Pedagogy of Discomfort: being comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Feeling comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. This is a very valuable life skill that everyone needs to learn. There is a negative view towards vulnerability that has been developed in our society, especially around the male stereotype. However, feeling vulnerable requires recognition, acceptance, reflection, and a whole lot of courage. Change is usually an uncomfortable feeling, a state of vulnerability that many people try to avoid by routinizing their lives. However, there is no growth without change. To promote acceptance of vulnerability, people need to be empathetic of others. As a future teacher, my philosophy is deeply routed in social and emotional awareness, including empathy. Feeling sympathetic towards other’s and being able to understand others individual perspectives.  This is a skill that I, as a future teacher, am still working on myself,, ad hope to be a positive role model for my students. As a future teacher, I plan on implementing social and emotional learning activities that foster a welcoming and safe environment.


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