Could Bringing Back the HECM Saver Save the Reverse Mortgage Industry?

Seniors looking to obtain a reverse mortgage have a few different products available to help them withdraw equity from their home.

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) offers the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Standard and the HECM Saver.

Both products require borrowers to be at least 62 years old to qualify and provide consumers access to their home equity in the form of a lump sum, term or tenure payments, a line of credit, or a combination of the options.

While they’re very similar, there are some important differences potential borrowers need to consider.


The HECM was released in 1989 and comprises most reverse mortgages, according to data from HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The product sets itself apart by allowing borrowers to withdraw a significant amount of equity from their homes. To access such a large amount of equity, borrowers are required to pay higher insurance premiums to the government, which insures the loan.

To obtain a HECM Standard, borrowers must pay an initial 2% insurance premium of the maximum claim amount and an annual insurance premium of .50%.

HECM Saver

The HECM Saver was released in 2010 by the FHA to provide seniors a low-cost way of accessing the equity in their home.

While the product is still relatively new, the number of consumers choosing the HECM Saver is increasing.

Borrowers who take out a HECM Saver are required to pay an upfront mortgage insurance premium of .01% of the maximum claim amount and an annual insurance premium of 1.25%. As a result of paying less in fees, borrowers also receive less money than they would from the HECM Standard.

Earlier this year, the HECM Saver received praise from the financial planning community as a great tool to help seniors be more prepared for retirement.

“[Taking out a reverse mortgage] is going to result in a better scenario,” said John Salter, Texas Tech professor and wealth manager for Evensky & Katz Wealth Management when discussing older Americans’ retirement. “This shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody. If you can tap into the value of a home, you’re going to be better off.”

HECM Standard vs. HECM Standard

Both reverse mortgage products provide seniors a safe and secure way of accessing their home equity, but one might make more sense than the other.

The table below compares the products, fees and proceeds and how they differ. The information is based on a 72-year-old borrower who has no mortgage balance on a home valued at $300,000.

Product Rate Initial Insurance Fee Net Principal Limit
HECM Fixed Standard 4.00% $6,000 $195,817
HECM Fixed Saver 4.50% $30 $150,300
HEMC Standard Adjustable 2.74% $6,000 $192,817
HECM Saver Adjustable 2.99% $30 $159,587

Principle Limited Calculated using ARLO™ calculator

While the HECM Saver might have a higher rate, the amount of fees is significantly lower than for the HECM Standard. Since borrowers are paying less in fees, the product also provides less in proceeds than the regular HECM.

But if you’re using a reverse mortgage to eliminate monthly payments, a HECM Standard might be a great choice.

Fixed Rate Options

The Adjustable Rate Standard Program will also still be available for borrowers who need the full draw, as well as the Saver Program for the adjustable rate loans. Borrowers who are purchasing using a reverse mortgage can still do so with the Adjustable Rate program and the full draw on the Standard Program but those who want only a fixed rate after March 29th will have to bring in the extra cash to close and use the Fixed Rate Saver Program. This may affect how much house some borrowers can afford if their down payment funds are limited so the adjustable rate loan may be their best option.

At any rate, the Fixed Rate program is a relatively new loan as it was not even available for more than just the last few years. Borrowers have been closing adjustable rate reverse mortgage loans for over 25 years. Those borrowers who really want the Fixed Rate Standard Program need to know the deadline as there is no way to know if HUD will ever bring the program back or not (and what the rates would be at that time if they did). But those who are not able to close on this program should know that borrowers have been successfully closing on the adjustable rate product for some time now and while the fixed rate may have been their first choice, they do have other viable options.

Home décor industry trends

From technology that allows people to bathe in colors to minimalist furniture with rustic energy, there have been many changes in the trends of the home décor industry. While the discussion on the decrease of people interested in home ownership continues, it is evident that those who do own a home want it to look magnificent. The home décor trends have seen major changes in the past few years especially with the rise of technology in the home design industry providing even more options to consumers. For example, rather than buying simple curtains, people can now choose to use smart blinds in their homes that are not only convenient, but a great way to save energy. Additionally, millennials have also acquired different tastes in how they want their homes to look. This is clear through the rise of minimalist home décor which has currently become one of the biggest trends in the industry. The options of designing homes are not only affordable and convenient in today’s world, but also make ones home look like it is straight out of a magazine page. Either way, all these new innovations and interests in the industry allow one to choose the best design to create a comfortable and fulfilling living space.

