


July 2024

Archive for the 'Science and society' Category

Vernier Logger Pro Workshop in Beijing

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

We have had a very exciting day playing with Vernier equipment last Wednesday. We have done 7 experiments with motion detectors, force probes, CO2 sensors, temperature probes, pH sensors, etc. It was very exciting to see the level of engagement of the teachers. During the first hour I introduced them to data collection with Vernier […]

Teaching in BJ: Week 1 Impressions

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

I have finished teaching Week 1 of the course. What an exciting experience. I am very inspired by what I saw here. Most importantly, I realized that good teaching has no borders. Here is what Chinese teachers found most useful:] 1) PhET simulations 2) Clickers 3) Logger Pro – sensors 4) Games and Group work […]

How People Learn

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

As I have just started teaching and online summer course ETEC 533, I decided to re-read the book that has been serving as a key reading (one might say the backbone) to the entire course: How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. I love it as it is directed to educators who want to […]

Asking New Questions in Technology Age

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

While we like to discuss how technology negatively affects our ability to connect with people, I would like to discuss how technology allows us to ask and answer new questions. For example, as we have gotten the results of the new International mathematics and science assessment, we might want to decide to compare different countries. […]

NARST Reflections 2015

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

  I just came back from attending the NARST Conference in Chicago. It was a great opportunity for me to see what is going on in the world of research on science education. Out of all the talks, I found the plenaries the most interesting. The first one was by Linda Rosen from the organization […]

Educational Tutorials: MET ETC 533 2015 Course

Friday, March 13th, 2015

As graduate students participating in my online MET course “Mathematics and science teaching and learning with technology” finishing their projects, I would like to post the links to their projects, so other educators can benefit from them. I am always amazed and positively surprised by the outcomes of this international collaboration between inspiring and knowledgeable […]

Student Work in an Online MET STEM Course

Friday, March 13th, 2015

As I discussed earlier, this year I am teaching (for the second time,a s the previous time was in 2013) an online course on Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning with Technology. I say the second time, because the first time I taught the course I was teaching the old version, designed by another person. […]

The Imitation Game and Reflection on Teaching…

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

Yesterday I had an opportunity to watch a movie “The Imitation Game”. On first glance, the movie is about Alan Turing and how he and a team of brilliant young people were able to crack the Enigma code during WWII. However, it is only an overall impression. While it is obviously a Hollywood movie and […]

Taylor Mali: What do Teachers Make?

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

I would like to share this video. I think it is a very inspirational video, but I also think it is a troubling one. It shows that our society (luckily we are much better in Canada than in the US) does not value teaching enough, as we are not ready not only to pay teachers […]

The sun never sets on our ETEC 533 online course

Friday, January 9th, 2015

  If you were to ask me why I like to teach my online ETEC 533 course – “Exploring  Technology in Mathematics and Science classroom” so much, I will give you at least three reasons: a) The graduate students (we have 24 students in this class) who take this course are self-motivated, knowledgeable and very creative people […]

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