Forensics of the technological era

If there is anything that humanity has brought to Earth, it is continuous and ever-improving innovation. We have built cities from the ground up. We are on the brink of the transition into an era driven almost-entirely by technology of all kinds. As technology continues to propel forward as we search for ways to introduce more of it into our everyday lives, it is becoming increasingly clear that we are relying on digitisation more and more. As humanity begins to store more of our data and information online, the risks are becoming more evident and more common. Thankfully, there are entire teams dedicated to the cause, but even they rely on continuous technological connection. It is the ultimate paradox.

Every time it seems that technology is reaching its peak for a while, yet another innovation explodes into the scene and sends the bar soaring ever-higher once again. The future of cyber technology rests on concepts and realities such as artificial intelligence and online identity and privacy. As the bar gets higher and higher, we are continuously introduced to new and meaningful innovations that seek to improve our lives and increase efficiency and speed.

Appliances that help us in the kitchen currently, such as food processors and juicers, are likely to be replaced by fully-functioning robotic machines that cook for us and then clean up after themselves in the kitchen. Similarly, while we typically store little to no personal data or information digitally, there will come a time that practically everything about us is online. As this increased integration with real life and the digital plane evolves, there are bound to be risks, but the good news is that there are already individuals who have dedicated their professional lives to the cybersecurity and privacy control of individuals that have already begun to make that digital leap – the individuals working the front line in digital forensics.

Cybersecurity is a function that, to work entirely and to its full potential, must always be on and functioning to its full capacity. As with anything, however, this is not always the case. Human error and the question of time are consistent themes in the cyber industry (as in any industry) but the biggest difference is the increasing number of online attacks that are happening, stealing data and information and using it for anything from identity fraud to financial fraud. As we make the move to digitisation, it is not an unfair question to wonder if the convenience of making the switch outweighs the potential risk factors.

Regardless of how we each feel about the situation, the reality is that complete digitisation is inevitable. The technology is improving at an astounding rate, and sooner rather than later having our data and information will be the norm, whether we like it or not. Despite the reservations, there is a line of defence in place for systems such as these. Technology and criminal justice come together to form the basis of digital security and, subsequently, digital forensics. Individuals that work in digital forensics are charged with the responsibility to recover stolen or lost data information, to put in place protective measures, and to trace cyberattacks back to the source, effectively finding those responsible for the misuse and theft of online intellectual and personal information. It is a defence that is, frankly, absolutely necessary and not at all early – it is better to be overly prepared than caught off guard.

The people and the page are the face of a business

Every single business goes through a period in its initial stages of trying to figure out the face of their brand and who they want to present themselves as to their consumer base. Regardless of which industry the business fits into, at the core of every business idea should be the voice that drives it and makes it thrive. There are two particular investments that are the face of every business. The first – the website – is the virtual and global face of the business. The second – the people – are the internal face of the business. Both investments in a business are the epitome of the values and morals that a company has.

Having a website is honestly a legitimate necessity for businesses today. Regardless of what kind of business you own, having a website significantly increases brand awareness and overall exposure. Additionally, having a website is quite literally the way to engage with an international pool of prospective consumers. The landing page of a website tells prospective customers everything they need to know about a business. In the first five seconds, most consumers have already made the decision of further engagement with a brand. That means that the website’s landing page has to perfectly encapsulate what the business is about, what it offers, and what it can do for the customer. Customers want convenience and carefree engagement, they do not want to have to work hard to navigate a virtual business page. The whole point of a website is to make the customer experience easier, faster, and more convenient than ever before. The website is quite literally the face of any business that operates partially or wholly online.

The other massive indicator of a business doing all the right things is the people that work at the business. There are many spinning wheels that make the people of a company such an important part of its success, such as having to have at least a basic understanding of cryptocurrency for beginners. In an increasingly digital world, understanding digital currency is vital, particularly when one considers the likelihood of websites gravitating towards allowing cryptocurrency spending via their website. As well as understanding the current trends and market that the business operates around, the people keeping the business floating are the first point of contact for all customer queries, meaning that the smooth operations of the business rely on those employees being able to handle customer engagement appropriately and efficiently. Without the people, the business ceases to exist, much less run appropriately.