Technology has disrupted almost every industry, including that of home décor and design. Technological trends in home décor are not just purchasing smart home gadgets, but also using technology as a means to figure out how to decorate one’s home in the first place. For example, several apps, including some with virtual technology, allow one to take pictures of their living space and use a device to fill it with different furniture and décor. Additionally, smart home technology is an ever growing trend of home décor especially as more companies focus on creating technological products with added style. For example, people can now purchase smart speakers, or smart trashcans, or integrate thermostats into one’s home to create the best living environment. Home technology can also be beneficial as it can serve many different purposes with less equipment, enhancing one of the other rising trends in home décor, minimalism. With shows such as Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, more and more individuals are creating minimalist homes. Moreover, the minimalist approach is used increasingly by millennials who are constantly traveling and hence do not require a lot of home décor in the first place. A lot of companies are using this trend and creating more options for homeowners in the minimalist space. For example, providing multi-use furniture to reduce space and increase affordability in the purchase of home décor.

Overall, many trends are changing the home décor industry, creating a wider range of cost-effective products with added convenience. Home décor today is also highly influenced by social media as more people choose to share images of their living space online, inspiring others to create similar living spaces. The home décor industry is constantly growing, as can be seen by the various companies starting to invest time and effort into it. It is interesting to see the manner in which the trends will continue to change and create new options for one to choose from to create the decorated and designed home of one’s dreams.

4 New Technologies That Will Disrupt the Legal Industry

Law is one of the world’s oldest and most well-respected professions. Its legacy extends back hundreds of years and due to the enormous amount of education, work, and dedication required to become an effective practitioner, a position at a tried-and-tested legal firm is one of modern society’s most stereotypical status symbols. But new technologies are coming – or have come already – that aim to change the world, and the legal industry will be forced to adapt. The conversation about the changes underway in the world of law is already underway, but some technologies look to be more significant than others.

Self-driving cars

Inevitably, the first industry on people’s lips when self-driving cars come up is transportation. Full-time truck drivers and package and post delivery drivers are alleged to be particularly vulnerable, but somewhat less frequently mentioned is how automated cars will affect the way traffic violations and accidents are litigated. Car accidents are a major subset of personal injury law, a broad canopy under which many lawyers make a living. It’s tempting to think that without drivers to hold accountable, there can be no lawsuits or paychecks, but that’s not necessarily true, although the landscape will change. Forward-thinking firms like Seattle’s Davis Law Group are optimistic about their ability to help their clients navigate an unfamiliar landscape, where many of the defendants will likely be larger tech companies.

DNA databases

The use of genetics in the legal system is a relatively new phenomenon; even the forensic science of fingerprinting is surprisingly recent. Non-profit groups like the Innocence Project make headlines by lobbying for the application of new DNA evidence to exonerate criminals believed to have been wrongly convicted. But the newest development is a sort of Facebook of genetic data, a growing collection of information submitted by people for ancestry tests and entertainment value that police are now accessing in order to try and incriminate family members who may be suspects in a criminal investigation.


Automation won’t replace lawyers, but it will replace a lot of the work that they – and especially paralegals and assistants – do on a regular basis. Two things are likely: First, the adoption of software that automates the more menial and mechanical aspects of legal work will become necessary for success in a competitive marketplace, and it will significantly change how legal professionals bill their hours and what kind of work they focus on. Second, the firms that truly excel will be the ones who use advanced technology creatively, to help predict odds in trial cases and parse relevant case information.

Home Assistants and the internet of things

This is a technology that’s already here, but as the biggest technology companies engage in mortal combat for custody of our personal data, the portable and in-home devices they use to collect it will become a new variable lawyers will have to contend with as they work to protect their clients’ confidentiality and manage control over their cases. The possibility that the unassuming little robot might suddenly decide to send privileged conversations to randomly-selected third parties is an unfortunate reality that tomorrow’s attorneys will have to deal with.

Internet Privacy in the Age of Facebook

Instant connectivity has transformed our lives for the better, but this comes at a perennial cost: personal privacy. Internet privacy, also known as online privacy, is the privacy and security of personal data that is published on the internet. Internet privacy is a fundamental human right today. But it is also a growing concern as traditional notions of privacy are being challenged by advancements in digital technology. Companies track online behavior for targeted advertising, governments monitor online behavior to control the citizens and cybercriminals steal data for their nefarious activities.

