Happy May Day!

Dear Friends,

Happy Mayday! Here is the now classic Rouge Forum Mayday flyer, one of our most widely read pieces, online for 9 years.

This Mayday is unlikely to match the massive outpouring we saw last year. That’s because many of the corporate supporters of last year’s marches have withdrawn their backing. No loss. Tens of thousands of youth and workers will be on the streets, striking against anti-working class immigration laws, for dignity at work and freedom from police raids in the communities and in homes. Last year’s general strike on Mayday was the biggest such action in the US, ever.

In many cases, as in California, the Mayday school walkouts will disrupt testing week. Good! Shut down the racist tests, get the kids on the streets where they will learn, on Mayday, far more than they will in any test station.

We are happy to report that after nearly one hundred Rouge Forum members deluged Earthlink with email, our web site re-lit, almost by magic. After six weeks of battles with the service provider, it’s clear the member response was decisive in moving Earthlink management to act, and act right. We are now up at www.richgibson.com.

The Rouge Forum No Blood For Oil site is up and running, fully restored.

Note in particular articles addressing the fact that the US has no plan to leave Iraq. Why Was There No Exit Plan?, from the San Francisco Chronicle .

Intensifying imperial rivalry is indicated in the massive build-up of China’s Navy.

And the Putin move to suspend Russia’s participation in a symbolic arms pact is here.

This is a fascinating piece on the New York City Teacher’s Union by Sean Ahern.

Thanks to Wayne Ross for posting key material on his site while we were shut down. One of several significant things on Wayne’s site is a link to podcasts from Michael Baker’s Room 101, an interview program out of Nebraska NPR featuring Susan Ohanian, Wayne, Chomsky, and others.

Thanks also to the San Francisco Gray Panthers for posting material to their site, as in this discussion on testing and social change.

Thanks as well to Sean, Perry, Doug, Mary and Paul, Ssg Lloyd, Eliz O, Candace D, Betty Shelly, Donnie, TC, Evan, and all those activists who wrote Earthlink and got their minds right.

best r

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