Online privacy in 2019

Though it may not look like it, the minute we’re surfing the internet, we open ourselves to identity theft, fraud, and viruses. Now the internet doesn’t sound like as fun of a place as we once thought. But, you can still enjoy surfing the web, instead, you need to take a couple of extra steps to ensure your privacy is protected.

Passwords matter

You’ll hear stories of CEOs of their computers hacked and stripped of their information. The funny part is their passwords are always extremely simple. Using the word ‘password’ as your password isn’t going to cut it. Though this isn’t going to mean you’re completely protected, it will reduce the risk. People get lazy with passwords and usually end up choosing simple ones. Make sure your passwords contain a combination of letters, symbols, and numbers.

Create a secure network

If you ask any computer wiz, they’ll tell you the most important thing is to make sure you’re using a secure network. Without a secure system, you open yourself up to identity theft and privacy invasion. A virtual private network (VPN) ensures all your data is routed through a proxy server, making sure your IP address is protected from hackers. Now, you may be thinking, is VPN safe? And the answer is yes. It’ll hide your original information, making it difficult for people to see your identity.

Check your privacy settings

Most of us never check our privacy settings when we’re using social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. However, these public platforms are an excellent place to start when looking into privacy protection. This is because most of the information on these platforms are automatically default to sharing your information publically. The more information you provide to the public, the easier it is to invade your privacy. When using public platforms such as social media, make sure your information is only accessible to your friends and family.

Update your software

No one wants to update their software. It takes too much time, and it can be annoying when you’re in the middle of using your computer. But delaying your software updates can really affect your computer’s security system. The updates are there to fix bugs which could be exploited by hackers. 

Back-up your information

You can do everything suggested above to secure your privacy online, but it doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. The minute you’re connected online, you’re vulnerable. It’s essential you back-up all your information – if you value your data. Whether your computer is hacked, the hard drive broke down, or your laptop was stolen, you’ll still have all your data. You can back-up your data in three ways: cloud storage, external hard drive, or an online backup service.

The internet may seem like a lot of fun, but it’s also a place where you need to keep your eyes open and stay protected. Use these tips to protect your computer and your privacy from hackers.