Current Students

Kathleen Walsh

Kathleen Walsh

I am a 5th year PhD student in the School and Applied Child Psychology program. Upon completing my degree, I aim to become a registered Clinical Child Psychologist, working both in schools and community settings. I was born and raised in St. John’s Newfoundland and completed my BA (honours) at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I got into this field because of my passion for working with children and families and have an interest in better understanding human thinking and behaviour. My favourite part of the SACP program has been the availability of many varying practicum opportunities that boost my clinical experience and training greatly. A fun fact about me is that in elementary school, I was on a competitive jump rope team, and I still can do many of the tricks. A piece of advice about grad school I would offer to anyone would be to remember to prioritize your well-being and all facets of what makes you, you! A grad student is only a part of your identity – you are also so many other wonderful things.

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