The common issues surrounding online privacy are tracking, surveillance and theft. Tracking refers to the tracking of online movement by websites and advertisers through cookie profiling and other techniques. Governments are conducting surveillance on the internet usage of their citizens, with the help of internet service providers, for the ostensible purpose of maintaining law and order. And almost a staggering 20 million Americans were affected by identity theft in 2017 as cybercriminals used malware and other phishing techniques to break into online accounts and steal personal information.

Internet behavior has a huge impact on personal privacy. Using the same credentials for multiple accounts can leave a person totally vulnerable to cybercrime, as access into one account can lead the cybercriminals into other accounts. Remaining logged into websites may sound convenient, but can leave the online accounts susceptible to hacking. Opening suspicious attachments and downloading malicious files is wrought with danger as these can contain malware and viruses.

Thankfully, there are ways to ensure internet privacy and security. The browser is the main program that is used for going online and securing it would be the first step to pre-empt an invasion of privacy. Using a VPN service would go a long way in protecting internet privacy as a VPN changes the IP address and protects both incoming and outgoing traffic with military-grade encryption. Constant software updating is crucial to internet security as software vulnerabilities can be easily exploited by the bad guys. An anti-virus program is a handy tool in the fight against online attacks as it keeps the digital devices free from malware. One should look out for a padlock in the web browser address window as it is an indicator of safety. A two-factor authentication can also go a long way in preventing hacking.

Some words of caution: Many social media sites and search engines may be free to use, but do carry an immense cost in terms of internet privacy. Private browsing prevents the browser from recording private information, but does not protect privacy as an individual’s online activities can still be monitored. The ISP saves and archives every online activity for posterity.

It is a fallacy to suggest that the Facebook generation is indifferent about privacy. If there is one issue that unites everyone who goes online, it is privacy. We need to do our best to protect online privacy and ensure that personal information does not fall into the wrong hands.

Overuse of computer screens may be damaging students eyes

You rely on your eyes for so much–but could your work habits be killing your vision? If you experience eyestrain, vision problems, dry eyes, headaches, fatigue, or other problems after long hours in front of a computer screen, you’re not alone. You’re also probably causing some of your own misery.

Thankfully, there’s actually a lot you can do to help give your eyes a break. It’s worth it to try a few (or all) of these ideas to see if any of these tips make an impact:

1. Take a Break

It’s simple, but easily overlooked. Many of us overwork our eyes and that’s a significant contributing factor to our vision problems.

Try to aim for the 20/20/20 rule. Take a break every twenty minutes, look at an object twenty feet away, and hold your gaze for twenty seconds.

2. Blink More Often

Believe it or not, part of the reason why your eyes may hurt is because you’re probably not blinking enough.

Blinking your eyelids lubricates your eyes with tears, restoring the moisture your eyes lose from evaporation. Keeping your eyes hydrated helps prevent excessive dryness.

To keep your eyes feeling great, try to consciously blink more often. In fact, try blinking every time you think about it.

3. Use Your Prescription

If you have prescription eyewear, you may need to wear it even when you’re on the computer. Or, wear it when you’re away from your computer and use computer glasses when you’re in front of a screen.

Your eyestrain could be caused by the fact that your eyes are having to work harder to compensate for any vision challenges you experience, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or other issues.

4. Use Computer Lenses

Computer lenses are designed to be worn while using digital devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and televisions. Since our eyes are not designed for staring at screens, they sometimes need help.

Available in a wide range of frame designs, you can get computer lenses custom-made to your individual eyewear needs, fashion tastes, and vision prescription.

5. Adjust Your Screen Settings

Depending on the device you’re using, you may also be able to make adjustments to the screen so it causes less eyestrain. For instance, you could reduce the amount of blue light emitted by your computer screen so it doesn’t interfere as much with your sleep.

Too much blue light may reduce melatonin production in the body, causing sleep to become more difficult. Thankfully, it’s usually easy to change the settings on your computer, phone, or other device. You may even set up your device to reduce blue light before bedtime or for late night work.

Protect Your Vision

With these tips, you can reduce the strain your eyes undergo during your day-to-day use of electronics. Computer use doesn’t have to damage your eyes–by taking these steps, you can improve your comfort and productivity even while relying on computers to get your work done.