Every business must invest heavily in two key business aspects for it to flourish in the current (and future) economy. The website and the people that work at the business are the two biggest and most important influences in the longevity and overall success of the business. Without either one of them – and especially without both of them – even the best, most influential business can fall flat and begin to shut down. It is all about connectivity and active engagement, ease and convenience. Anything else is doing your business a disservice.

The Best and Worst Inventions of 2017

The booming industry of online marketplaces has given life to e-commerce. Today, you can get anything from handmade trinkets, personalized to one’s liking, to doing something like Paid Surveys. There’s no doubt that 2017 was a huge year for innovation across the board. As artificial intelligence, augmented reality and machine learning disrupted industries as diverse as fashion and finance.
But of course not all of last year’s creations were winners.

Below we look at some of the best and worst invention ideas that 2017 had to offer.

The Best

GreenWave 3D Ocean Farm

Aiming to tackle the environmental effects of land farming, Connecticut based GreenWave made Time’s list of the 25 Best Inventions of 2017 for their innovative ocean farming initiatives. The Not-For-Profit has established 14 underwater farms since 2013, growing shellfish and seaweed crops on ropes anchored to the ocean floor. The farms are self-sustainable, and help tackle climate change, feeding on carbon trapped in our oceans as they grow. According to GreenWave director, Bren Smith, a former commercial fisherman, the organization’s mission is to train a generation of ocean farmers and help restore ocean ecosystems.

Petit Pil

Last year saw the unveiling of a product set to change the lives of new parent’s everywhere. Petit Pil is a fabric that will stretch and grow with your kids. London based designer, Ryan Mario Yasin, decided to apply his background in aeronautical engineering and love of origami, to try and save parents money while reducing waste in the fashion industry. The revolutionary fabric is designed to grow up to six sizes and works by folding and unfolding with kids as they move and play, and eliminates discrepancies in sizes, which means they’re always the perfect fit. Garments made with Petit Pil will fit children as they grow from four to thirty-six months.

The Worst

Pause Pod: Literally a tent.

Last year we saw the introduction of the Pause Pod. Described by its creators as a “private pop-up space free from stressful moments” the idea behind it is a portable space you can use in the office when you need a moment to relax and unwind. But Pause Pod received a royal roasting on twitter as users pointed out the team of Swedish inventors had simply designed a tent. The online commentary even prompted one of the team, Adam Mikkelsen, to speak out telling critics “We never claimed that it’s not a tent… But we wanted to shine a light on a problem in today’s society you never think about.”

Juicero: Not that different from any other juicer.

Perhaps the top spot for the worst invention in 2017 goes to Juicero. The $400 cold-press juicer is different to other juicers on the market, the internet-connected device will transform a single-serving packet of chopped fruit and vegetables into a beverage. You could be forgiven if you were wondering what really makes the Juicero any different from any other juicer on the market. Well to start with, you’ll have to buy those fruit and vegetables from Juicero too, and you might find that squeezing the packets with your hands is just as effective as using the machine.

Equip yourself with effective learning strategies for a digital world 

The world is evolving very rapidly, our attention spans are much shorter and training sessions have become obsolete. Companies today  are looking into using online courses and searching for the best innovative and efficient methods to train their employees. The main challenge that companies are face today with digital transformation is with the organization and people, not technology.

Learning has become extremely easy and quick, employees now expect learning to be intuitive, pretty much like the intuition you see with those online medium that perform the medium readings. Nowadays, let’s say someone living in Toronto needs to set up Canadian VPN, the first thing he or she does is quickly watch a Youtube tutorial to educate themselves. Employees at work expect the same thing.

A successful learning strategy must keep employees motivated to learn and balancing impact from time spent outside of work. It is imperative that a digital learning strategy adapt a swift pace of change and make the time spent learning business outcome focused.

Traditional classrooms are becoming outdated and many employers are embracing new teaching methods. Most recently, Disney introduced a program, which helps them move away from traditional classrooms. By getting rid of classroom learning, not only it saves time but also content can be accessed whenever it is required or needed.

