Mental Health Correspondents News

Are study drugs worth it?

Study drugs like Adderall and Ritalin are becoming increasingly popular on campus. Chances are you know someone without a prescription who takes these regularly during exam season. In fact, studies show that between 5 to 35 percent of college students without ADHD have taken these stimulants.

But does it really help?

According to Professor Lisa Weyandt of University of Rhode Island Psychology, these stimulants may increase students’ ability to focus, but it won’t improve the quality of their work and raise their grades. In fact, they can cause students to fixate on only one aspect of the assignment or essay (have you ever obsessed over the font of your notes for hours?) and actually decrease the quality of their overall work.

Even more concerning is the fact that these drugs can cause side effects like tachycardia (increased heart rate), high blood pressure, decrease in appetite, possible psychological dependence, and difficult sleeping. People may take study drugs without knowing if they are at risk of heart problems, because they were not prescribed by a doctor.

Another major issue with study drugs is psychological dependence. In other words, students who consistently take these may begin to think they need them to study properly, and will think they are incapable of studying without them.

Taking these factors into consideration, it may not be worth spending money on study drugs. Students who believe they require these stimulants to study proficiently should at least determine whether their need warrants a prescription. Otherwise, the risks likely outweigh the benefits. Adjusting your studying environment, getting sufficient sleep, and using different study methods like the Pomodoro Technique (25 minute studying intervals with 5 minute breaks in between) are more reliable ways to improve focus while studying.


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