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Hola chicos

Tuesday, in the last class hour (3:45-4:45) we are going to be having our first quiz.  This will be a dictation quiz based on the vocabulary and grammar structures of Lecciones 1 and 2.

The quiz will contain 3 parts.  In part 1: Vocabulario, I will read 10 vocabulary words or phrases from both chapters’ vocabulary lists.  (pgs 6-7, and 40-41) and you will write them out in Spanish.

In part 2, Preguntas, I will dictate a list of 6 questions in Spanish.  These will be derived more or less from the “Para conversar” and “para conocernos mejor” questions throughout the chapters.  (Usually after each grammar lesson there are discussion questions).  You will write out the questions in Spanish as best you can.


In part 3, Respuestas, You will answer the questions from Part 2 in full sentences.  To get full marks, you will need to add an extra 5 words per question that aren’t already in the questions themselves, (don’t just repeat the material in the question).

I am reachable by e-mail if you have any questions about the quiz or any of the material covered.  (Barbara.fraser@ubc.ca)


Hola chicos

This week we completed Lección 2 in the textbook and looked over the vocabulary for Lección 3.  Here are the lecture notes for this week:


La Hora

Los Verbos Regulares

Posesión con de

Negativos y interrogativos

Adjetivos posesivos

For Homework, please do the assigned work from the Ilearn.  For the blog, describe 3 things that you want to do when your classes end.  (Tres cosas que deseas hacer cuando terminan tus clases)

Hola chicos


Aquí están las lecciones de hoy:

Género y Número

Los pronombres y el verbo ser

Los números 40-200

More on Gender

We finished up the lessons from Chapter 1 and began the first two grammar lessons from Chapter 2.

Tareas (homework):  Workbook questions from Chapter 1 are posted on the Quia website and are due on Tuesday.  For instructions on how to sign up see this link

For the blog, write a brief 3-4 sentence description of yourself in the comment section in Spanish, use the verb “Ser”

Bienvenidos a español 101: Escuela de verano.


Today we covered pages 4-20 in the text.  Here are the lecture notes.  Greetings

El alfabeto español

Números, colores y días de la semana

Las estaciones del año y los meses

We also looked at the song “La ronda de los vocales” for learning vowel sounds.  Here it is

I am still waiting for the Ilearn code from the book seller, she was supposed to send it to me today but UBC’s entire site crashed hard, hopefully I will be able to set up the Ilearn workbook lab for Thursday.  Meanwhile the course syllabus is linked above.


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