A lifetime learning experience

Access to data has turned into a ware with a quick pace of progress. The data and information we access or learn can rapidly end up obsolete or out of date. In the meantime, expanding many-sided quality and abundance of information expects us to be more particular in what we choose to realize. It is consequently vital that leaders cultivate a culture of long lasting figuring out how to stay away from out of date quality in their employees.

We know humans never stop learning, most companies are adapting to the mindset of lifelong learning. Most recently, a research conducted by MIT reports that nearly 90% of C suite executives surveyed indicated that they upgrade their skills annually, and half of them said that they need to upgrade their skills constantly to evolve.

Just-in-Time Learning

Having the capacity to provide just-in-time mediations, with an assortment of approaches to use the content is a great way to spread information with the least amount of time invested by the employee.

With the tremendous amounts of data obtainable, not every employee needs to be trained on everything. Be that as it may, rather we need to provide the right information to at the purpose of need.

The development of Augmented Reality technology provides more chances for Just-in-time context sensitive learning beyond the basic applications. There are huge benefits of having AR in a workplace context.

Scenario-based and Active Learning

As humans we learn more efficiently by practicing more action-oriented methods. Active learning is known to be more effective than passive modes such as reading, listening or watching. Organizations can use active learning and scenario-based practices to accomplish higher outcomes from learning endeavours.

Organizations believe that fruitful digital transformation entails a shift in their workforce, including its aptitudes and abilities. While a portion of these capacities can be employed or acquired for the time being, the whole workforce should be empowered via digital education.

Digital Media and Marketing: The Age of Novelties for Success and Sometimes, Failure


The markets of the modern-day world are both profitable and unforgiving for the players involved which has made marketing an extremely important aspect of modern day business and commerce. When customers consider products and services offered by modern day enterprises and companies, they do not only consider the immediate product or service that was serviced to them. Among the other elements of relevance in this given paradigm include the company’s history, reputation, presentation of the product or service and even the company’s website design or social media presence. In such a diversified yet demanding reality of marketing and sales, it is extremely important for companies to be ready for all sorts of customer demands and market challenges to be able to come up with the right product and its total coverage/presentation. Without such readiness and awareness, the global market will surely eliminate weak and unprepared companies and their offerings to make more room for the strong and prepared ones, constituting a great lesson for startups and growing companies alike.

Bud Torcom, the CEO of Mazama Media, reports on the four trends to shake up the world of digital marketing in 2018 for the Forbes magazine. According to Torcom, these trends are “Growth Hacking, Programmatic Marketing, Facebook’s Real-World Tools” and “Voice Control”. The first trend refers to how the modern day companies have developed a strategy to discover the most efficient ways to grow their businesses by experimenting with different product development methods and marketing channels. This way, the product is marketed to a larger audience with more functional and fulfilling bonuses and promotions, which adds value to it. The second trend focuses on programmatic and periodic technologies and applications to be used for long-term marketing procedures that ensure higher returns on investment. The innovation it will bring is so massive that many speculate how “more than 80% of all advertising by 2019” will be programmatic. The third trend refers to how Facebook is seeking to invest into new real-life features and tools to bring its marketing services to the physical world. Among such services is store visits which will enable companies to access Facebook users to promote their stores and products to them when they are nearby. The final trend considers breakthrough technologies such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Home that utilize always-on microphones to provide such services to their users. As marketers will begin to access such microphones and speakers for their own use, they will interfere into such services with advertisements and commercials to inform and hopefully convince their customers about their products and services, in the comfort of their homes.

