Current Students

Carly Fraser

I am a second year Master of Education student in the School and Applied Child Psychology program. Once I finish my degree, I want to work in a school district as a School Psychologist. I would like to do social-emotional screening and school-wide consultation to improve school climate and overall well-being of the student population. I am from Alberta and I did my undergraduate degree at McGill University. I majored in Psychology and minored in Education and in Marketing. While my passion is psychology, I take interest in the applied school setting. School psychology is the perfect marriage of my interests in education and psychology. I enjoy how the program sets us up to learn about a subject in one class, then use that knowledge in an applied setting throughout the program. The practicum is well set up for us to get a variety of experiences, all while being supported by our supervisor, advisor, and other professors. In my spare time, I enjoy exploring nature, trying new restaurants, and trying new forms of arts and crafts. To any incoming grad student, go out of your way to apply the things you learn in your classes, whether practicing at home, with your clients, or with other opportunities.

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