blogs Compulsory Happiness Norman Manea Romania The Trenchcoat time

blog#9 – the Object of Anxiety —

blog#9 – the Object of Anxiety — I’ll admit that I am not very good at remembering character’s names when reading, especially during the part I have to read in dialogue. But in this book, many characters have a kind of tic or catchphrase that they say which I thought was really interesting. Whatever their […]

blogs Brazil cockroach Lispector Rio The Passion According to G.H. time Womanhood

blog#7 – a woman and her Cockroach —

blog#7 – a woman and her Cockroach — Reading The Passion According to G.H. was one of the closest moments that I felt like I was reading a well-composed transcript of my own thoughts. The way the Clarice Lispector seamlessly yet abruptly changes from concept to concept is mind-bogglingly impressive – all the while articulating […]

babyhood blogs childhood guilt french introduction lost in translation mother Proust

blog#2 – Combray and Childhood Guilt

blog#2 – Combray and Childhood Guilt — While reading Proust’s Combray, I automatically and unconsciously tried to categorize it in my brain with themes of other texts and books I’ve read in the past. The result was somewhere between ‘intimacy-deprived only child soliloquy‘ and ‘anxiety fueled mommy issues‘. Though Combray left with me with more […]

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