Business, Finance and the Markets: Growth, Fragility and Precaution

Modern day world runs on business deals, the respective structures constructed to govern and administer business relations and business people trying to expand business markets and increase profits. In such a scenario, finance becomes one of the most important fields of business, enabling aspiring parties to make good use of their money or find access to new sources of capital to undertake bigger projects. Business financing is therefore a force to be reckoned with as it continues to govern corporate relations, determine the boundaries and constraints of global business, while also opening brand new frontiers for aspiring minds and their projects.

The world of finance has always enjoyed a close connection to the domain of computer technologies and therefore the digital age has brought nothing short of a revolution for its matters. Robinhood, the popular millennial stock trading application, is a groundbreaking tool that has made financial investments mainstream, bringing $69 million in order routing revenue in 2018, tripling its revenues of such origin in 2017. The Menlo Park, the company that owns Robinhood, currently has 6 million users and a valuation of $5.6 billion, which is impressive considering that the company has been in existence for only five years. Robinhood’s policies have been receiving criticism lately due to its heavy reliance on high-frequency traders and their contributions to the ‘dark pool’ in global finance, which has been held responsible for the large-scale market swings that “allow institutional investors to gain an upper hand over smaller retail investors.” However, skeptics of such criticism point out that the entire industry witnessed 42% increase in order-routing revenue last year, meaning that The Menlo Park and Robinhood did not step outside of the boundaries of legality with their finance business, but merely enjoyed a global trend, signaling further financial success stories for the application.

Canada houses one of the most stable economies in the world but this does not mean that the country’s economy is invulnerable to crises as evidenced by the recently emerged issue of debt delinquency and how consumer delinquencies are expected to climb even higher in 2019.  Equifax Canada points out that as the 90-day delinquency rate rose by 1.5% in 2017 to 0.18% in 2018, the mortgage rates also rose by 0.4% to 1.07% the same year, resulting in a 15% rise in bankruptcies in Canada. For Canadian citizens of ages 65 and above, the delinquency rate increased by 7.2% last year, with the number of overdue payments for such seniors being on the rise for three consecutive quarters. According to Equifax’s findings, the total consumer debt of Canadian citizens, including the mentioned mortgages, also rose to $1.91 trillion in 2018 from its previous level of $$1.82 trillion in 2017. With respect to actual figures, such an alarming reality reveals that the average non-mortgage consumer debt was $23,520, having rose by 3% in 2018. As a general statement, it can inferred that the Canadian citizens need to take notice of the situation as well as possible action to slow down such increasing rates for the sake of preserving and maintaining the Canadian lifestyle.

When it comes business and finance, there is probably no other institution in the world as determinant and powerful as the Federal Reserve Bank of America, which makes the election of the members of the institution’s Board of Directors an important issue. Quite recently, the US President Donald Trump announced that the former Republican Herman Cain would not be running for a seat on the Board, fueling speculations that the president has political plans for America’s central bank as he sees the independent nature of the institution’s governance a threat to America’s political stability. Trump has previously demanded that the Fed should lower the interest rates for the sake of American businesses, which is a direct opposition to the general attitude of American presidents regarding monetary policy. Trump’s stance on the issue has been perceived as a continuation of his isolationist economic policies, due to the fact that the president aims at increasing economic welfare and stability in America by keeping production and jobs at home. For such a purpose, Trump claims that he requires financial privileges and freedom, both of which he expects and demands from the Federal Reserve System.      

Crime tech changes global law industry

The world of law is one that is seemingly always shifting, pivoting on its gravitational axis. One of the world’s most instrumental industries of all, law is a sector that is always experiencing change on some fundamental level. Despite all this unrelenting evolution, however, it remains a certainty that the law industry is a sector that thrives on predominantly-traditional methods and models.

Only now is this beginning to change. What is responsible for the change? Not altogether surprisingly, it is technology that is at the centre of this type of innovative evolution. Technological advancement has revolutionised the entire modern world in one way or another, and we are now seeing it begin to speed up its pace, beginning to positively transform the entire legal industry from the inside out.

A traditionally-inclined industry

Law is, by nature, a traditionally-inclined field. It does not necessarily matter if you are searching for a vehicle lawyer in the wake of a car accident you were responsible for, or a judge presiding over the latest case to fall on their desk, the nature of law at its roots has always been fundamentally traditional. Historically, this has always been a data-driven industry, but the way that data was driven through the system has been fundamentally elevated in the wake of technological disruption.

One way that this is inherently obvious is in the data systems that process all the information at any given moment. Once upon a time, this was a job that had to be done manually, and so it took a lot of additional time, effort, and money, on an ongoing basis. Now, however, there are automated systems in place that make this process a whole lot easier, more efficient, and fast than ever before.

