

The UBC Sauder School of Business Point Grey campus has many different classrooms that you may be assigned to teach in based on your subject, class size, and technical requirements. In addition, there are two studios available for online teaching or video creation. This section provides you with some of the details of your classroom that you should know before your first day of instruction. It is also highly recommended that you visit your classroom prior to your first day of instruction to familiarize yourself with your assigned teaching space and the opportunities that it may present for your overall course design.

Common Room Technologies

All classrooms at UBC Sauder have the following suite of technologies at a minimum:

  1. Desktop computer equipped with common software such as PowerPoint, Word, etc. The desktop computers also have software that allows you to record your classes, run iClicker cloud, and more.
  2. HDMI and VGA cables to connect your tablet and laptop.
  3. Document camera to share and annotate documents
  4. Speakers to share audio and video with your students
  5. 2 Projector screens to display different sources (for example, one screen can display PowerPoint slides while the other displays the document camera).
  6. Confidence monitor to see what is being projected while teaching.
  7. Microphone for projecting and recording your voice together with your presentation.

Some classrooms are equipped with supplementary technologies, such as additional screen(s) and camera(s) to record instructors and students. Further information is available in the sections below.

Special notes on class recordings

For in-person classes at UBC Sauder, we recommend that you provide students with recordings on an as-needed basis, or later on as a study guide to encourage them to attend class (e.g., a student is prevented from attending class due to an illness or other approved event). All face-to-face classes at Sauder are automatically recorded and securely available in Panopto where you may edit and share recordings with your students at your discretion. Recordings consist of instructor audio and up to two visual sources.

For online courses, we recommend you provide students with Zoom recordings for all classes.

Henry Angus Building (ANGU)

The Henry Angus building has classrooms of several sizes, ranging in capacity from 10-300 students, each with varied configurations and technologies. Elsewhere, available UBC-wide classrooms may be found on the UBC Learning Spaces directory.

Some classrooms are controlled and blocked for UBC Sauder’s exclusive use, such as ANGU 491, 492, and 089, which have significant audio-visual upgrades that allow hybrid events with participants attending either in-person and online. Key technologies in these rooms include touch-to-talk microphones whereby participants may press a button when speaking and their voice and video is then projected into a Zoom meeting or other similarly equipped room.

David Lam Building (DL)

The David Lam building consists of classrooms dedicated to the Robert H. Lee Graduate School, including seminar rooms and lecture theatres.

UBC Sauder Learning Labs

UBC Sauder has two Learning Labs in the basement of the David Lam building. Here, movable chairs, a multitude of screens, walls that act as whiteboards, and spatial microphones and cameras encourage and facilitate active learning strategies be they class discussions or small group work.

UBC Sauder Studios

UBC Sauder has professionally equipped studios for synchronous or asynchronous recorded presentations. For more information, or to book a studio, visit the studio booking and scheduler page.

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