Current Students

Erika Thauberger

Erika Thauberger

I am a third year PhD student in the School and Applied Child Psychology program. My career goal is to work in a mixture of the public sphere (i.e., hospital or school setting) and private practice, conducting autism assessments. was born in Greenwood Nova Scotia and moved to Ottawa, Ontario when I was 12. I completed my undergrad at the University of Toronto, St. George campus. My degree is an Honours degree in Life Science, with a minor in biology and specialty in psychology. I always knew I wanted to work with kids. In high school I volunteered with Special Olympics, and in university I volunteered with a program called Peace by Peace which taught an anti-bullying curriculum in Toronto elementary schools. I enjoy the opportunity to work with children in a meaningful way in the program. In my spare time, I enjoy baking, doing makeup, watching movies, and doing yoga. A piece of advice I have for future grad students is that you need to remember it is a marathon and not a sprint to finish the degree.

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