Technological disruption erupts

It is not at all uncommon for an industry to feel the weight of technological innovation and digital advancement, but there has been no industry that has felt the weight of it all quite like the legal sector. Law enforcement and the courts are now beginning to embrace technologies and explore their use in the sector, most notably the uses of tech to automate certain processes, as well as the tech used to predict and even prevent crimes in the first place.

Artificial intelligence (AI) for example, can make acutely accurate predictions based on the data collected, and this is why this particular technology is having such a dramatic effect on the legal system. This is also just one prime example of technological disruption in law.

Law field is digitally revitalised

The tech advancements in the field, powered by AI automation and machine learning, are the very foundations that have had such an astronomical effect on the legal industry. Today, the technologies that work collaboratively with traditional methods and models are the very same ideals that have transformed the legal industry on every positive level there is. Today, the legal systems the world over are more convenient, efficient, and quick than ever before, leading to a smoother ride all round.

Pillars of arcing success in web development in 2019

It has been said many a time that a website is the digital age iteration of a storefront window. Via a website, an individual can get a strong idea of what a business does, what they are about, what they offer, and the quality and efficiency in which they offer it. When it comes to web development and design agency for online spaces, there is an overwhelming array of possibilities to sift through. It is first important to note that not every website will be successful using the same web design and development principles (this is especially true considering that not every website exists to offer the same point of view, solution, or demographic strategy. With every passing year comes the next generation of web development trends. With that being said, there are three web development and design components that are crucial to the success and longevity of a website right now.

Animation fixation

Websites are one of the most diverse digital marketing tools there is, and it (literally) pays to get them right. While it can seem like the safe option to mimic what everyone else around you is doing with their site, thinking outside the box and creating something totally unique will not only set you apart from the masses, but ensure that your website is memorable. Animation is the latest and greatest way to do that. Last year, it was all about including live video access to websites, but in 2019 web developers and designers are taking this concept to the next level by creating animated explosions that are vividly bright and exceedingly unique and memorable. They must be used smartly, but if they are, they can work magic.

Mobile-ready design

Consumers today are always on the go, and therefore they use their mobiles more than any of their other devices (in most cases, anyway). Because of this, it has never been so important to have a website that exhibits and maintains a mobile-ready design. In short, what this means is that creating the website design with mobile device access in the forefront of the design process’ mind’s eye is crucial. Consider it this way: we have all gone to access a website from our smartphones and found ourselves frustrated when it refused to load, or loaded but cut off the sides of the pages, fitting in a somewhat haphazardly disjointed way to the screen of our mobiles. So, make sure that your website design is mobile-ready, before anything else – yes, even before being desktop-ready. Strive to meet consumer demand, not mirror the rest of the online spaces in your field.

App extensions

Having a website is brilliant. This is the way that ecommerce (and the world, for that matter) is moving. So, it is a fantastic first-step. However, having a website is not enough anymore to rise above the competition and become a leading force in one’s respective field. These days, to make a truly exceptional impact on not only consumers, but the competition and industry giants alike, having an app extension of the website is necessary. Having it listed on the bottom of the website? Even better. Be the website that offers it all, without consumers having to ask for it.

The power of social media marketing

Digitalisation and technological advancement have today taken over the world in so many ways. In the case of business methods and models, the entire focus of marketing has shifted predominantly – especially in recent years. Digital marketing is the leading force in online advertising and marketing for businesses across varying industries, and it is only gaining more traction as time goes on. One concept of digital marketing that is enjoying a meteoric rise currently issocial media marketing. The thing about social media marketing that makes it such a phenomenal success story for so many businesses across vastly different industries, is that in many ways, social media is our way of connecting in all aspects of life. When businesses first began using social media as a key digital marketing strategy, people expected it to take off, but perhaps not this intensely and for this long. So, what are the three keys that make it so special, so powerful?

Turning consumer interest into a marketing weapon

Consumers today are more heavily invested in their online presence and the news feeds on their social media platforms than they are in the real world around them. This is especially true for the younger generations, the ones who have grown up positively immersed in and surrounded by digitalisation and technological advancement. The rising sense of importance that consumers place on social media began to become more notable to businesses, and the smartest companies realised that if social media is where consumers are increasingly spending more of their time, that is where they should be exercising more of their marketing power. And so, the vision was born.