Arnt Eriksen for the Huffington Post reports on three video marketing trends that will become popular in 2018, which are namely, “stories”, “live-streaming” and “explainer videos”. The first trend was introduced by Snapchat in 2013 which established the company into the realm of superstardom among social media enthusiasts. This function enables social media users, of Snapchat and others currently, to create temporary videos to be watched by friends for up to 24 hours after which the content disappears. This feeling of temporariness and randomness has become a hit among social media users and Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp have all added this function to their systems. The second trend will be important because video input has already become an extremely popular element of social media while online presence and live-streaming are notoriously famous for encouraging engagements from the audience. Therefore, in 2018, more social media outlets will be utilizing video and live-streaming functions to be able to meet the increasing demand but more importantly increase their traffic and therefore profits. The third trend will be important in the sense that explainer videos are very popular among people who investigate about things online because they make the process so much easier than regular research. A good example for such a utilization is BuzzFeed’s “Tasty” series, which has become very popular due to the fact that the episodes give recipes for great food in a very fast paced and comprehensible manner. This way, BuzzFeed stole a lot of viewers from YouTube, where such videos are long and boring which is a great sign of the power embodied by explainer videos.

Daisuke Wakabayashi for the New York Times reports on the relationships between online stars and famous brands to explain how such brands are seeking ways to partner with popular YouTube, Facebook and Instagram users to help them with their marketing campaigns. This market, meaning the viral online video sector, is estimated to reach $10 billion in 2020 with many brands cashing out significant sums of money to be featured in a video of such nature. A great example is when Stephen Curry, the basketball star, was included in Brita’s viral video where Rudy Mancuso and Andrew Bachelor, two popular online musicians, to make music with the basketball star. The video depicted Curry constantly refilling the Brita container with water and Mancuso’s song singing about how Curry helped him live a healthier life by using Brita instead of a regular bottle. The project made thousands of dollars for the musicians and also helped improve the image of Curry in the eyes of the viewers and therefore can be considered as a success story. However, there are also cases where popular online personalities have been faced with accusations and criticism due to their behavior such as Felix Kjellberg, or PewDiePie on YouTube, who was criticized by his anti-semitic remarks and actually lost sponsorships, such as his deal with Nissan, as a result. Another famous YouTube figure, Logan Paul, was actually dropped off the online platform after he posted “a video of a dead body hanging from a tree in a Japanese forest known for suicides” because it commemorated ugly and painful memories for many Japanese viewers of YouTube. Therefore, the power and authority granted to such famous individuals by digital media needs to be understood well before posting content online as extreme views or misunderstandings might  result in total loss of popularity and therefore income.

Trawling tech trends in the marine world

Technology has disrupted almost every industry in the world and the shipping and boats industry is no different. Innovations have always been a part of this industry, all aiming for faster, safer and recreational designs.

A rise in trade and commerce  has led to an increase in demand for larger ships and containers. There has been a surge in the number of cruise ships being manufactured too. This in turn has fueled a demand for better run, fuel efficient and safer technology for maritime vessels. Also technological advancements have propelled the industry to move toward better experiences both at the docks and in the waters. Furthermore, stringent emission rules and environment factors are forcing the shipping industry to adopt smarter and efficient technologies to stay competitive.

Anyone in the maritime business needs to watch out for these trends to stay ahead in the business:

Sustainable fuels

With stringent emission norms, most ships and boats are turning to LNG (liquified natural gas) or hybrid fuel models ( diesel cum electric or battery pack models).

Smart marine ecosystems

The need of the hour is for port operations to become more integrated. Tugs at the quayside can better track the arrivals and departures of ships with tracking systems. This means that tugs and ship movements along the port will be better managed and optimised according to the facilities and conditions available.

Digital dashboarding

In the shipping business  maneuvering has gone digital with all controls connected through a touchscreen. This makes boat maintenance easier compared to manual mechanics.

Auto piloting

As with automobiles, auto piloted boats and ships are not far off. In China, a logistics firm has already gone into autonomous shipping development for the state. Autonomous shipping technology will soon cross over to civilian use.

Augmented Reality

AR can deliver  all kinds of information on ship bridges, and on smaller boats and tugs it can relay positional data and help in maneuvering and related activities and even warn of situational hazards. It can be also used as a training module by simulating real life events. It can be used to monitor operations and give viable solutions for difficult steerings. According to an executive of an AR development firm “The realm of augmented tools take us in new directions and open more doors to give operators advantages over real life. For example, AR tools could indicate stresses on lifting and mooring lines.”

