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Archive for the 'Science in everyday life' Category

PhysClips – Mechanics Animations and Much-Much More

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

While attending a STEM 2012 Conference in Beijing China I happened to attend a workshop about a Physclips project – it is a great resource for teaching physics created by our colleagues from the University of South Wales in Australia. I found it to be a great resources and I recommended it to my teacher-candidates… I […]

Italy Finds Scientists Guilty…

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

This is an article from NPR – October 22, 2012. Believe it or not, but I am completely dumbfounded by this news. Is it 21st century Europe? What is going on there? I think the next step will be to burn those scientists at the stake… Oh wait, this has been done before…

Evolution Versus Creationism: What should science teachers do?

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

I am teaching a very interesting (at least for me) graduate course on the Research in Science Teaching and Learning. Our last meeting focused on the Nature of Science and we of course had an opportunity to discuss the Evolution-Creationism controversy that has been raging for decades South of the border and also in Canada… […]

Why Do I Like Physics Teaching?

Friday, October 12th, 2012

Playing with Iron Fillings

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

I teach a physics methods course for future physics teachers and it makes me think about different ideas and concepts we encounter while learning physics. As I was thinking of how we help our students to visualize the invisible, I started playing with iron fillings suspended it oil. I placed a magnet in the centre […]

Science Education Review

Monday, September 10th, 2012

As a science education researcher and a science teacher who teaches future teachers and often visits schools,  I often feel that there is a large gap between what we know about how students learn science and how we teach it. Part of it is due to the gap between the innovations in science education described […]

Interview on Global News Network: Science Education Matters

Friday, September 7th, 2012

Inspiration for a New School Year: An Interview with Maria Klawe

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Richard Feynman – Special Website

Monday, August 27th, 2012

I am delighted to hear about this very special web site about Richard Feynman –

Science World and Science Outreach

Friday, August 24th, 2012

How do you know that your kids have grown up? When you come to Science World and you realize that you haven’t been there for a while… I have been volunteering with the Scientists and Innovators in the School organization since 2006. This organization is run by the Science World and it bridges scientists and […]

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