Establishing an aesthetic vision

Using social media has a marketing strategy might be something that some companies are still getting used to, but it is also something that is having phenomenal impact across the board. In using social media channels as a key marketing strategy, businesses establish an aesthetic vision that excites and inspires when users click through to the social media page. When consumers engage with a brand that has social media pages that are both so collectively stunning and individually impactful, they always click ‘follow’. Always. And that is where the consumer relationship with businesses through social media first begins. Establishing the vision and successfully carrying it out is fantastic, of course, but it is just the beginning.

Catering to each consumer’s personal preferences

At the end of the day, social media marketing is centred around the concept of perfecting personalisation for each individual consumer. While establishing social media presence is important, so is catering to as many consumers as possible. Social media opens a world of opportunity up to consumers, and the brands that take control of that opportunity and spin it to be personal and special, are the ones who get the most interest. Over time, as individuals ‘follow’ more businesses via social media, their personal preferences become more obvious, and businesses with similar branding either ‘follow’ them in a bid to gain their attention, or begin drawing marketing inspiration from the businesses these individuals follow. And so, the trend grows and grows.

Improving client relationships as a budding student startup

As a freelancer, you are your brand. If people like you, you stand a much better chance of being successful. If they dislike or distrust you, then you’re going to struggle to carve out a profitable business. With that being said, healthy client relationships need to be a priority for you.

5 Steps for Superior Client Relationships

When it comes to a service business, you and your product are essentially the same. In order to win over business (and hang on to it), you have to sell yourself as reliable, trustworthy, friendly, informed, (or whatever other characteristic your clients find appealing).

Winning over customers is one thing. But if you want to build a successful and sustainable business that’s profitable for years to come, you must maintain healthy client relationships throughout many years. This requires an investment of your time, money, and emotions. And here are some tips to help you along:

  1. Stop Trying to Sell 

In the sales world, people like to toss around the acronym ABC, which stands for Always Be Closing. But if we’re honest, this is outdated advice that rarely works in today’s marketplace.

Gone are the days when people responded to in-your-face sales tactics and aggressive closing strategies. Today, customers have a wealth of information and options at their fingertips and know that it pays to be patient. A salesperson who is always trying to close a deal will turn people away. As a freelancer, your best strategy is to stop selling and start helping.

“Selling to poor-fit customers is a stopgap solution that will result in customer turnover, lost income in the form of clawback penalties, and in the most dramatic cases even shutter a business if churn gets too high,” sales expert Dan Tyre writes. “On a less concrete scale, Always Be Closing tactics also hurt the brand. As soon your company gains a reputation for having aggressive and selfish salespeople, it’ll be much harder to gain customers in the future — even ones you actually could have helped.”

By helping your clients and genuinely serving their interests, you build a strong foundation for future growth. People trust that you want what’s best for them. It’s a game-changer.

  1. Be Professional

As a freelancer, your size is both your greatest advantage and weakness. The fact that you’re small means you have to prove your credibility and reliability to customers – every step of the way.

Professionalism comes off in both the big and small areas of your client interactions. Pay attention to how you invoice, how you handle customer service issues, and even how you answer your phone.

  1. Go Beyond Business

As you become more acquainted with your clients, try to get to know them on a personal level (as appropriate). Learn the names of their spouses and children. Find out what they like to do in their free time. Have conversations that have nothing to do with work. The more you strengthen your relationship outside of business, the closer you’ll become. 

  1. Be Forthcoming 

Trust is a huge factor in any relationship – particularly a business relationship between freelancer and client.

“We want clients to feel absolutely safe in challenging us, asking questions, and requesting our input,” entrepreneur Dan McIvor says. “But at the same time, we want to be free to express when we think clients are missing an opportunity. You need trust for this to work well, and the process of building trust usually starts off with discussing little things and then moving on to larger opportunities.”

Be forthcoming when you interact with clients. Show off transparency, and you’ll usually get some transparency in return. 

  1. Be Responsive

The fact that you’re a living, breathing person is highly appealing to clients who are tired of talking to automated voice answering machines. When a client calls you, pick up the phone and interact with them. Responsiveness will help you earn and keep business. 

Put People First

Never underestimate or overlook the importance of developing relationships. People are the key to success in business, and you’ll never realize your potential until you learn to put your clients first.

Whether it’s a client you’ve had for six months or six years, an investment in relational capital and positive rapport will never be returned empty-handed. Stay focused and commit to being excellent in this area.