Internet of Things (IoT)

Smart connectivity through sensors has become a way of life for maintenance. Sensors can be used for tracking and keeping an eye on the wear and tear of machineries. Parameters can be constantly measured and collected data can be sent to a central analytical unit for inputs on machine performance and maintenance updates. Such data analysis can lead to optimal utilization of resources and reduce costs (fuel and machine use), Tug and stowing operators can use the tech to track assets and improve operations on all waterways.

Technological trends in the home service industry

The world is becoming busier and more complex with each passing day. Time poverty is becoming a pressing reality as people worldwide struggle to meet professional commitments and household demands. Home service providers come in handy in such as scenario. The first Yellow Pages directory was created in the year 1886 and served as a platform to find a contractor for over a century. The home services industry includes many verticals, ranging from plumbing and lawn care to painting, cleaning and pest control companies that identify and treat infestations by bed bugs, cockroaches, ants and rodents, and even non-traditional tasks such as dog walking.

The quantum jump in demand for services, onset of technological age and arrival of the gig economy have led to the entry of giant conglomerates such as Google and Amazon into the home business services fray. Amazon Home Services (AHS) is a one-stop shop that connects consumers with certified contractors, thereby revolutionizing the interactions between customers and contractors. Companies such as Angie’s List have also rolled out home services marketplaces. The expectations set by the likes of Uber for on-demand services are permeating all aspects of life. And thanks to Amazon’s service standards of delivering a package on the same day or within 24 hours, next-day service has become the new norm in the home service business space.

Building a Home Services Business

Customer relationship management (CRM) tools are a great means of making business easy and convenient. They allow the business owners to analyze customer needs, track client feedback and have access daily reports in real time. Online is the way to go for businesses in this digital age; it has never been easier to list a business online, thanks to sites such as Angie’s List and Yelp. Listing the name, address and contact details on multiple directory sites would increase the visibility of a business online.

The Future

Home services are in for a major overhaul and voice recognition technology will be a huge trend, going forward. People are already getting rid of keyboard and search bars, and instead enlisting the services of virtual assistants such as the AI-enabled Amazon and Google Home to find home service providers in their area.

Aggregators are also emerging as big threats to conventional home service providers. Taskrabbit and Amazon are consolidating the service providers in a given area and letting the customer make the final choice, instead of offering direct services.

Artificial intelligence is also set to make a mark on the workings of home services. Job estimates have been a manual process till date. AI-assisted visualization technologies will soon make it possible to take a photo of the task requirements, measure every detail and receive an instant quote in a single click.

Home services are undergoing a transformation due to developments in the technological arena. The success of home services companies will depend on their ability to adapt and integrate emerging technologies. And these companies will, in turn, give a new life to society at large.

From secluded island to an industry of tourism – Bali

One of the thousands of islands that make up Indonesia, Bali is an island paradise. The hidden magic of Indonesia’s most popular tourist destination knows no bounds, and it all begins with the Pacific Ocean’s waves lapping against the sands of the island’s beaches. The beaches that first drew tourists to Bali are some of the most beautiful in the world, boasting incredible sea life and world-class snorkelling and diving in the island’s surrounding waters. There is something for every kind of tourist here. Despite being what Bali is most renowned for, the magic does not just stop at the beaches – it is all over the island, sprinkled through the mountainsides, the rainforests, the waterfalls, the temples, the rice fields…even the very streets.

Step off the beach, and visitors find themselves in the organised chaos of Balinese streets, surrounded by the locals and the smells of the street food. With volcanic mountain ranges, lush rainforests of emerald green, rice fields of pristine lime green, and towering waterfalls forged from sheer drops and towering cliff sides, Bali somehow manages to be home to all the natural tourist attractions that people usually must travel to multiple destinations to tick off their bucket lists. Hailed as a tropical paradise, Bali is a natural wonder in and of itself. The rainforests seem to be intricately woven around the many temples that stand around the island. Not only are the temples tokens of Bali’s rich culture and history, but they seem to withstand the very test of time, simultaneously having the traditional style of most Balinese temples and the ability to stand out as highlights of the Balinese culture.

