LinkedIn Profile


LinkedIn is a great platform offering network to various professionals.

Some best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn are:

  • Keep your profile updated – posting a profile picture and skills has a higher chance or making a professional connection; photo, name and headline is the first thing seen when people search
  • Highlight most recent experience – this allows your connections to see your expertise
  • Make important business or professional connections – Network with other professionals from the same career or other that interests you
  • Join/follow a professional group – This helps connect with other people who are from same professions
  • Reach out to those who view your profile – LinkedIn tell you who is viewing your profile, so you can reach out to them if you are interested.
  • Catch up with news from your connections – new posts, tips and updates helps you stay current in professional market
  • Connect to alumni associated with your college or university – connecting to alumni helps you network with those who went to same school as you and share your interests to help you land a job
  • Use the Advanced search – Advanced search option allows you to connect to your favorite companies by getting creative
  • Be Active – Weiner suggests being authentic and current. It is crucial to stay active and interact as a professional to get noticed and build recognition


Link to my LinkedIn Profile