Educational Mental Health Correspondents News

The Debate on Mental Health vs. Addiction

Mental health and addiction have a shaky relationship in Canada. The concern that is raised by mental health writers and professionals is that Canadian institutions treat mental health and addiction on an equal plane. Herein lies the problem, to what extent should Canadian mental health associations use their resources to help addictions? Some call for […]

Mental Health Correspondents News

Mindfulness App!

Mindfulness is a contemporary model of psychotherapy that focuses on assisting an individual in the cultivation of a non-judgemental state of acceptance regarding each of their thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness employs treatment modalities such as meditation and breathing exercises and studies have shown encouraging results supporting its ability to increase the psychological well being of individuals […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents News

Positive Effects of Exercise

By this point in your life you probably have already heard that exercise helps fight depression and keeps you healthy both mentally and physically. It is well documented that exercise releases chemicals in your brain that help your mood, boosts self esteem, and helps with sleep cycles as well. Not only does exercise decrease the […]

Mental Health Correspondents News

The Power of Choice

All too often, during the more challenging moments in our lives, we may find ourselves succumbing to self doubt resulting in the experience of unnecessary stress and anxiety. The most important thing we can ever hope to understand is that happiness, confidence, and success are largely the result of the choices we make. This is […]

Educational Mental Health Correspondents News

Depression – Problem or Adaptation?

After millions of years of evolution, one would think that our brains would have evolved to become resistant to malfunctions like mental disorders. Why then, is depression still so common? According to authors of an article published in the Psychological Review, depression may be an adaptation rather than a disorder. This daring proposal came from […]

Mental Health Correspondents News

Positive Psychology

A former president of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Martin Seligman is well known for his work within the field of positive psychology. As opposed to other areas of practice within psychology that are known to place more of a specific focus on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders, positive psychology seeks to identify and enhance […]

Events Mental Health Correspondents News

MHAC’s Puppy Therapy

On Wednesday November 19th, MHAC and SUS hosted their puppy therapy session in the lobby of the Abul Ladha building. The event was highly successful with over 150 students coming out to de-stress for 15 minutes by playing with dogs. In attendance this year we had a pomeranian, shih-tzu, golden retriever, Australian shepherd, two chocolate labs, […]

Mental Health Correspondents News

Dealing With Depression From the Comfort of Your Own Home

With the ever growing population of individuals facing mental health challenges like depression, the number of clinicians is found to be one of the bottleneck factors in the road to recovery. In addition, many individuals may not feel comfortable enough to seek face-to-face help. Perhaps this new online module developed in Ireland may be the […]

Mental Health Correspondents News

Stockholm’s New Therapeutic Cabs

Mental illness has fortified itself as a major concern around the world, this is primarily due to the amount of people who suffer from mental illness but go undiagnosed. The undiagnosed end up having to suffer the symptoms of their illness until the day that their condition is recognized and dealt with. This is where […]

Mental Health Correspondents News

The Practice of Positive Thinking

A little while ago, I woke up feeling pretty miserable.I had a terrible cold, it was raining, I was behind on my assignments, there were bills to pay etc. etc. I’m not proud to admit this, but I was feeling pretty low and wondering if there was really anything left to keep me happy, motivated, and […]

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