The culture of Bali’s people is rich, with most of them being of Hindu faith (hence the island’s many temples). Visitors to Bali can experience the culture not only in learning the language before visiting, but in the food and history of the island. Cooking classes are an exciting way to literally immerse yourself in the tastes and textures that define Balinese cuisine, and are one of the most popular activities. One of the best ways to immerse oneself in another’s culture is to learn to cook that culture’s cuisine, and Bali has some of the most delicious food in the world.

The best way to make use of one’s time in Bali generally depends on the individual, but everyone can agree that the villa resorts that pepper the island are regarded as some of the world’s most beautiful and unforgettable luxury hotels not just in Indonesia, but on the planet. Highly recommended for those looking for a romantic getaway, visitors experience the natural beauty of Bali in its purest form from the comfort of their private infinity pools.

From the natural wonders and the tourist attractions, to the transportation and accommodation available, there is no shortage of adventure, luxury, and magic on Indonesia’s most popular tourist destination. Whether an adventurous free spirit or an easy goer in search of relaxation and pampering, Bali has it all.

The benefits of increased web traffic

Traffic is one of those things needed for any website and or article to thrive and grow. Every website owner and web builder knows this. Traffic is like the lifeblood of online destinations and content. Without traffic, websites and online content get buried and forgotten. Often times not though, the biggest question is how to continuously build traffic that increases over time, like replenishing blood cells in the body, as opposed to seeing a lot of traffic and watch it falter, like a clogged passageway or artery failing and causing serious problems.

The following 3 tips that can be used to help traffic increase over time:

  1. Focus on targeted traffic: This step requires you, the site owner, to understand what your customer or reader is looking for. This is obtained through the use of statistics, or Analytics, as it is often called. You then tailor your content around those words detected by Analytics that led them to you via search. There are many tools that are widely available, be it paid and or free, that help you get the correct words that are being searched.  This traffic can also be brought to your articles or products from targeted paid ads at locations such as on Facebook or Instagram as well. Your ads will tell the person seeking your items or services or just the information you are producing, and a link to that content is there for them to follow.
  2. Focus on targeted content: You can have your articles about your service, or any other content for that matter, featured in social media sites, news sites, question and answer sites, and more. It does take time searching for the right fit for your content, but it is not an impossible task. Again, making sure what you put up matches to what others are looking for makes this a good way to increase traffic over time.
  3. Paid Advertising links: When people think of paid advertising links, usually the first network that comes to mind is Google Adwords. Google Adwords have been around for a long time, and other alternative networks have come and gone as well. What makes these networks a positive traffic increase technique, is that you pay Google to use their own algorithm to create and or show your visitors targeted ads based on whatever you tell it to show, reducing the amount of logistics required on the website owner or builder’s end.

Many times, making money does indeed involve a risk of investing your money to get results; You may get some or you may not. A note to remember, is that there is always a margin of error. By fine tuning your traffic to what customers and readers want, you can see an increase in traffic that is continuous, and you can reduce your margin of error from slightly to considerately, and boost your profits as a result. Making sure you keep your ads geared to what your visitors want is highly advantageous as well.

Ultimately, it boils down to what you are most comfortable with. Boosting traffic is like a blood transfusion; Use the right blood type, and make sure you have a continuous but steady flow. You cannot have it too fast or too slow, otherwise the benefits are null.

Digital Media and Marketing in the Globalizing World

        As the world gets more globalized, the boundaries not only between countries and states disappear or weaken but also the distinctions between different fields of life also diminish. As business becomes more intertwined with media, marketing becomes more involved in politics and as a result, a company operating in the Far East might carry out operations to influence political views of citizens of a South American society. Social media has become such a powerful tool and apparatus in this paradigm that its applications into such fields of life has gained immense utility and worth for millions of individual and corporate users. Social media marketing, for example, has made it possible for businesses – big and small – to reach a larger audience and find greater success. Likewise, the impact of social media on global politics have brought Facebook to trial in the US courts. Therefore, digital media and marketing have become significantly important aspects of our everyday lives today which means further investigation is necessary to fully comprehend the future of the interactions between human societies and the digital world.

