronto, ON:  Preparing my presentation made me think once again about how we use technology in STEM Education and how we prepare teachers to use technology effectively. I am looking […]

4th Math & Science Family Day a Huge Success

Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

Five years ago when I came to UBC to become an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education, I had a dream of engaging our Teacher-Candidates in Mathematics and Science Education in an informal way – I wanted them to experience the excitement of math and science through outreach. I also wanted future elementary teachers […]

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