        Saher Ghattas, the Chief Revenue Officer for Flawless Inbound, writes for Forbes Magazine to report his views on the future of digital marketing to begin his  ideas by stating that there is an element of disruption in the world of digital marketing. To overcome such distribution, the author states that his company created digital marketing frameworks to be visited every year or two years to remember crucial details regarding these periods of disruption for the marketers, companies and customers. So far, the global market has undergone three different frameworks of such nature beginning with the year 2000, and in the fourth one will include More Integrated Global Marketing”, “A Cohesive Marketing Technology Stack”, “Evolving Marketing Roles”, “Omnichannel Marketing Strategy” and “A Focus On Account-Based Marketing (B2B)”. The first element refers to how inbound and outbound marketing procedures should be combined meaning that different internet technologies such as e-mail and websites should be utilized in conjunction with one another. The second element refers to the establishment of an advanced technological infrastructure for marketing processes which means that the marketers and their companies will have to construct “stacks” of such technologies. The third element refers to the development and application of new marketing roles to expand the duties and capabilities of CMOs. The fourth element is about the inclusion of processes such as deep analytics and data mining to be combined with the existent AI and machine learning infrastructure to create further value for your brand. The last element refers to how B2B organizations need to rely on account-based sales operations to survive in the jungle of global business and the capability to adapt to this norm will determine the winners and losers of this sector beginning with the year 2017. The list provided by Ghattas is utile in the sense that it shows how marketing strategy and methodology need to be closely intertwined with one another in the modern age to ensure success and profits for the marketers and companies alike.

        Mark Smith for BBC News reports on new technologies being utilized by British companies, namely the tech start-up “Lightvert”, whose team of marketers has recently bombarded the visions and minds of Londoners with a giant image of the famous Rolling Stones logo suspended in mid-air that lasted for a fraction of a second. This new technology is called Echo which employs a tiny strip of reflective material placed on the side of a building while a high-powered projector place above or below the strip sends off light beams directly into the eyes of passersby. The momentary nature of the produced vision leaves the viewer in a state of constant remembrance because the subconscious mind does not forget what it sees quickly or easily. Daniel Siden, Lightvert’s CEO, states that the reception of the Echo technology has been great so far and that more people are becoming curious to witness an application of it because it is unusual and non-traditional. Siden believes that this technology is a great opportunity for Landlords to “turn their buildings into revenue-generating digital billboards that are huge, yet physically unobtrusive,” which he believes will be a great innovation for digital media and marketing. Smith, the author, also refers to a similar campaign that took place in Moscow, Russia where the luxurious automobile company Jaguar utilized the technology to display its new SUV model to drivers who were driving different SUVs. The system utilized a machine-learning camera to recognize the type of the driver’s vehicle to flash the advertisement directly into their eyes. The presentation also changed in accordance with weather conditions to make it more appealing to the eye. In both cases, the publics were very pleased and the intellect behind these marketing campaigns gained both companies significant respect in the eyes of the customers.   

        Gabriel Snyder for Wired magazine reports on the famous newspaper, The New York Times as a great example of a company that has managed to convert its operations into a digital format so far with reasonable success, thanks to its infringements with other digital media companies in New York City. The newspaper has a history of 165 years but recently put its crew of employees, including hundreds of professional journalists, designers, communication specialists etc., to work on this gigantic transformation project. The idea is to preserve the quality of the newspaper’s journalism while ensuring a more secure and profitable future for the company. In order to accomplish this, the newspaper intends to focus on its digital subscriptions to extend its subscriber and reporter networks to become a fully integrated global news agency. Following the strategies employed by companies such as Netflix, Spotify and HBO, The New York Times seeks to invest heavily into its core journalism related offerings while also expanding its other services to add more features to the online experience it offers to its visitors. This way, the administration for the newspaper wishes to eradicate the barriers of nations, countries and languages to be able to reach out to a global community of individuals interested in learning by reading high quality journalism. This way, the company seeks to increase its subscription fees as well, to make more profits, because as the quality of NY Times services will increase, it will become possible to charge extra for new services or improved versions of already existent ones. This way, the newspaper wishes to transform into an online system with more to offer and less to fear, in the name of resisting against the growing demands of the new age of capitalism in America to continue its century old existence.